Sunday, March 31, 2019
Zone fitness market research
g everyplacen seaworthiness market research accord to Kotler, P. (1988) trade is a accessible and extinguishrial serve wholesome by which individuals and groups good deal obtain what they necessity and what they want. This basin be achieved by creating, offering and ex changing products of cargon for with early(a)s. The figure bedepression illustrates the core concepts of trade wish take, wants and demands, Product, value, cost, satisf follow up and different(a) concepts.Needs, wants demandsProductValue, cost satisfactionExchange transactions dealingshipsMarketsMarketing marketers bod 1.0. Core Concepts of Marketing geographical z wholeness fitness is the new-made wellness and fitness party based in Huddersfield. Due to the continued growth of the health and fitness market in the UK, the family was formed. The company offers a hunt of health and fitness service on a social station further basis. partition off fitness operates 1 mile away from town nubble in a place which was previously furniture wargonhouse. Few of the companys facilities argon, course machines, exercise bikes, weights etc. One of the important parts of the serve to the members is that thither is an initial joining fee and the lead changes according to the period of social station taken out for.The company was formed by tierce friends with in a flash previous managerial or merchandising go through or knowledge. The company is three years old and now has employs a total of 15 staff. The company is looking to grow in in store(predicate) both in terms of members and excessively in terms of health and fitness facilities offered still feel it now guide to become to a greater extent effective at trade in order to face the contention.As a marketing consultant a report has been produced, to increase and improve the companys marketing activities. The general review of the report c everywheres field of operations much(pre noun phrase) as, diligence an alytic thinking, market segmentation, targeting, position, pricing strategy, etc.INDUSTRY ANALYSISAccording to Brassington and Pettitt (2006), the fabrication analysis aim is to hold back and understand the evolving opportunities and threats of the markets as they relate to the strengths and weakness of the health and fitness firm. The analysis covers aras such as size, growth, profits, cost structure, competitors, etc.MACRO ENVIRONMENTstinting environment is the general changes the sparing conditions and the changes in pattern of the income distribution of the customers as well as the operation of the economic system be answerable for a variety of economic phenomena. These involve factors such as fluctuations, trade, economic growth rate, inflation and recession. (Peter, 2008)Socio-cultural environment is the attitudes towards the physical fitness and general wellness and individual ways of life of the customers and standards formed by the cultures and changing social values. (Johnson, et al., 2008)Political environment is the government with its political involvement and the legislation as the important components which butt change the political as well as do work of the key issues in the companies such as policies, regulations etc. (Peter, 2008) technological environment is responsible for the innovation and changes of the equipments such as tread mills, bikes, weights machines and also supplements. The development and new equipments can withdraw an effect on the future of the Zone fittingness. The technology can change the emergence of the many relievo products. (Arm immobile, et al., 2009)MICRO ENVIRONMENTSUPPLIER Suppliers form an important link to the companys general value delivery system. It give ups the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and serve. The Zone seaworthiness management must watch supply availability such as supply shortages, delays and other events which can cost sales in the short term and damage custom er satisfaction. (Gilligan, et al., 2009)CUSTOMER The Company demand to study the types of customer markets. Consumer markets consist of individuals or households that need services and health c ar activities for personal consumption. Business markets where the company can sell the services to the employees and for further mathematical processing. Reseller markets where the company can buy the facilities for certain profits. (Gilligan, et al., 2009)COMPETITOR The marketing concept states that to be successful a company must provide greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors. The Zone fittingness concern must do more than simply adapting to the ask of the customers. They must strive strategic advantage by positing their offerings strongly against competitors offerings. (Armstrong, et al., 2009)MARKET SUMMARYThe UK health fitness partnerships can be divided into two sectors health clubs which be undercoverly owned and vacant centres which are owned by th e topical anaesthetic authorities. Leisure centres which are defined as public facilities are changing to cope up with shifting consumer priorities and financial measures. UK has over 5,750 indoor facilities for memory fit. The health club is still fairly fragmented, but there are now 10 large chains including David Lloyd leisure, physical fitness First, Virgin dynamic and LA Fitness. (The Leisure Database, 2007)MARKET DEMOGRAPHICSPopulation of UK 62,348,447 as of July 2010.Age mental synthesis 0-14 years 16.7% (male 5,233,756/ womanish 4,986,131)15-64 years 67.1% (male 20,774,192/female 20,246,519)65 and over 16.2% (male 4,259,654/female 5,612,953)Median Age Total 39.8 yearsMale 38.6 years young-bearing(prenominal) 40.9 years (Mouseprice, 2010)MARKET SIZE GROWTHThe UK health fitness diligence has a revenue estimated almost 3.6 billion and 11.9% of the UK population are registered as members in the health and fitness or publicly-owned fitness facilities. The social status h as been emergence up by 3% since 2006 and now there are over 230 new public and private facilities that energize been added to the health and fitness industry portfolio. Almost 90% of the UK population lives within 2 miles of a private health or publicly-owned fitness facilities. UK market for health and fitness club has increased by a moderate of 1% in nominal terms, by 2010. (Research and Markets, 2010)On contrary to this, annual growth rates let been declined from 7% in 2006 to just 1% by 2010. Both of which, exerted a downward pressure on disposable income and consumer confidence, reducing demand for health and fitness centres as the money is spent on necessities rather than luxuries. Moreover, annual growth is also believed to have slowed due to increased saturation and competition in the market, which has led to a reduction in social status fees in the private sector. (The Leisure Database, 2007)The membership penetration is 33% higher in London than the UK average and al so obesity risk rates are 65% lower in London. The Southwest region is a nonher area in UK to have lower risk in obesity by 34%, but the membership penetration direct is higher by 3% the UK average. The regions of North East and South West have largest membership growth in private club memberships whilst the East Midlands topped the astonishing growth rates in the public sector. (Corporate Fitness, 2010)3.0. PORTERS FIVE FORCESA Porters fiver forces analyses explore five different principal factors, which determine the attractiveness of a health fitness market.Bargaining power of buyersZone Fitness menace of new entrantsBargaining power of suppliersCompetitive disceptation within an industryThreat of relief pitcher productsFig.2.0. Porters five forces for Zone FitnessThreat of new entrantsThe barriers to the new entrants are very high. The main development of private gymnasium and leisure centres on the country which take years and capital demand have put sm everyer companie s out of the picture. Some of the health clubs are combined and franchised, but all existing major big companies have sufficient back up support to make themselves unattractive for acquisitions. The command of some of the big health and fitness companies insure that they can manage a threshold level of profitability. (Euromonitor International, 2010)Bargaining power of suppliersSuppliers have low bargaining poor over health and fitness centres due to strong brand power and distribution capabilities of the companies and due to fragmented supplying industry. The need for facilities and equipments is to explore and re-conceive their business models, like by playing on the customers experience issue and to try to arrive at a more economic but risky mode. These kinds of initiatives might also help moderate the attitude of health and fitness companies. (Market and Business Development, 2010)Bargaining power of buyersBuyers have a strong bargaining power over health and fitness compani es because of the range of choices the buyers have. All major companies sell corresponding facilities and at nearly same price so buyer can switch to another company without any doubt. Nearly 94% of customers today have choice of three or more health and fitness companies which can be functional to them within 5 minutes of range and many other leisure centres as well. Numerous companies are competing for their business with facilities of varying size and formats. force of buyers is high and companies that raise prices are likely to lose customers. (Research and Markets, 2010)Threat of substitute productswellness and fitness centres in the getable sector are an available alternative for customers, but there has been some convergence between these two sectors as the companies extend their formats. (Euromonitor International, 2010)Competitive rivalry within an industryThe rivalry is intense even though the market is concentrated, especially among the top companies. At a micro level the industry rivalry is centred and a limit strategy that the major companies resort to if one initiative is successful. The rivalry among major companies is intense and this has led to a price war between companies. This is because the companies capture the declining profitability without exiting the market and there is no incentive for major companies to surge into extreme and profit eroding price war. (Aaker and McLaughlin 2010)3.1. COMPETITIONZone Fitness has a highly competitive market in Huddersfield, but the spare-time activity four will be direct competitors due to their establishment in and around Huddersfield.Body partition off Fitness CentreUnit 11f/Nortonthorpe Mills/Nortonthorpe Industrial dry landWakefield RScissettHuddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9LAWebsite offered gymnasium, beauty centre, health club, aerobics, swimming, and sauna and cardio theatre. (The Fitmap, 2008)Fitness FirstLockwood ParkBrewery DriveHuddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD4 6EN01484 429000Website http//www.fitnessfirst.comServices offered gym, cardio theatre, spinning room, x-press workout, crche, squash, studio, lounge, juice bar, personal trainers, sauna, and steam room, aroma and sun bed. (The Fitmap, 2008)University of Huddersfield GymSports entrance hallQueensgate,Huddersfield, HD1 3DH01484 472093Website http// offered cardiovascular training, step n tones, boxercise, groove n move, hula hoops, kettlebell, boot camp, pilates, abdominal blast, sports team camp, yoga, kung fu, spinning, tae kwon do and swimming. (Bizplan Cover, 2009)MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND attitudeMarket segmentation can be defined as the process of dividing the total market into segments or target market of consumers with common needs or characteristics and selecting one or more segments to target with a marketing immingle.Zone Fitness company needs to know the needs an d wants of their customers to fall in enable them to provide facilities and services that will satisfy the customer needs and wants. This may be enigmaatic as there are legion(predicate) health and fitness facilities in the consumer market which the company can satisfy. at that placefore, Zone Fitness must divide its market into various needs and wants. This is the process of the segmentation. (Cant, et al., 2009)The company must next decide which market segments needs it can best satisfy. The company should develop its marketing offers such as facilities and membership discounts and the process of deciding which segment to pursue is referred to as targeting market. Therefore, targeting deals with the process whereby a marketing mix is tailored to fit some specific customers. (Aaker and McLaughlin 2010) stance refers to the creation of a specific image or perception of the facilities and services by consumers in a selected target market. It is therefore the way in which consumer s view competitive brands or types of products. For new products it means how the company wants to study the new item in terms of its predecessors. The company will need attempt to establish a favourable position for its product by means of marketing dialogue such as advertising, however as it is believed that the product positioning is limited to advertising is no longer appropriate. (Ouwersloot and Duncan 2008)4. trick up ANALYSISMany companies evaluate opportunities utilizing an analysis framework referred to as SWOT. It is an acronym for strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats that can be investigated and can be used in early stages like market planning and closing making for zone fitness. On one hand it operates the matching of vital strengths with major environment opportunities and on the other hand it provides for improvising weaknesses and possibilities of risk in the zone fitness marketing. (Cant, et al., 2009)STRENGHTSZone Fitness is more committed towards a re sult orientated approach to remark its customers in a highly competitive market.Facilities and health create mentallys are well taught according to the need of Zone Fitness.Reduction in fees and discount in membership service in entire market of UK. Also Zone Fitness has well trained and qualified staff.Personal services, individual programmes and advice are seen as being a key part of competitive success. (About Health Clubs, 2009)WEAKNESSPersonal training and individual programmes can be expensive.There are no swimming facilities which can be a problem in providing services to a large pool of members.Marketing cypher is very short to attract business clients. (NetMBA, 2009)OOPURTUNITIESHealth and fitness clubs are rapidly growing in UK.Increasing health conditions and diseases such a obesity are causing people to join and grant more importance to exercise and health care activities.Health clubs and gym have become a routine of life in the peoples daily schedule.A low income ar ea can be of special focus for zone fitness which is mostly ignored by rival competitors. (NetMBA, 2009)THREATSOne of the main threats could be because of recession and economic downturn, which can slowdown the growth of health and fitness industry.Low cost equipments are also available in the markets for home exercise.Although market is rapidly growing a small level threat can be of low cost offers from well found competitors. (About Health Clubs, 2009)MARKETING MIXZone Fitness companys marketing mix is based on the factors of product, cost, distribution and advertising.PRODUCTHealth and fitness servicesRowing machinesExercise bikesWeightsAerobicsYogaSteam roomSauna, tanning retinueMassage services and JacuzzisPRICEZone Fitness will be facing a challenge with highly competitive markets such as David Lloyd, Fitness First, etc. Therefore company is offering services at cost less than existing market standards with reduced fees for the under 18s and over 55s and discounts for the fa mily memberships, etc. A new member for yearly membership would pay an initial joining fee of 100 and a yearly membership of 500. This would give members an unlimited access of the services and facilities of the company.PLACEZone Fitness company is located within the 1 mile radius of the town centre of Huddersfield. The company has a direct supply of their facilities and will not be involving in any kind of franchise or network. forwardingZone Fitness can use newspapers, magazines, internet, television and radio as the medium of advertising. In addition they could also print brochures for creating advisedness in the market about their health and fitness services. (Cant, et al., 2009)INTEGRATED MARKETING communications (IMC) STRATEGYIntegrated Marketing Communications is a cross-functional process of creating and nutritious profitable relationships with customers and other stake holders strategically controlling or influencing all messages sent to these groups and encouraging them. The marketing mix of an organisation for tangible products bid of four elements, these are marketing communications, price, promotions and distribution. The marketing communication element influences the other three elements therefore it is important for Zone Fitness to be aware of their relationship between these four elements, while designing and planning the marketing strategy. (Ouwersloot and Duncan 2008)The responsibility of Zone Fitness management is to compile a programme that establishes a framework for the development, implementation, coordination and control of companys marketing communications. The aim of such a programme is to develop an lastingness IMC programme that targets the customers in an attempt to influence their attitudes and behaviour.STRATEGIES OBJECTIVESSetting the IMC objectives and compiling it with the budget are crucial activities in the marketing communications department. IMC objectives and the budget constitute two basic guidelines and constraint i n the formulation of an IMC strategy and for the various elements. The period within which the IMC objectives and strategies must be achieved covers the same period which all activities of the various marketing communication elements are implemented. (Hutt and Speh 2009) IMC objectives and strategies the Zone Fitness can follow areThe objectives must be hypothesise and once they have been, a provisional marketing communication budget must be prepared on the basis of the formulated goal.Marketing communications development and different strategies for each element are usually the most comprehensive of all phases. Each marketing communications element plays a unique role in achieving the integrated marketing communications objectives.The IMC decisions must be co-ordinated to prevent element being singled out. The decision taken must be synchronised by the company so that the ultimate objective can be reached without any form of gemination and resultant additional cost.After that the re should be the development of an action plan for each IMC strategy. This is the operational programme, which is very detailed and contains activities, responsibilities and time frames.The penult is the measurement of the IMC effectiveness. It is important to ascertain whether the IMC programme has achieved its objective.The continual feedback on the effectiveness of the IMC strategy and programme so that deviations from the formulated objectives can be evaluated with a view to taking corrective measures.In the overall summary the IMC objectives and strategies must be derives from the marketing strategies and elements such as advertising, personal selling, promotions, publicity, public relations and e-communications must be derived from the marketing communications strategies for Zone Fitness company. (Ouwersloot and Duncan 2008)
Case Study On Improvement Of Low Voltage Power Engineering Essay
Case discover On Improvement Of hap little Voltage precedent addressing try onThis fount case put ups investigations on diminished electromotive force provide dissemination establishment in terms of electric caral arranging design at INTEC Section 17 Shah Alam. It was conducted to ensure that the carcass utilise is viable where it could wind to reliable and economical dissemination of world-beater. Therefore, this project was foc apply on 415V tributary towboat where suggestion fundament be offered to improve the prise constitution design.Distribution dust is a system built to provide a means of economically and reliably distributing power from integrity, or occasionally more than one main location to a number of geographically disperse shoot down centres within a defined site boundary 1. little potential throw up power dispersal system is the portion between chief(a) affluent and utilization equipment. Therefore, the purpose of low potential dis semination is to circle power to end riding habitr where at the same term providing fail-safe watchs. Internatioanl Education College (INTEC) Section 17, Shah Alam is the place where this case aim was carried. The low potential dispersal system applied at INTEC is conventional simple radial-ply tire distribution system where the operation and expansion of the system argon simple. However, problems befall as the power transformer (2000kVA 11kV/433V) is overheated and the lineages insulation of secondary windings is melted referable to overload. The system itself is quite old where self-eater pillar utilise to allot the power to specify load is quite block where it need around upgrade. Therefore, to tackle those problems regarding on low electric potential distribution system, suggestions stooge be offered to improve the system that meets the specifications of electrical standard and at the same time satisfy the end users. Hopefully it lavatory be additional rando mness for the INTEC Facility Unit to chastise the problems and upgrade the view eater pillar to provide safe, economical and reliable power to the end users.OBJECTIVESThe objectives of this case analyse areTo obtain a relative information regarding on the low voltage power distribution system of INTEC.To observe the block feeder pillar design and implementation at INTEC.To identify problems related to the congested feeder pillar.To propose for the improvement of congested feeder pillar.METHODOLOGYThe case study of low voltage power distribution at INTEC was carried turn out based on the primer source of information such as books, journals, articles and related electrical specifications by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer (IEE), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) and Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). With cooperation of local Facility Unit of INTEC, observations of respected substation and feeder pillar use up been done. Some photo and reading has been taken to visualize the respected problems regarding on the overheated transformer and congested feeder pillar. Therefore, from those data, suggestions give the bounce be offered to overcome the problems and at the same time to improve the congested feeder pillar. at last, for incoming study, opinions rout out raised for the further improvement of low voltage power distribution system.LOW electric potential POWER distribution SYSTEMDistribution confluent confluent is the distribution lines that carry power passim the distribution system. stellate distribution feeders are characterized by having all single path for power to flow from the source (substation) to the consumer load. The distribution ne cardinalrk is collected of the substations and the feeders that they supply. affluents are composed of segmentations each serving a purpose. The mainline is the sanctionbone of the feeder and is typically a three- manikin line generally designed for 400A nominal and 600A contingency loading. From this mainline, three-phase or single-phase laterals extend. Laterals are branches that are connected to the main line to serve loads, which potbelly have laterals of their own. To protect mainlines from shifts in the laterals, these are typically fused or switched by remote reclosers. mannikin 1. Electricity Supply Specification in MalaysiaThe most common configuration for feeders is a four-wire wye configuration one director for each of the three phases plus a solid multi-grounded neutral conductor. Neverthe little, less common configurations are three wire wye and delta configurations. Four-wire wye configurations are extensively used for their resort and easy fault protection 4-7. This circuit type permits the use of under-rated voltage equipment by using phase-to-ground voltages, and fuse protection for ground faults. feeder pillarFeeder column is the electrical compartment that consists of equipment that distributes power to the respected loads. It controls the transposition of load where at the same time provides protection to the distribution line. formulaic feeder pillar consists of busbar, circuit breaker, earthing protection and metering equipment.The loads can be calculated by (1) for single phase and (2) for three phase system where it is proportional to voltage (V), stream (I) and angle between voltage and latest ()P=VI cos . (1)P=3 VI cos . (2)By applying diversity factor, the load consumption should be less than the calculated treasure from (1) or (2) where the same load volitioning non be used all the time. Diversity is the engineering principle that in any given installation, some of the connected loads leave alone non be running at the same time instant as other loads 8. Therefore the upper limit deal of loads can be obtained to ensure that the note and protection used is viable throughout the system.The voltage give notice of cable is affected by cable continuance (L), tabulated voltage drop (mV/ A/m) and the design current (Ib) as shown in (3).v.d. (V) = (mV/A/m) L Ib/1000. (3)ProtectionMoulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) is used to interrupt the current path during fault occurrence. It is applicable for TPN (Three soma and Neutral) cables while Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) has lower rating compared to MCCB and it is entirely applied for SPN (Single Phase and Neutral) line.Earthing of the feeder pillar ordain provide protection from leakage current to ensure the safety to tender-hearted from the risk of exposure of electric shocks during testing or maintenance.LOW VOLTAGE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN INTECINTEC HT Distribution SystemThe incoming supply for INTEC from TNB is 11kV. so it is trample down to 415V by 2000KVA distribution transformer. The overall HT simplified formal plat of INTEC can be observed as below construe 2. Simplified schematic diagram for HT electrical system in INTECLow Voltage Distribution SystemNext, the focus will be at Pencawang Ele ktrik no1 where observation is done at Feeder Pillar No.1. The schematic diagram of LV side from Pencawang Elektrik No.1 can be seen from Fig. 3. INTEC used radial distribution feeder since it required lower cost, easier fault current protection, lower fault current and easier voltage control. go out 3. MSB schematic diagram of LV at Pencawang Elektrik No. 1Feeder PillarFeeder Pillar No.1 is located between Block B (Cafeteria) and Block A (Computer Lab). This feeder pillar was connected from MSB. The maximum current rating for the MCCB of incoming is 600A.CUsersuserDesktopINTECN8 Afdhalfeeder pillar 2.jpgFigure 4. Feeder Pillar No. 1This respected feeder pillar distributes power to Bengkel Seni, Futsal Court, Cafeteria and Compound Feeder Pillar (Fig. 5).Figure 5. Schematic diagram for Feeder Pillar No.1By applying the diversity factor, the value of protection and cable sizing shall fit the estimated load. control board.I shows the maximum load that the system can withstand at a t ime. The power at maximum demand is calculated using (2). The power factor is maintained at 0.85. circumvent I. LOAD AT MAXIMUM DEMAND rousePower (kW)MCCB Rating (A)Bengkel Seni61.098100Futsal Court38.49263Cafeteria61.098100Compound Feeder Pillar48.87880(Estimated value of load at maximum demand in Feeder Pillar No. 1)From the existing load as tabulated above, the calculated nominal current is 341.363A using (2). Therefore the rated current of MCCB for the incoming is viable where the rated current of MCCB is 600A.The cables are connected to the busbar. Types of cables used is 4 core, 0.6/1kV, fuzz Cable with earth termination. The cables are terminated to the busbar as pictured in Fig.6.CUsersuserDesktopINTECN8 Afdhalconnection 2.jpgFigure 6. Cables connection to the busbar.From the above figure, it can be observed that the cables connection quite messy where it is hard to indicate which cable is connected to their respected load. It is not labelled to identify the cable. If fault occurrence, it will took a time for the technician to perform maintenance due to the congested condition of the cable.The cable size for each line can be seen from TABLE II.TABLE II . CABLE SIZINGTypeMCCB (A)Cable size of it (mm2)2 x 4C XLPE6001851 x 4C XLPE100501 x 4C XLPE100501 x 4C XLPE80351 x 4C XLPE6325EarthingEarthing is deliberately used to protect human from electric shock due to current leakage. Therefore this feeder pillar has the same earthing mechanism for safety reason.CUsersuserDesktopINTEC1-3-2011 Firdaus N701032011023.jpgFigure 7. Earthing of Feeder Pillar No.1From the fig. 7, all cables are terminated at the same point where it can provide easy path with a low resistance to earth and protect consumer from electric shock. However, those earth cables is not insulated which could lead to current leakage throughout the feeder pillar compartment in case the cable touch the wall of feeder pillar where it is made of steel (good conductor). Therefore, if such case happen ed it will safari electric shock to human who touch the feeder pillar.PROPOSED SYSTEM radial-ply tire Distribution System ImprovementBy referring back to the type of distribution feeder system approached at INTEC, radial type of distribution feeder is applied. Even though radial circuits are simpler to operate and maintain, in vow to increase the reliability and power quality of distribution feeders, networked configurations essential be used 458. However the installation cost of network system will be major obstacle where it required native modification of system. Therefore, elemental loop radial distribution system can be applied to make the system more reliable.Figure 8. Primary loop distribution systemFigure 9. Proposed MCBFig. 8 and 9 illustrate on how the system will look a analogous when improvement can be applied. The base loop consists of two feeders which serve one or several loads. If one feeder fails, the normally open switch can be mechanically (or manually) close d to feed the loads from the backup feeder, once the bad section has been sectionalized. This approach is very useful especially for subsurface cable system since the maintenance of underground cables is complex change that would create long interruptions if chastening occurs.Feeder Pillar Proposed DesignFrom the Feeder Pillar No.1, suggestion can be offered to improve the system is upgrading the feeder pillar to MSB. By referring back to fig. 5, there were two loads that have circuit breaker rating of 100A TPN MCCB while in the MSB as in fig. 3 there were spare load that can be used. Therefore those two loads from Cafeteria and Bengkel Seni can be directly connected to MSB. By this action, the congested condition of feeder pillar can be solved.Figure 10. rising of feeder pillar to MSBSome benefits can be obtained if the load of Bengkel Seni and Cafeteria is transferred to MSBIf fault occur at Feeder Pillar No. 1, those loads will not being interrupted. Therefore it promises the persistency of power supply to the load.The voltage drop of each cable is shown in TABLE III.TABLE III. CABLE VOLTAGE DROPSize (mm2)mV/A/m length (m)IbVoltage Drop (V)1850.22100278.2416.12500.861081.840.708081.845.63351.151065.470.753251.6015049.1011.784(Voltage drop of respected cable in the Feeder Pillar No.1)From TABLE III, it shows that the incoming cables itself obtrude upon high voltage drop which is 6.12V for each cable. Then, if load of Bengkel Seni and Cafeteria is upgraded to MSB, the voltage drop can be observed from TABLE IV.TABLE IV. LOAD VOLTAGE DROPLoadCalculated Voltage Drop (V)Future Length (m)Future Voltage Drop (V)Percentage (%)Bengkel Seni11.7518012.673.05Cafeteria6.821107.7421.87(Future voltage drop if load of Bengkel Seni and Cafeteria is upgraded into MSB)Although the voltage drop risen up since the length of occupied cable is increased, the voltage can be reduce by replacing higher cross sectional area of the cable. However, the value of voltage drop is s till within the specified value of allowed voltage drop 8.By connecting those loads to MSB, the existed feeder pillar will not be congested anymore. Those two loads that were directly connected to MSB will became spare and it can be used for future expansion of nighest building located near to the respected feeder pillar (refer fig. 11).Figure 11. Empty slot of loads acted as spareTherefore the future load will be based on TABLE V.LoadPower (kW)MCCB Rating (A)Futsal Court38.49263Compound Feeder Pillar48.87880SpareSpareThe total load at Feeder Pillar No.1 will be about only 70kW where the nominal current value from the incoming will be only 114.57V that could lead to only 2.52V of voltage drop.EarthingFor earthing cable, it is wise to insulate those cables with PVC insulator to avoid any electric shock due to current leakage. It must meet the electrical standard where earth cable must be insulated with green or green/yellow insulation based on fig. 12 6.http// m/photo/6654ca80a2286ebde6efb52e3ffbab88/Earth-Cable.jpgFigure 12. Proper insulation of earth cableComments and SuggestionThe project will become a wise step to ensure that the respected Feeder Pillar No. 1 will become a reliable where it can provide a continuity of supply to a certain loads. However this project could not be implemented immediately since it will took period of time where maintenance underground cables is a complex task where it require skills and occupy more human power. In addition, the substation (PE No.1) need to be shutdown to perform the upgrade process where ironically the substation itself must distribute power to important places such as administration office where it operates 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.Therefore it is recommended that this project must be implemented during the holiday where the total shutdown of PE No.1 can be done and the task of upgrade of the system can be performed by the respected party.CONCLUSIONFrom the case study that was carried out, it is necessary for Facility Unit of INTEC to consider those suggestions in order to overcome any problems related to low voltage power distribution system. afterlife STUDYSurge protection was integrated within the low voltage distribution system to protect the system from lightning strikes. For future study, the recommendation that can be offered to further the respected case study is to perform look on surge protection system in low voltage power distribution system in INTEC.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe author would like to express appreciation to his supervisor Ir. Harizan Che Mat Haris due to wise advocate and advices. For INTEC Facility Unit, the author felt pleasured to carry out this case study where he can affix his knowledge and gather more experience. Finally the author wants to offer his gratitude to people who was contributed toward the completion of this case study.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
HEHA Strategy for Obesity
HEHA dodging for corpulencyStrategy for ObesityAs wellness indicators have been give come out of the closet in tonic Zealand, the development of well being has not been systematic ally everywhere. Obesity is genius of the most common public health occupations all over the world that is increasing. It in any case has related some problems which include message disease,stroke, type IIdiabetesand certain canfulcers. One of the countries is newfangled Zealand, the number of fleshiness and overweight has been increasing ever since the 80s, most of them are patriarchal 15 years and above (31%) and about matchless out of nine children aged 2 to 14 (11%), spic-and-span Zealand wellness resume (2012/13). This essay go forth talk about the HEHA Strategy on corpulency techniques, procedure and its programs.Obesity is a disease of having too much body fat. It is not sympathetic as being overweight, which means weighing too much, (Wikipedia).The response of New Zealand commenced on 2003 to obesity is theHealthy Eating-Healthy Action- Oranga Kai Oranga Pumau (HEHA) Strategywith the a vision of an milieu and society where individuals, families or whnau, and communities are supported to eat florid, live sensiblely active, and to attain as well as to maintain a healthy body in simpler terms it concentrate on the growing problems much(prenominal) as poor eating lifestyle, lack of exercise, and obesity. The Health de triggerment has especially made a crowd of researchers to evaluate this said Strategy for the primer that the HEHA Strategy explicitly identifies the significance of the evaluation. The Strategy is lively and it may be influenced by altering political and communal contexts. The complication of the environment, the program and the problem is reflected in the complexity of the assessment. The Strategys structure also recognises the importance of reducing the inequalities in health and it involves the treaty which the Crown and Mori signed in 184 0 which is considered to be New Zealands founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi. The viewpoint of this treaty is about partnership, conjunction and protection which is enshrined so much in the health legislation of New Zealand. Particular challenges have an effect on the assessment of the HEHA Strategy and early(a) similar strategies. It is also a complicated intervention that is stirring in a complex condition and that encloses many not related aspects possibly to influence nutrition and physical activity. Moreover, this strategys aim of ameliorate health, increasing physical activity and reducing obesity are colossal term goals and it may not be accomplished within the estimated time. The consequence of nutritional behaviour is to be aware of the achievement of this said Strategy.The topic that may be related to the HEHA strategy will be commencing, which is a Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NPAS). It is of course a survey and its forge is a continuing quarterly survey that set up tetrad panels of respondents, each of them will be interviewed annually in triad years. All of the chosen country representatives exist to have datasets which comprise selective information on nutrition, physical activity patterns and body size. It will later be analysed and use to make criterion to be compared to the estimates of the NPAS. A number of cardinal-spot thousand quartette ascorbic acid people which are all xv years old and above will be recruited to absent part in the said activity. The partakers will be recruited from over six hundred random mesh blocks. Maori, Pacific Islander plus a leaning of deprivation have been sampled to help the estimates of the groups to be calculated. The trial reviews have looked at the past model for Ministry of Health nationwide surveys using the same group sampling methods. This involves the certainty of a selected populace level rate that can be estimated by how old they are and where they came from, to make it possible into a precision of the estimates for observing the people changes in nourishment, the annual Computer assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) survey will also be used for three years. This instrument for survey is made up of tons of questions from early(a) state surveys and also some fresh questions. The question includes something about socio-demographic factors, physical activities and consumption of foods that has high fat, salt, sugar and MSG. The tactics of HEHA on creating a right-hand setting also include questions regarding societal and environmental factors. The populations estimate value will be copied for evaluating the multistage cluster sample by the standard methods. An examination will also be done to cope the changes in health. In relation with the previous baseline, there will be a prepared national representative datasets.There are also programmes in schools that involve the HEHA strategy. An example of this is The reaping in Schools programme. Its pla n is to target lowest income decile schools. The students at the schools are supplied with a free measuring stick of fruit during school days. The schools that joined the programme are to carry out an entire school or society approach to make a supporting environment and should also supports healthy consumption, physical activities and smoke alcoholic beverage free. The schools should work in clusters to sustain itself in fruit provision in over three years.Here are some infos of the programme term four of 2005 phase one of Fruit in Schools programme was introduced to Sixty required schools in six District Health Boards (DHB), in term deuce of 2006 phase two went to fifty four schools more than a total of thirteen DHBs, in term four of 2006 phase three was rolled out to just about one hundred fifty six schools joined, covering all the twenty one DHBs. The entire number of schools that joined in all the phases is about two hundred seventy, and the total number of the children pa rticipating is approximately fifty six thousand. The New Zealand Council for Educational Research and Health Outcomes International is consistently evaluating the Fruit in Schools programme. The evaluation includes formative process and outcome components, Ministry of Health (2008).In conclusion, the HEHA strategy targets the communal and environmental factors, it supports healthy eating, living active or simply living healthy. It also has a lot of plans to promote health like the NPAS to know what the people want so the MOH can take action and the fruit in school programme which targets the children to take commission of their health.REFERENCESCapital and Coast District Health Board. (2008). hefty EATING HEALTHY activenessORANGA KAI ORANGA PUMAU (MINISTRY APPROVED PLAN 2) from http// of Health. (2004) TRACKING THE fleshiness EPIDEMIC New Zealand 19772003. Wellington Ministry of HealthMinistry of Health . (2008). HEALTHY EATING HEALTHY ACTION ORANGA KAI ORANGA PUMAU keep ON IMPLEMENTING THE HEHA STRATEGY 2008. Wellington Ministry of Health.Ministry of Health. (2003). HEALTHY EATING HEALTHY ACTION ORANGA KAI ORANGA PUMAUA STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2003 Wellington, New Zealand Ministry of Health.Ministry of Health. (2008). A PORTRAIT OF HEALTH. linchpin RESULTS OF THE 2006/07 NEW ZEALAND HEALTH SURVEY. Wellington Ministry of HealthOBESITY retrieved from http// BY AGE 25 LINKED TO SEVERE LATE-LIFE OBESITY (2014) retrieved from http// M McLean, Janet A Hoek, Sue Buckley, Bronwyn Croxson,Jacqueline Cumming, Terry H Ehau, Ausaga Faasalele Tanuvasa,Margaret Johnston, Jim I Mann and Grant Schofield. (2009) BMC overt HEALTH, BioMed Central Ltd, New ZealandTHE 2012/13 NEW ZEALAND HEALTH SURVEY retrieved from http// THE OBESITY OF EPIDEMIC (2004) retrived from http//
Friday, March 29, 2019
Concepts of Classical Humanism
Concepts of Classical HumanismThe citizens of old-fashioned civilizations lived in a world where the influence of nature and the influence of its rulers decrease the common mans efforts. Confronted with this, ancient Greeks professed they had the greatest intelligence of all, saying they had the natural abilities to go steady and control the world Classical Humanism.Classical Humanism resonated in all recrudesce of Greek life. From Poets like Sophocles whos play Antigone speaks to their influence on almsgiving at the time. Classical Humanism was also conveyed by the Greeks incredible egotism smell within their own civilization, none more so than the riches and power shown in Fifth Century Athens. Although this confidence eventually diminished, the belief of Humanism remained a cognate legacy. Renaissance philosophers and artists challenged the Church by peruse the ideas and culture of Greek Humanism.An illustration of Greek Humanism was the spectacular composite of temple s in theAthensacropolis, soaring high over the city below. An acropolis was a garrison strengthened on top of a hill at the join of the city. They were commonly the citys most revered district and contained temples anointing the citys patron leaders.A prime example of this was the Parthenon temple in Athena. It was one of the largest temples ever built inGreece, and all aspects of its construction were closely monitored and controlled by the citys leading artists and architects of the time. The Parthenon was built on the top of Acropolis the original building on the site was built as an offering to honor the goddess Athena because the people of ancientAthensbelieved that she watched over their city. This time was the well-fixed Age of Athens, with the institution of democracy in the city, with a new organise of government, citizens were afforded the opportunity to view and understand themselves as constituents of a greater whole, the last mentioned being Athens.The Parthenon w as unparalleled among Doric temples as it had a second frieze (Frieze the part of a classical entablature between the architrave and the cornice, usually decorated with sculpture in low relief). The Parthenons frieze ran along the cella wall and across the inner columns. It was a dead reckoning of genius as acted as a sculpted advertisement for Athenian civic prudence, which was more than 500ft long. This particular frieze depicted a noble edge of Athenian citizens, reminding the citizens of their festival held every four years for the Goddess Athena.The frieze had a naked horsemen posing on their horses in all glory, it had Athenian maidens leading a parade to the thrones of Zeus and Athena, who presided over the celebration. Inspired by their self belief as being the supreme citizens ofGreece, they confidently portrayed themselves among the gods.The Greeks were a civilization who had a high confidence of themselves and of there God given abilities. This was shown in many ways wi th their architecture at the time, none more evident than the Parthenon inAthenswhich proudly, and near may say arrogantly, displayed the Athenians as a higher class of citizen I Greece and throughout the region. This belief would continue on in years to sum up through the literature and buildings from this era.
Free Trade in Agriculture and Food Security
unleash Trade in Agriculture and forage guarantorIntroductionsolid victuals in shelter has been imperil many countries in the world with an indication the high rate of ache, 842 trillion people (UN, 2014). Countries that do non have a good solid nutrition security system would be vulnerable to social problems. Conversely, countries with good nourishment security system will create productive and prosperous citizens. or so of the causes of food for thought insecurity atomic number 18 limited entranceway of food, the lack of food availableness, and lowly of purchasing power. nonpareil solution to those problems is conducting trading activities of unpolished products. transnational institutions such(prenominal) as the WTO and FAO keep continue on encourage lighten distribute toward develop countries. Free market means open argument. However, in that respect is an im poise of competition which is weak states are forced to compete against locomote states. The IMF has in like manner imposed the Washington Consensus formula toward developing countries that was non everlastingly successful.This paper tries to reveal some of the failures of free change over in kitchen-gardening, as well as some improvements that could be done. Government subsidies in developing countries for received sectors (education and health care) must be maintained. In addition, the supporting coarse infrastructure in developing countries must be prepared in advance until they re eithery deserve to compete. Developing countries should be all(a)owed to impose tariffs when their balance of payments extremely dearth.Hunger and aliment SecurityMDGs (Millennium Development Goals) finish in 2015. The first goal of MDGs is eradication extreme meagerness and hunger. Poverty and hunger have close transactionhip because major cause of hunger is pauperisation. In other words, to alleviate hunger must eradicate poverty as well. According to the data from fall in Nations, the number poor people in 2010 has halved than 1990 with definition of poor people is someone lived below US$1.25 per day.However, at present there are still 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty. Unfortunately, achievement in reduce of the poor people not accompanied by achievement in hunger alleviation. Roughly 842 gazillion people are estimated beneathnourished and much than 99 million children under(a) five years old are still underweight and undernourished. diet security is prominent fancy in hunger issue. world pabulum Summit 1996 try concept of food security when all people, at all time, have physical and economic overture to sufficient, safe and alimentary food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy lifetime (FAO, 1996). There are many aspects which have correlation with hunger issue, such as economic and security.Amartya Sen (1981, pp.1-8) said people starve because they do not have enough food entitlement. They are u nable to produce foods, goods, or services which would enable them to access sufficient food. It means food security is not only about food availability, but also access in terms of household economic capacity and governmental match in a particular bucolic. cardinal of empirical examples coarse which has lack food security is South Sudan. Actually, South Sudan land has good domain which 70% is suitable for farming, but only 4% were utilized. in like manner that, troth with Sudan drops food distribution not smooth (Diao et al, 2012). On the other drop dead, countries akin Singapore and Switzerland has good rank in Global Food Security Index (GFSI), fifth and sixth position respectively. Despite both countries do not rely on their national economic on agriculture sector, those countries have good infrastructure, trading system, and purchasing power (EIU, 2014).Global Food GovernanceIn ancient era, most people consumed what they produced, but immediately more people are no l onger directly tortuous in the production of their own food. Instead, they are connected through elongated and complex mechanism of food chain distribution (Smith, 1998, p.208).Innovations in transportation, engine room of food preservation, and logistics are supporting factors for the emergence of long-distance trade relations. Nowadays, outside(a) trades have been do inter habituation relationship among food producers and consumer around the world. foreign trading, especially for agricultural products contain a series of laws, norms, customs, and contract which work on availability and security of food in many countries.There are many efforts from multiple and intergovernmental to organize and coordinate the production and consumption of food in this era of globalization. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is one of the United Nations bodies which aims to raise take aims of nutrition and standards of sustainment, increase production, processing, marketing and distri bution of food and agricultural products, promoting rural development and eradicate hunger.World Trade Organization (WTO) is the international institution which regulates interstate commerce issues. WTO multilateral trading system is governed by an view asment which contain the basic rules of international trade as a result of negotiations among member states. The approval of a contract among countries member wedge the government to obey the implementation of trade policies in their respective countries. Although sign(a) by the government, its main purpose is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers in trading activities.Institutions alike(p) the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and UNDP (United Nations of Development Programme) also have portion in terms of strengthen government capacity in food security programme. Besides them, there are International NGO, such as Centre for Food Safety (CFS) and One Acre Fund (OAF). Overall, states are princi pal(prenominal) actor, how they manage their country and fulfil food needs for their citizens.In competition there is usually a party who wins and loses. Conflicts between producer and consumer countries potentially expose international organizations such as the WTO, bilaterally symmetric and regional relations between countries as well. The relationship between food and agricultural trade gives an overview of the mechanisms of globalization. The food is also associated with many other sectors such as milieu, biology, ecology, and valet de chambre welfare and the globalization of world order any food could threaten these values (Cooke at al., 2008).Can Free Trade Improve Food Security?Trade among nations could bring good impact. According to WTO, trade gives immense range of benefits from promoting peace, reduce costs of living, until endorse practice of good governance. handle other Breton woods institutions who promote liberalization, privatization, or reduce any miscellane a of government interference, WTO endorse free trade system.In 1996 World Food Summit made declaration in Rome. Commitment number quadruple state we will strive to ensure that food, agricultural trade and boilers suit trade policies are conducive to fostering food security for all through a fair and market-oriented world trade system (FAO, 1996). That put down explains that free trade market fecal matter help many countries which endure hunger at that time.The concept of free trade system has been existed since eighteenth century when Adam Smith launched his book in 1776 An Inquiry into the spirit and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. One of concept on that book is invisible hand. Smith stated that giving people freedom to produce and alternate products (free trade) and opening markets to competition would bring opulence for nations. Following Smith theory, in 1817 David Ricardo introduced his theory named comparative advantage. If some particular countries do not have absolut e advantage products, they still have opportunity to make trade transaction with specialized themselves in particular products.At least there are five benefits of free trade good smell products and p sieves, economic growth, efficiency and innovation, competitiveness, and fairness (Boudreaux, 2013). The logic thinking of free trade system assumes that competitive situation would bring many advantages especially availability of variant good quality products with affordable price. Each party (an individual, a company, or a nation) will compete to make competitive products. One way to make it happens, is create effective and efficient process of goods production. Besides that external factor like infrastructure and political stability also have influence.Shortcomings of free trade in agricultureThrough World Food Summit in 1996 FAO endorse free trade. That declaration targeted the change magnitude of the number of hunger people become half their present level before 2015. Unfortunate ly, based on global hunger index data from 1990 until 2014, only 26 countries reduce their score hunger index by 50% or more such as Kuwait, Thailand, and Vietnam. Some country like Sudan and Zambia were stagnant. Furthermore, four countries (Swaziland, Iraq, Comoros, and Burundi) even had worse condition than 1990 (IFRI, 2014).One of countries has bear-sized score of hunger index is Gambia. Rice is the main food of Gambian people. Most farmers there are women, but they did not get often benefit from their agricultural activities. This is because the transportation, marketing systems, infrastructure and subsidies for them inadequate. Between 1966 and 1984, the government of Gambia catch aid from foreign governments and international aid agencies, but it made Gambia dependence from aid.Starting in 1986, the government remove subsidies, price controls and import tariffs, and made several deregulation policy. This is a series of requirements which is imposed by the IMF for loans. A s implication of lax regulation, frequency of import rice at low prices rose, consequences people prefer to buy the less expensive rice (Moseley et al., 2010). umteen countries involve in free trade agreements. These agreements can be bilateral type or multilateral free trade area such as NAFTA (North the Statesn Free Trade Agreement), AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), and GAFTA (Greater Arab Free Trade Area). Mexico is member of NAFTA since 1994, after 20 years join in trilateral free trade agreement with USA and Canada, trade vividness rose world-shaking. However, many problems appear as well, such as environment issue, wages, and economic growth for MexicoThe increasing of Mexico GDP from 1960 to 1980 reached almost doubled. It is raising the living standards of Mexico people. In the early 1980s Mexico experienced a crisis, and handled by the liberal ways. Some ways were fiscal and monetary policy tight and stand a great space for the deregulation of international trade and inve sting fields. Unfortunately, that policy inhibits the growth and development of the Mexican economy.Since 2000, countries in Latin America experienced a 1.9% increase in per capita per year. As a result, the poverty rate has declined from 43.9% in 2002 to 27.9% in 2013. However, economic growth in Mexico 1% below the average of the regional countries, so these results are not significant effect on the reduction of poverty, 52.3% in 2012 and 52.4% in 1994. Without economic growth, it would be difficult to reduce poverty in a developing country like Mexico (Weisbrot, 2014).Imbalance in free trade liberalizationOne of popular theories about liberalization is Washington Consensus. John Williamson (2000, p.255) reemphasized and clarified his concept about Washington Consensus. Washington Consensus focus on policy reforms that reduced the role of government, through several ways such subsidies restriction, privatization, deregulation, and liberalization of finance and trade. He said that Washington Consensus not the same with neoliberalism and market fundamentalism. It does not mean liberalize as much as you can or privatize as fast as you can.For example, subsidies can still be given to push economic growth and has impact on poverty level reduction. Targeted food subsidies as well as the medical and educational program can reduce the number of poor people found on WTO Agreement in agriculture in 1994, member countries agree to ease market access and reduce or removing tariffs. Developing countries set forth to open their market and removing tariff like many genuine countries did. Nevertheless, developed countries had much higher subsidies to begin with. So they still have an advantage.The industrialised countries of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) have historically paid enormous levels of subsidies to their own farmers at levels that developing countries are unable to match for their own farmers (often because of obligations to l iberalize their economies under programmes of structural adjustment) (Clapp, 2014, p.16).In fact, industrial countries still maintain high surety in agriculture through an array of very high tariffs, tariffs more than 15%. On the other hand, industrialized countries market hard to access for small scale farmers from developing countries. Furthermore, they have to survive on overturn or even without subsidies (IMF, 2001).ConclusionIn conclusion, based on all the things mentioned above, it is necessary caution in liberalizing the agricultural product like rice products in Gambia. International organization and the government have to anticipate the icky impacts from its policy, and make sure that the life of local farmers is protected.Common problems that occur in some developing countries are poor supporting infrastructure and political instability. Those basic problems have to be solved first before certain countries decided to join in the free market. Simultaneously, developing c ountries government could provide subsidies for basic sectors such as education, food, and health.International organizations such as the IMF should be cautious in giving loans, so the prerequisite of loans does not drop down the economy of a recipient country. Furthermore, developing countries that have involved in free trade but experienced extreme balance of payments deficit as a result of too many imported goods, can perform the review to impose tariffs.BibliographySmith, D. W. (1998). Urban food systems and the poor in developing countries Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,Vol.23, No.2, pp. 207-219.Sen, Amartya. (1981)Poverty and famines an essay on entitlement and deprivation. Oxford Oxford University Press.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Saving Your Culture in America Essay -- Cultural Traditions Immigratio
Saving Your Culture in AmericaMany flock come to the United States for freedom and to live out the American dream.What is disaster is many people are trying to fit in with the American ways that they lose a lot of their own culture by assimilating into the American society.By losing your culture you lose a part of yourself.Knowing more or less your annals and accomplishment nigh other peoples history can give you a greater understanding of other cultural groups and in some ways enrich your life.By preserving your culture and learning about others, it will help you to understand people better.If more people did this conversation would be better between the vast ethnic groups.And by learning all of this you learn a lot about yourself and who you are. My cultural background signal has helped me to understand who I am and how I am different in my own unique way because of my ethnicity.Both of my parents immigrated to the United States in the 70s from the Philippines.My mother gr ew up in a well to do family where she was the youngest of 7 children, composition my fathergrew up in a middle class family where he was the second oldest of eight.They both lived comfortable lives with their respective families and wet to good schools where they were educate well and taught the English language. In the 70s my father came to the states with his family and they settled in Chicago, while my mother came to the U.S. with her sisters and they settled in Michigan.My father came to Michigan to visit relatives oftentimes and on one such occasion he met my mother.They fell in love and got married all in the span of a few months.After they were married they decided together to live in Chicago simply they often commuted from Chicago to Michigan to visit my mothe... ...ges of Race. BorderTexts Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers. Ed. Randall Bass. capital of Massachusetts Houghton-Mifflin, 1999. 400-410 Bray, Thomas J. Memorial day and Multiculturalism. Detroit Ne ws 24 May 1998. 16 pars. 15 family 2000 <http// Cose, Ellis. Whats White, Anyway? Newsweek. 11 September 2000. <http// Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror BorderText Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers. Ed. Randall Bass. Boston Houghton-Mifflin. 1999. 589-596. Tan, Amy. fuck off Tongue BorderText Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers. Ed. Randall Bass. Boston Houghton-Mifflin. 1999. 11-15. The Klans Fight for Americanism. 1926 Pamphlet. 10 pars. 15 September 2000 <http//
My House Essay -- Descriptive Essays
The trees are passing along the street like steadily marching soldiers. The car is moving in monotonous rhythm, and the engine purrs soothingly like a cajoling cat. Im turning on the radio and searching for my station. There it is, 89.7 Out of the loudspeakers observe calm, classical medicinal drug, which sooths my soul and summons memories from my childhood. I feel the tension leave, and I swim away to the days when I was a happy myopic girl without any problems or worries. Miraculously, the memories come alive for me. I put up feel and hear things that I saw when I was younger. As a curt girl, I had few favorite places where I felt in force(p) and happy. Although Im not a child any more, I like to go back in my mind to those places where life was everlastingly colorful and joyful and when every single day was so eventful for me. I can see this day again, like a celluloid playing in my mind. As a child, I usually pass the mornings at the house. The house, where I grew up, was big, and it was surrounded with big trees. It had two massive columns on the both sides with a heavy wooden door between them. supra the front door was a big and spacious balcony with a decorative, coat enclosure around it. There were also two smaller balconies on the both sides of the house. The windows were big, too, and they were covered with snow-white lace curtains from the inside. The house looked a little intimidating from the outside however, it was very cozy inside. The house was filled with medical specialty and books. My father, who passed away 6 years ago, loved to listen to classical music and read books. Therefore, I grew up with that music and those books around me. Rudzki I tranquil remember when we all used to sit d let together ... ...the sharp, raw air. The forest looked quiet and calm. In contrast, during the summer, the same little forest resounded with life. The vocalizing birds, colorful flowers, and sun created a beautiful mosaic. The forest was de finitely an direful place for children to play. Therefore, we played thither for hours or until we heard our parents voices calling us for dinner. The forest is one of my favorite memories. My days, when I was a child, were so exciting. I always found something a unique about each day. We see things in the different perspective when we are children. Nevertheless, at least our stock can memorize those for us, so we can go back there if we want to. I believe that all of us have those memorable places in our mind where we like to escape, and where we feel secure and happy. They are our own little havens when we need a break.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
GOOD STUFF :: essays research papers
April 19, 2001--Tennessee maintain University has renamed the Heiman Street Residential Complex the Harold E. crossroad Sr. and canful N. crossbreeding Residential Complex. The Ford brothers were joined by other family members for ceremonies help April 18 on the grounds of the complex."It is wonderful to see so many senators hither today we can hold a budget meeting adjust now," Harold Ford said, as he pointed out dignitaries in the audience. They included lieutenant Governor John Wilder, Deputy Governor Wendell Moore, Senator Gene Elsea, Senator Doug Henry, Senator James Kyle Jr., and Senator turned on(predicate) McNally.After receiving commemorative gifts, the Fords surprised the audience with a gift to Tennessee postulate of $500,000."This is a truly outstanding donation, and the Fords can be sure Tennessee evince University will put it to good use," said TSU President James Hefner. on that point are 12 siblings in the Ford family, most of whom graduated from Tennessee area University. On hand for the presentation were brother Joe Ford sisters Joyce Ford moth miller and Ophelia Ford nephews James Ford Jr. and Edmund Ford and Autumn Ford, John Fords daughter. Harold Ford Jr., U.S. spokesperson, relayed his regrets for not being equal to attend, as did Governor Don Sundquist and former vice hot seat Al Gore."I am proud today," said Lt. Gov. Wilder. "Is it because of the bricks and mortar we are recognizing today? No, though we need bricks and mortar. Is it because of Tennessee State University? No, though that is reason to be proud."I am proud because I look back to Purdy, Tennessee, where Otis Floyd former president of Tennessee State University attended school in a one-room schoolhouse. He permit me walk by his side. I am proud when I consider of Odell Horton United States District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee working in a cotton patch in Hardin County. He let me walk by his side. But nothing m akes me prouder than this family. I love you God bless you."U.S. Representative Harold Ford Sr. became the first African American from the state of Tennessee to be elected to Congress and served from 1975 until his retirement in 1997.Senator John N. Ford has served in the Tennessee State Senate since 1974. He has been a key supporter of Tennessee State University end-to-end his legislative tenure and played a significant role during the growth of the $112 million master plan for campus improvement.Both Congressman Ford and Senator Ford are alumni of TSU who have continually supported the university throughout their careers.
Movie Essay - The Film Based Upon of Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Movie Film Essays
gladden Luck fellowship - The Movie I am waiting like a tiger in the trees, now spry to leap out, ready to cut her spirit loose. The Joy Luck nine, an Oliver treasure production, depicts four women and their strife bringing up their American born daughters. order by Wayne Wang, this rated R movie featured actors and actresses such as Ming-na Wen, Rosalind Chao, Russell Wong, and Lisa Lu. The Joy Luck Club is an emotional tale about four women who adage life as they had estimaten it back in China. Because the Chinese were very stereotypic, women were hardened as second class citizens and were often abused. Through sad and painful experiences, these four women had tried to raise their daughters to live the American dream by giving them love and support, such things which were not available to them when they were young. These women revealed their individual accounts in narrative fo rm as they relived it in their memories. These flashbacks transport us to the minds of these women and we see the events occur through their eyes. There were many conflicts and misunderstandings between the two generations payable to their differences in upbringing and childhood. In the end, however, these conflicts would bring mother and daughter together to form a bond that would last forever. The setting played an authorised role in the effectiveness of the movie. The setting of The Joy Luck Club was set in various locations. Some were filmed in San Francisco and others were taken in China. Because the story dealt with the Chinese people and their customs, it would be logical for the manufacturer to direct the film in China where it all started. The producer travel the setting back to the United States when they dealt with the daughters. Because the movie moved back and out from the forties to the sixties and to the nineties, the producers had to use various symbolic signs to tell its viewing audience the period of time. For example, songs, costumes, and hair-dos help us determine the time. The Joy Luck Club displayed a variety of costumes. They used Chinese garments and clothing to give its viewers a sense of the Chinese tradition and culture.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
UPS Delivers the Goods :: essays research papers
When Jordan Colletta joined UPS in 1975, fresh stunned of school and newly married, he wasnt mentation ab come in construct a career. He salutary wanted or so security. Now non only is he still a close-fitting UPS employee, but the former(prenominal) tracking clerk has come a keen-sighted wayhes vice president of the shippers e-commerce gross revenue team. His advancement in the company was steady, the result of careful planning though UPSs career- demotement program. By putting resources into such programs and helping reps set conclusions and develop skills, businesses send word dispense with employees to grow within their organizations and reduce turnover rate in the process, as UPS has found Its turnover rate among full eon managers in 4 percent.Developing salespeople starts with a clear mission. At UPS, employees chance upon annually with managers to depict their strengths and decide what skills they need for a new line of business within the company. We gravel the foundation for future development and map out immediate, midterm, and future goals, Colletta says. When I was a tracing clerk, I told my supervisor that my goal was to became a govern sales manager. I accordingly became a driver, then a salesperson, and in 1986 I reached my goal.Career development entails implementing training programs and internet career centers that can help companies grow their staffs. Employees take courses in recite to acquire the fund that will make them candidates for management positions. But accomplishment isnt just in the classroom. Mentoring programs in which managers coach lower-level employees are similarly valuable. Mentors are specially important, Colletta says. They help you understand the opportunities that are out there. They helped me image what I couldnt because I couldnt look that far fore yet.Progress essential be routinely monitored. Employee reviews and 360-degree reports are good ways to track improvement. So is a managers involvement. Have an establish door insurance policy to keep the communication lines open, he says.UPS Delivers the Goods essays research papers When Jordan Colletta joined UPS in 1975, fresh out of school and newly married, he wasnt thinking about building a career. He just wanted some security. Now not only is he still a faithful UPS employee, but the former tracking clerk has come a long wayhes vice president of the shippers e-commerce sales team. His advancement in the company was steady, the result of careful planning though UPSs career-development program. By putting resources into such programs and helping reps set goals and develop skills, businesses can allow employees to grow within their organizations and reduce turnover rates in the process, as UPS has found Its turnover rate among full time managers in 4 percent.Developing salespeople starts with a clear mission. At UPS, employees meet annually with managers to identify their strengths and decide what skills they n eed for a new job within the company. We lay the foundation for future development and map out immediate, midterm, and future goals, Colletta says. When I was a tracing clerk, I told my supervisor that my goal was to became a district sales manager. I then became a driver, then a salesperson, and in 1986 I reached my goal.Career development entails implementing training programs and Internet career centers that can help companies grow their staffs. Employees take courses in order to acquire the pedigree that will make them candidates for management positions. But learning isnt just in the classroom. Mentoring programs in which managers coach lower-level employees are also valuable. Mentors are especially important, Colletta says. They help you understand the opportunities that are out there. They helped me see what I couldnt because I couldnt look that far ahead yet.Progress must be routinely monitored. Employee reviews and 360-degree reports are good ways to track improvement. So is a managers involvement. Have an open door policy to keep the communication lines open, he says.
Essay --
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams shows the struggle of two muckle to fill into connection, tomcat and Laura, and how society wouldnt accept them.They were the dreamers that were unjustly kept by and you may so far go as far asto assign persecuted into staying out and aloof like the other dreamers which beforced to reach outcasts and not contri simplye to the actions of all. Tom and Laura, the two dreamers, were pushed by their mom, Amanda, to herframe of head and the thoughts of a hard working society. They both stumbled onthe fire explode which served as a gateway, physically and mentally. Tom had theproblem of cash in ones chipsting in at the warehouse were he worked, because is the warehousereally a patch for someone like him and his mind rebelled. Lastly you brush aside seehow society forced them to change and Laura to lose her status in order to fitin with Jim and thats shown by the motor horn breaking. Tom then realizes that andleaves which causes h im to change too. Tennessee Williams artfully depicted this. The fire escape. A downtrodden red thing off the sides of buildings viewingsocieties ineffectual escape from itself. In this case it served as a channelbetween the real world and the dream one that Laura and Tom were alive in athome. Both somehow stumbled both physically and mentally. When Laura verbalize Imall right. I slipped but Im all right(47). She was trying to give back to the realworld to do a real job and couldnt because of societies unfitness to accepther and her ways. She wasnt strong enough to make the trip by herself, butneeded the moral support of the other dreamer in the area, which was Tom whocame running out. Tom is the one who stumbles mentally in his inability to olfactory perceptionat t... ...lizing that he was changing toAmandas way of thinking, so he left. upon his go forth he lost his dreamingability whateverway. It was ironic how he no longer envisage because he felt he wasseeing the dreams in real life, as society had again forced him out. As you can see Tom and Laura were dreamers which were unaccepted intosociety. Laura lost her dreaming when the unicorn lost its horn and tom thenlost his upon doing the first thing he had dreamed about because he stayed thatway and didnt dream about going any higher. Ultimately Tennessee Wiliiamsmessage was that society was rigid and it forced those which did not fit themold to change into a from which was acceptable. That we killed the dreamers andare till doing it at an even younger age. We have to Accept them with open arms if ever we are able to make it far into the future and survive.
Monday, March 25, 2019
tennis paper -- essays research papers
There are several different aspects of acting and improving your tennis game. Different strokes, rules, boundaries and many other aspects make up the game of tennis. Over the next few pages, I will do my best(p) to explain the forehand stroke and backhand stroke, the serve and burst, the rules of tennis, and without a incertitude the grandslam.The forehand stroke is the more or less popular in tennis. Stand facing the net, knees slightly bent, weight evenly distributed and forward on the lummoxs of your feet. The randomness is held in front of your body, elbows in close and par every last(predicate)el to the ground. The racket is supported with your reconcile hand. From the turn position, the racket goes back until it is parallel to the ground- the angle between forearm and racket still remaining the same. The bottom of the inning of the racket is pointing toward the net and the racket is on edge. The ball is contacted opposite the left leg, approximately waist noble the arm is relatively square(p) and the wrist firm. The follow through is a long, continuous sweeping motion finishing high with the racket butt opposite the left eye, (for right handers). The backhand is for the most part in truth similar solely reversed. Tilt the face of your racquet down more than on your back deletion. Your racquet face naturally opens up (tilts upward) as you swing forward. You need to start your swing with it facing moderately downward in order for it to end up at vertical as it equips the ball. assume your racquet face vertical at the point where you normally meet the ball, then, without turning your wrist(s), pull the racquet back to your normal backswing position. It should face somewhat downward, and thats the angle you want at the start of each swing. The serve is, to me, the best way to take advantage of your opponent. For players of average height, hard, flat serves have to just barely clear the net, or they will go long. Only genuinely tall players buttocks get hard, flat serves in consistently large to make them pay off. Adding some topspin will increase your margin of clearance over the net to several times larger. The most preferred major power serve among advanced players has a mix of topspin and slice. On the serve, the feet are flat, the ball is tossed slightly over the head and out in front of the body. The forehand motion is used only straight over the top of your head.The volley becomes most ... ...1988) are the only three womens tennis players to win all four Grand Slam tournaments in one year. Pete Sampras is tenniss all-time biggest gold winner with over $40 million in career earnings. Helen Wills Moody, whose heartbreaking demeanor on the court earned her the nickname Little disregard Poker Face, finished the year as the no. 1 ranked womens tennis player nine times, including seven years straight from 1927 to 1933. In 1997, 16-year-old Martina Hingis became the youngest womens tennis player to be ranked n o. 1 in the world since the rankings began in 1975. One of the most difficult accomplishments in professional tennis is winning all four of these tournaments. These tournaments are whence known as the Grand Slam tournaments, and rank as the most important tennis tournaments of the year in the public mind as well as in terms of the ranking points and prizemoney awarded for performances in them.though it may seem like tennis is entirely too complicated, it can be one of the most fun sports to play. Even if youre not that good at the game, you still get great exercise, keeping you in shape. If youve never played tennis, start. And if youve played before, dont ever stop.
Essay --
This article focused on a study that measured how more calories slew burned when doing intensive exercise, such as bicycling, running, or performing a fast-paced game of basketball. Researchers discovered that high-intensity exercise burned b ar calories in addition to the calories burned during exercise, and that this extra burn was not get in exercise that was low intensity, such as walking. The article did a good job of explaining the results and the conditions under which the study was performed. Many intelligence information articles enforce the results provided dont talk approximately how the results were figured out, entirely that information is important for people who want to know more nigh how a study or some research was conducted. The study hold that only men were participants in the study, which could raise some issues of balance, but the researchers felt confident the results would be true for women as well.This article is interesting to me because I am inte rested in understanding how my exercise regiment affects my boilersuit health and calorie intent. I like lower intensity grazeouts, but I never quite believed it when I heard people narrate you could get the same benefit from walking as from running, and it would seem that in fact running is significantly more effective at burning calories by also getting the body to heat up and work hard even after the person has stopped exercising. This article explained the benefits of hot chocolate milk for athletes and people engaging in high-intensity workkouts. Researchers compared performances of athletes who drank sports drinks against those who drank chocolate milk in order to find out how effective chocolate milk is as a workout drink. The researchers for this study found that chocolate milk contains pr... ...tific contented to understand the main ideas of the piece, but the reporter did mention some things about antibodies and how the drug was used that was not as fully explained a s they could generate been.With the statistic being something like 1 in 6 people impart develop cancer at some point in their lifetime, this news story is relevant to everyone and is good news that science and medicine are becoming ever more effective at compensateing cancer in a way that is successful and yet is not devastating to souls quality of life. However, this new treatment still relies on stodgy medicine, namely specific poison for cancer cells, and it will only treat the disease after it has manifest. Hopefully scientists are working on shipway for more effective pre-screening, and I do wish more people would advocate lifestyle choices that prevent cancer from forming in the first place.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
A Guide to Successful Communication and Study Essay -- teamwork, commun
According to a survey d adept by a statistical website Nation Master, twenty one out of 30 four OECD(Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) genus Phallus countries ranked 14.4% for an average percentage of case-by-case households in 2013. To be much specific, the United States, Australia, Canada, Sweden and Japan are the enlighten five countries ranking the highest percentages of population living alone, nearly up to 26% in common. These statistics clearly demonstrate how prevalent phenomenon individualism is in juvenile days. In other words, people nowadays are more attached to being alone than being together. The time is now when importance of work together must be highlighted. Particularly, pinpointing an emphasis on teamwork in the universities seems notably demanding. Therefore, it is fundamental for universities to increase group activities for the students on account of three main benefits teamwork can bring enhancing communication skills, improving lea dership and raising responsibility.To arrive with, teamwork provides opportunities for the university students to enhance communication abilities. Teamwork is an activity done by more than one person with a same goal. The more people there are, the more perspectives there must be. In other words, conflicts from different viewpoints of each member are unavoidable in a disparate group of individuals. For example, there was a survey done by Korea Herald toward 522 Korean university students astir(predicate) the most common trouble that occurred during teamwork. 38.3% of the students chose difficult time scheduling for team meetings. 25.5% answered an unsatisfactory division of tasks for each member, and 14.8% pointed out a hardship in uniting opinions among the members. Such data clea... ...cles/teamwork-quotes-and-sayings.html(Masters thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)Retrieved from http// ffective-teamworkMaughan, Caroline & Webb, Julian, Lawyering Skills and the Legal Process (2005). whiz person households by country, OECD. Retrieved from http//, Y. (Designer). (2010, November 12th ). 36 ship canal to build working team Web Photo. Retrieved from http//, R. (2011, October 11th). Leadership roles and responsibilities. Retrieved from http//, Bruce W, Developmental sequence in small groups (1965) 63(6) Psychological Bulletin 384-99.
Charles Lindbergh Biography :: Essays Papers
Charles Lindbergh memoirMy biography is on Charles Augustus Lindbergh. He is most historied for his nonstop only leak crossways the Atlantic Ocean. In the next paragraph I will be telling you about some of the things that he is famous for. His life is more interesting than most people think. If anything I would imagine that he is the most famous pilot in the world, or at least he should be. Charles was a pilot, inverter, and an environmentalist. He was born on February forrader of nineteen o two in Detroit Michigan. His father was a manganese congressman. He studied mechanical engineering for two years at the university of Wisconsin and left in nineteen twenty-two to enroll in flight school. In nineteen twenty-three he bought a war nimiety training plane and worked as a barnstormer and as a traveling stunt flier. In nineteen twenty-five he end army flight training. After flight school he worked as an airmail pilot, only to become the chief pilot for the route mingled with St. Louis to Chicago. In nineteen twenty-nine he married Anne Morrow. The daughter of the get together States ambassador to Mexico, Dwight Morrow.Some of Charles Lindberghs achievements are the following. His most famous achievement was in nineteen cardinal, when he made the worlds first nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. One of his other famous achievements was in nineteen twenty-seven when he made an unprecedented nonstop solo flight from chapiter D.C. to Mexico City. He is also famous for being a great pilot. The important reason that I picked Charles Lindbergh to do my biography on is because I was goofing more or less on the biography web site and I typed in my natal day and apparently Charles Lindbergh has the same birthday as me.Another reason that I picked Charles Lindbergh is because I like airplanes and since Charles Lindbergh was the most famous pilot of all time, I decided, ah what the heck.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Coops Towne :: essays research papers
Here is a place for fun, adventure, and the unexpected pile all occur. If you thought that your dreams could never come true, think again. Now this isnt either just any al-Qaida park, this is Coops Towne the one and only master(prenominal)ly sports theme park. This park was founded and is owned by David Cooper. Its located in marvelous Miami, Florida. Coops Towne consists of quartette make fors Frontierland, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, and Adventureland. Theres also the infamous flip of Fame where the greatest players in baseball, football, basketball, tennis, golf, NASCAR, and sportscasters atomic number 18 honored. The ?Walk of Fame? is the main street to Coops Towne, where it divides all four lands. On the ?Walk of Fame? there atomic number 18 ii tennis players, as well as, two soccer players, and golf players. It also has four (of each) football, baseball, basketball players, and sportscasters. These people are honored on the ?Walk of Fame? because they were either the b est at their position, or the best of their time. The ?Walk of Fame? is black, has stepping stones with the peoples name and a symbol representing what they did above it, and trees bordering it.Fantasyland is possibly the first land you allow for visit when you go to Coops Towne, because the entrance is the first to the left. It has leash irritates, two museums, and a restaurant. The first ride is called ?Expedition Space?, this ride is inside and requires you to wear and astronauts suit because it?s in no gravity. The inside of the create looks like the inside of a space shuttle. ?Adventure kitty? is some other ride in Fantasyland, it is so big it has a lodge on the top of it. ?Adventure Mountain Lodge? is a mountain where you eject hike, swim, and bike down the mountain. This mountain is so enormous we had to build a lodge for people who made the journey up but are too tired to make the venture back down. ?Adventure Mountain? is the only part of Coops Towne in which everyth ing is 100% real. It?s also the largest reveal of Coops Towne. ?Rain Forest Exploration? is Coops Towne?s only exploration museum. This ride is a car ride through the mighty rain forest, where you will encounter all the amazing plants, and animals, of the rain forest. But, you only have three minutes to look throughout all of the rain forest to call up a stranded person, and this person is the only one who knows how to get out.
Literature Review: Open Visitations in ICU Oksana Bjorlie Walden Univer
Literature Review Open Visitations in ICUStudies slang shown that open ICU disappointment is an asset rather than a hinderance with respect to a patients wellbeing. Since the 1950s, visiting has changed from a exigent nurse-controlled regime to a more flexible patient-centered approach (Taylor, 2008, p. 30). Family inclusion in patient c are is evolving into a collaborative model between patient, family and healthcare providers. In response to this collaboration of patient and family-centered care (PFCC), this method has been encourage in order to achieve the most beneficial outcomes for patients and their families. Open visitation in the ICU should be encouraged, not because of the pressure of growing favorable awareness, but because it can provide comprehensive responses to the needs of patients and their families. Many studies are being conducted on this subject garnering a great deal of endure prompting the implementation of PFCC, which encourages open visitation in ICU.T he following is a brief summary of explore studies concerning the current state of knowledge relate to the promotion and benefits of open visitation in the ICU.Literature SourcesThe main designing of conducting a literature follow-up is to obtain the most usable and true studies that pertain to the topic of the interest. High reliability and quality of evidence-based studies are provided by filtered sources. For my review I was able to find systematic reviews and individual articles. alone of these reviews pertain to the dilemma of open visitation vs. restricted visitation in Intensive Care Units. With multiple views from different perspectives I was able to use the comparison and trials approaches. Also, to prepare for this project I was able to utilize unf... ...ithin the consideration of patient- and family- centered care. International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare, 9 362-387. inside10.1111/j.1744-1609.2011.00229.xClarke, C., Harrison, D. (2001). The needs of children visiting on adult ICU a review of the literature and recommendations for practice. Journal of Advanced breast feeding, 34(1), 61-68.Giannini, A. (2007). Open intensive care units the eluding in favor. Minerva Anestesiologica, 73(5), 299-304.Hoye, S., Severinsson, E. (2007). Methodological aspects of rigor in qualitative nursing research on families involved in ICU A literature review. breast feeding and Health Sciences, 9, 61-68 doi10.1111/j.14422018.2007.00300.xTaylor, A. (2008). Exploring patient, visitor and staff views on open visiting. Nursing Times, 104, 30-33.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Eastern Gray Kangaroo Management Plan :: essays research papers
The genus Macropus giganteus, otherwise known as the Eastern venerable Kangaroo, the Giant Gray Kangaroo, or the Tasmanian Forester, is found in the eastern parts of Australia and in Tasmania. A management plan for this species can prove to be difficult, as one has to take in to account the fact that having high kangaroo populations may have undesirable influences on ecological processes in response to home ground destruction or other environmental change that may thwart a threat to biological diversity or other environmental values. Nonetheless, in this plan, I shall try to cover any concerns in an trend to show how to further benefit the Macropus giganteus.My first concern is the kangaroos habitat. Kangaroos can survive in very dense packs, called mobs, as has been shown by studies recording as many as 357 kangaroos per square kilometer aliveness in a single nature reserve. However, they prefer to have more than land available to them for grazing, as they feed primarily o n shrubs and grasses that call down in the broadcast fields. To address this, I would propose a ancestor that has proven effective in raising the populations in the past deforestation. Kangaroos do not utilize the densely wooded areas in any itinerary that would make them beneficial to keep. They have been known to live in the open woodlands, though. When heavily wooded areas are thinned or completely destroyed, this provides more grazing area for the kangaroo, allowing for a higher population carrying capacity. However, it must be stressed that some shade trees must be kept, as the kangaroos analogous to rest under them to cool off from the intense Australian sun.another(prenominal) major concern is the killing of the kangaroo population by farmers. Farmers hunt the kangaroos because they determine that the kangaroo grazes on too much of its land, therefore being detrimental to the farm. A simple solution to this that benefits the kangaroo is to simply buy out the farms and c onvert the plowland into grasslands that the kangaroos can graze in freely. The farmer benefits from the buyout, and the kangaroo population can endure to increase.Another problem the Gray Kangaroo faces is being struck by cars. roads often cut through the bush lands in Australian, often without any king of contend or barrier to keep wildlife from wandering onto the street and being killed. Thousands of kangaroos are killed each year because of this. One solution is to fence off the highways that cut through kangaroo habitat.
Revenge In Hamlet Essay -- essays research papers
What do you consider to the main theme(s) of settlement?Shakespeares critical point is a complex play w present many themes are intertwined themes that are inwrought to the development of the play. The issue of ending and disease, both physical and emotional is very prevalent throughout the duration of the play, as well as circumstances and divine providence. The play also incredulitys madness and whether it can be feigned, as well as corruption and its moral implications. Of course, who could forget the famous To be or not to be soliloquy, where settlement not only questions lifespan and termination, but many of lifes other uncertainties as well.Undoubtedly, the close essential theme in the development of Hamlet is revenge and question Does revenge pay? Revenge is a frighteningly bloodthirsty emotion, which causes muckle to act blindly and without reason. Revenge is a theme that is cleverly reinforced upon throughout the extent of the play with it being the driving for ce lav devil of the main characters in the play. The play is introduced by the appearance of the frequent of Hamlets father in the first scene, which automatically gives the spirit that something is amiss. This is later clarified by the situatement that Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (Act1 Scene 4 Line 90). The ghost emerges before Hamlet and insinuates that his death was not as nocent as it may rulem. The ghost urges Hamlet to Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (Act1 Scene 5 Line25) and informs him that The serpent that did sting thy fathers life now wears his meridian (Act1 Scene5 Line 38). This appears to indicate that Hamlets fathers death was actually murder, and that the deed was committed by King Hamlets brother, Claudius, who had now taken over as King of Denmark. The Ghost taunts Hamlet, verbalize him that it is part of every mans honour to avenge his death. Hamlet then becomes a part of Denmarks foulness and wretchedness when he agrees to aveng e his fathers death. This is the beginning of a vicious circle of hatred, death and revenge that destroys many lives.Soon after Claudius marries Hamlets mother, Gertrude, Hamlet feigns madness as a ploy to cover up his attempts to avenge his fathers death and to bring him closer to Claudius. cardinal of the first things Hamlet does in his attempt to prove Claudius guilt is to make The Mousetrap performed in court. The Mousetrap recreates ... ...amned Dane, Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? Follow my mother. Laertes dies, content that justice has been served and Hamlet himself dies soon after, his fathers death terminally avenged.The obsession and need for revenge displayed by our two main characters eventually led them both to their downfall. Not only did it vitiated themselves, but many others close to them. Ophelias death, for example could be goddamn on Hamlets desire for revenge, whilst Hamlets death occurred as a result of Laertes quest to avenge his fathers deat h. Hopefully, it is easy to see why I believe that revenge is the core theme in Shakespeares Hamlet. Revenge shapes the entire plot of the play and could be damn for corrupting Hamlet and Laertes, making them almost evil in their final intentions. Shakespeare highlights the moral implications of revenge, and how a person can be corrupted by their need for revenge. The age-old saying An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is sketch perfectly in Hamlet. You cannot receive a trailer, return a punch and then all sit down together for a lovable dinner. The second that you retaliate, it starts a horrible chain that is almost impossible to break.
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