Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
In the course of years of stock marketplace study, two quite distinct schools of perspective invite arisen, two radically different methods of arriving at the answers to the traders problem of what and when. In the street jargon, one of these is commonly referred to as the fundamental abridgment or statistical, and the other as the technical. The term technical in its application to the stock market has come to have a particular(prenominal) meaning. It refers to the study of the execution of the market itself as opposed to the study of goods in which the market deals. Technical analysis is the science of recording, usually in graphic form, the actual history of affair (price changes, volumes, and transactions, etc) in a certain stock or in the averages and then deducing from that pictured history the probable future trend. According to super C and Irwin (2007) recent studies omen that technical trading strategies consistently produce economic internet in a range of specul ative markets at least until the earliest 1990s. From a supply of 95 recent studies, 56 studies find positive results regarding technical trading strategies, 20 studies obtained negative results, and 19 studies indicate mixed results.In pioneering work, Smidt (1965b) studies amateur traders in US commodity futures markets and finds that more than half of the respondents use charts exclusively or moderately in order to identify trends. Charts are work tools of the technical analyst, and they have been developed in a multitude of forms and styles to represent graphically almost anything that takes place in the market as well as to plot major power derived thereform. From a more recent study, Billingsley and Chance (1996) found that about 60% of commodity trading advisors (CTAs) rely heavily or e... reference work already contains in itself all that can be known about the future and in that sense has discounted future contingencies as much as is humanly possible. Ther e are also negative empirical findings in numerous pioneer and widely cited studies of technical analysis in the stock market, such as Fama and Blume (1966), Jensen and Benington (1970), and Van Horne and Parker (1967, 1968). Sullivan et al (1999, 2003) and Olson (2004) are among recent studies that have shown that technical trading rules do generate positive economic profits in advance the 1990s, but the profits are declining markedly or are disappearing altogether as time passes and globalization occurs. Such results may be explained by temporary market inefficiencies in periods before the 1990s. According to Park and Irwin, 2007, there are two possible explanations for the temporary inefficiencies Essay -- In the course of years of stock market study, two quite distinct schools of thought have arisen, two radically different methods of arriving at the answers to the traders problem of what and when. In the street jargon, one of these is commonly referred to as the fundamental analysis or statistical, and the other as the technical. The term technical in its application to the stock market has come to have a special meaning. It refers to the study of the action of the market itself as opposed to the study of goods in which the market deals. Technical analysis is the science of recording, usually in graphic form, the actual history of trading (price changes, volumes, and transactions, etc) in a certain stock or in the averages and then deducing from that pictured history the probable future trend. According to Park and Irwin (2007) recent studies indicate that technical trading strategies consistently produce economic profits in a range of speculative markets at least until the early 1990s. From a total of 95 recent studies, 56 studies find positive results regarding technical trading strategies, 20 studies obtained negative results, and 19 studies indicate mixed results.In pioneering work, Smidt (1965b) studies amateur traders in US commodity futures markets and finds that more than half of the respondents use charts exclusively or moderately in order to identify trends. Charts are working tools of the technical analyst, and they have been developed in a multitude of forms and styles to represent graphically almost anything that takes place in the market as well as to plot index derived thereform. From a more recent study, Billingsley and Chance (1996) found that about 60% of commodity trading advisors (CTAs) rely heavily or e... quotation already contains in itself all that can be known about the future and in that sense has discounted future contingencies as much as is humanly possible. There are also negative empirical findings in numerous pioneer and widely cited studies of technical analysis in the stock market, such as Fama and Blume (1966), Jensen and Benington (1970), and Van Horne and Parker (1967, 1968). Sullivan et al (1999, 2003) and Olson (2004) are among recent studies that have shown that tech nical trading rules do generate positive economic profits before the 1990s, but the profits are declining markedly or are disappearing altogether as time passes and globalization occurs. Such results may be explained by temporary market inefficiencies in periods before the 1990s. According to Park and Irwin, 2007, there are two possible explanations for the temporary inefficiencies
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Vying For A Title :: essays research papers
Vying for a TitleThe contenders have been primped and manicured by their masters and atomic number 18 ready to be placed on display. The subjects with the wealthiest owners attend top-notch subjection schools where they are trained in the art of acting and appearing in a way uncharacteristic to their nature. They are rewarded with special treats when they work hard during training. The skills knowing in these unique schools are not useful anywhere else, but in the competitions are judged and often given a champion prize. The contestants are paraded in, coached by their owners. Each standing tall with her head raised and nose up. Most are showing their teeth as if to be smiling or blissful. Truthfully, they are showing the judges the straightness and whiteness of their teeth. Both the long-haired and short-haired have had chemicals applied to them to make certain every hair lays perfectly. The outward appearances of the participators are close to flawless. If any flaws are dete cted in the preparation they are quickly covered up. Trainers and owners see imperfections as point deductions. Those are deductions they cant afford when a title and thousands of dollars are on the line. A woman moves from one contestant to the next testing them. To the last in the line of pistillate competitors the question is asked, If you could change the world, what would you change? Too confidently the girl replied, I would end world hunger and poverty. When all she really aspires to do is win this contest and the next. This is what pageantry is about. Parents who subject their children to beauty pageants teach their children that winning these contests will bring them happiness. Is being deemed the best at being fake really anything to be happy about? Too many mommies and daddies believe so. Do the pageant parents have their own dreams about their daughters being Miss Americas? Do the participants really compete in beauty contests to better themselves or their futures? Do th ey have a driving force from behind the stage? Will these parents go to any extent to hammer their daughters into something that might win a few of these superficial contests?Didnt the Ramseys think that putting JonBenet in all those beauty pageants, looking so seductive, was inappropriate. The child was 5. All the pictures we precept were of her looking 25 and slinking and winking. (Schwartz)Mrs. Ramsey said that was just the publics problem and if they thought a 5-year-old trying to look more sexy than Madonna was a bit misshapen - well that just shows what twisted people we have in this country.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Effect of Concentration on Osmosis :: Papers
The Effect of Concentration on Osmosis Introduction Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules that occurs only when there is a movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration through a partially permeable membrane. The process ends only when the two concentrations are equal or the cell is unable to take any more water because the cell is turgid. For osmosis to take place a partially permeable membrane is required to deliver water movement to take place and to prevent such a transfer between other molecules. If a cell is in contact with a solution of lower water concentration than its own contents, then water leaves the cell by osmosis, through the cell membrane. The living contents of the cell contracts and at last pulls away from the cell wall and shrinks, this is known as plasmolysis. If you put a plant cell in water, water enters by Osmosis, and then swells up. However, the cell get out not burst. This is due to the fact that the cell walls are made from cellulose, which is extremely strong. Eventually, the cell stops swelling, and when this point is reached, we say the cell is turgid.
How to Make Sandblasted Signs :: essays papers
How to Make Sandblasted SignsProcess & Analysis How To Make Sandblasted Signs. The only necessary tools you need are basswood, or red wood, prophylactic cover song, sprayglue, exacto knife, sand paper, paint (which most of these items you can find atyour local hardware store). Also you need to know someone in your fellowship whohas a sandblasting machine to sandblast your sign. You will also need a designfor your board. (It can be your name, or a symbol of what ever you command it tobe.) First thing you need to do is to get some bass or red wood. Cut the boards to theexact size you want by victimization a band saw or hand saw. Also, aim the followingmethods such as gluing, planing, and squaring the boards to the exact length youwant your sign to be. Once you get under ones skin squared your board with the square, yoursign will be even on each side. The next step will be to apply the rubbermasking to your board. Now you are ready to put your design on the rubber m asking. Apply thespray glue to the rubber masking. Once you have sprayed the glue (in a wellventilated area) to the masking you should wait for about 2 minutes for theadhesive to dry, and begin to cut out your design you have chosen. This is a actually sequence consuming task so it is best to take your time. This is the time to start cutting on your masking. It is best to leaveabout one half(prenominal) of an inch around the outside edge of the board. Use your exactoknife to cut the masking. Make sure to center your design and that it issuitably sized to your board. It is important not to make the cuts too smallor the sand will tear the rubber masking off. You need to find someone in the community that does sandblasting. Thiscould be at a monument engraving service near by. They use a special sand thatis very fine to cut the wood. Sandblasters also use an air compressor to shootthe air and sand out at a high rate of speed. This process will cost between$2-$5 and the time to complete is approximately two days. Once you get the sign back from the sandblasting service, you are ready to
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Different Types of Discrimination Essay -- Prejudice, Racism, Cult
DiscriminationReligion, national origin, race, and social status ar the suspect classifications of discrimination, still ar these the only categories that should non be discriminated against? People today are searching for equal rights and opportunities. No one should be suffering from any type of discrimination, but they are. Discrimination is an unfair handling of a person or group based on prejudice, therefore sex, disability, and age should be included in the suspect classifications of discrimination (Discrimination). invoke discrimination is the differential treatment based on sex (Answer). Traditionally in American culture higher value has been given to males, this is wherefore sex discrimination is commonly found in the work place among women. Focus in a workplace where sex discrimination is prevalent the choices are not made based on the ability of the person, but their gender. The reason why gender is a big issue for women in the workplace is because women are looked a t as part of the household committee instead of in the economical world. Women are not seen as capable entities, but solely as baby-makers. This method of conducting business has deterred many women that are far more capable than the men who were given the job. Sex discrimination in the employment world is not a new issue, but one that stems from the past. The Fair Labor Standard typify of 1938 established a minimum wage for both men and women providing par (Answer). Even though this act was passed, many women are still paid less than men for the same job. In 1963, the Equal Pay Act acknowledged women as workers and not just homemakers (Answer). Now in 2007, sex discrimination is still universe done in some occupations, but they are making progress. ... ...en booking a hotel room you are required to be at least 18 eld of age. At 18 years old you are required to let a deposit just incase you break hotel property, while older adults are not required to provide a deposit. We liv e in a country where youth is full of energy, while old is worthless, but we all should be treated equally. Discrimination has been a big issue in society for a long time. National origin, religion, social status, and race are the suspect classifications that are not allowed to be discriminated against. ar these the only categories that are worthy of protection? Not as long as America is the home of the free. Sex, Disability, and Age discrimination are categories that are being over looked everyday. By not acknowledging these other, very significant types of discrimination not only are the business world losing out, but America as a whole.
The Different Types of Discrimination Essay -- Prejudice, Racism, Cult
secretionReligion, national origin, race, and social status are the suspect classifications of discrimination, but are these the only categories that should non be discriminated against? People today are searching for equal rights and opportunities. No one should be suffering from any type of discrimination, but they are. variety is an unfair treat handst of a person or group based on prejudice, therefore sex, disability, and age should be included in the suspect classifications of discrimination (Discrimination). Sex discrimination is the differential treatment based on sex (Answer). Traditionally in American culture higher value has been inclined to males, this is why sex discrimination is commonly found in the work place among women. Focus in a employment where sex discrimination is frequent the choices are not made based on the ability of the person, but their gender. The reason why gender is a big issue for women in the workplace is because women are looked at as part of the household committee instead of in the economical instauration. Women are not seen as capable entities, but only when as baby-makers. This method of conducting business has deterred many women that are far more capable than the men who were given the job. Sex discrimination in the employment world is not a new issue, but one that stems from the past. The Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938 established a minimum wage for both men and women providing equality (Answer). Even though this act was passed, many women are still paid less than men for the same job. In 1963, the Equal chip in Act acknowledged women as workers and not just homemakers (Answer). Now in 2007, sex discrimination is still being done in well-nigh occupations, but they are making progress. ... ...en booking a hotel room you are necessary to be at least 18 years of age. At 18 years old you are required to provide a deposit just incase you break hotel property, while older adults are not required to provide a de posit. We live in a country where youth is full of energy, while old is worthless, but we all should be treated equally. Discrimination has been a big issue in society for a long time. National origin, religion, social status, and race are the suspect classifications that are not allowed to be discriminated against. Are these the only categories that are worthy of protection? Not as long as America is the home of the free. Sex, Disability, and Age discrimination are categories that are being over looked everyday. By not acknowledging these other, very significant types of discrimination not only are the business world losing out, but America as a whole.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Implement person centred approaches in a health social care setting Essay
1.1 define person centred values.Person centred values are there to ensure that the person using the returns has all decisions about care ect. Made around them and their require.1.2 explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person centred approaches to establish the needs and wishes of the item-by-item and make sure these are met. This also means that the single(a) will feel empowered and have some sense of control over their lives.1.3 explain why risk taking can be part of a person centred approach. Because taking risks involves risk assessments which the individual can be make a part of. Also it empowers individuals to make choices and take risks in their lives.see moreidentify possible barriers to active participation1.4 explain how using a persons care plan contributes to working in a person centred way. Because no two care plans are the same as they are about an individual using the care plan means we are working to suit the individual taking into account the ir likes and dislikes.3.1 explain the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support. This is important as it then includes the individual in decision making, and to ensure they dont feel ignored or under valued.3.3 explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established. I would discuss the problem with my manager and possibly a doctor or advocate for the individual. Also I would make a record of this and sign and date it.4.1 describe how participation benefits an individualthis benefits individuals as it makes them feel important and that things are done for their benefit and with their consent. This benefits the individual as it makes them an active part of making choices about their lives and how they live. 4.2 identify possible barriers to active participationemotionsdisabilitiesattitudesstrict routineslack of training
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Interpretations of our Culture and gender Essay
tillage is a representation of many aspects ranging from indigenous practices, feeding habits and even clothing, thus culture is expressed whole the federal agency through many and various ways, customs, habits and behaviors. Nevertheless culture is also identified through language. Culture and language are so intertwined and in that complexity, culture can neither be separated from language nor can language be separated from culture. The way people choose to use language in various phases of life affiliates them to a one specific culture from the other.In this context, cultures are very distinguishable from one another, for instance in some cultures women wee-wee no voice in high society and there are roles that they are not allowed to play. However, (Embers 2007) note that, it must not be forgotten that some people can create a class through stratification or class which may demolition in discrimination or segregation. In this case there is class of the poor and another of the rich and through these classes people develop a culture befitting them.In matters of stimulate or gender, some ethnic groups are very discriminative towards women and the class of women has been given lesser roles in society than men. Women do not make decisions or are not involved in decision making processes or procedures. However, it has dawned in many cultures that women play snappy roles for the survival of many societies. Many rigid cultures that devour rendered women voiceless have realized women at many a times make brilliant decisions than expected. So, what have they done?Women have been listened to and many have been given powerful leadership positions in such cultures to make impacting decisions. Currently, in many cultures women are leaders and they have performed. So far so good, there is no major disagreement and the way forward for many cultures is not to use gender or sex as a whip, but to be specific let girls and boys in any cultural setting get equal educ ation, position and or all other favors, then give them equal opportunities. Reference Ember, C. & Ember, M. (2007). Cultural Anthropology, 12th Edition. New Jersey Pearson Education, Inc.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Women in Nation Building
Womens participation in nation-building is an important ingredient in achieving an equitable, peaceful and more prosperous beau monde. Gender equity and womens inclusion play a central role both as a litmus test test and as an active variable shaping a more democratic, stabilized and developed society. To enhance the results of nation-building, the study suggests that nations should place a greater emphasis on the broader concept of human security from the earliest phase of nation-building efforts.In addition, leaders should establish governance based on principles of equity and consistent endure of law, and should include women in the earliest economic reconstruction activities. Women play a special role in the overall development of the country. There is no incur for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing. woman is the builder and moulder of a nations destiny, though delicate and soft as lily, s he has a heart, stronger and bolder than that of man, she is the supreme inspiration for mans onward march. Today the educated women p roduce come out of their inferiority complex and are shouldering all kinds of responsibilities, as Managers, officers, TV and radio news reader, pilots, Ministers, Anchors, Musicians, Clerks, Stenographers, and what not? state is a union of families and villages. Family is the prefatory unit of society, which is the foundation of state itself. Happy families create a healthy society and healthy society is a pre-requisite of strong governmental order in democratic societies. A woman is an architect of society.She establishes the institution of family life, builds the alkali, brings up the children and makes them good citizens. Her strength in totality contributes in the making of an ideal family, ideal society and an ideal state. It has become essential for women to be politically empowered to achieve socio-economic justice. It has rightly been sa id who holds the purse holds the nation. As the women are better half of the nation, they merit better fate in political power. The male-dominated political parties and legislatures in the country do not bear with their equal number in epresentative institutions. What we lack is political will to understand the importance of womens role in nation building and all avenues open to them to get political power. MEN Should realize the power of women,And women should in addition realize their power too,what they can do for them,for their family,for their nation. They are the building blocks of nation building,In the words of Martin Luthar KIng,A mothers place is inside her home,But she should also make certain,she gets outside that home enough to help worth while crusades and actively mould the country her children will live in.She therefore holds a key position and her role in shaping the fate of the nation must be recognized and respected. This we see that a woman occupies a vital po sition in family,society and it is time we accepted and respected her ability. They should not search for the role models but try themselves to be role models in politics. It would be of no use giving equal share in parental property unless the social set-up is changed. That can be changed only by sincere implementation of laws made for women.A woman is shakti, the natural energy. The almost ancient scriptures say that without the female power, it is not possible for humankind to survive. The female power has been the force behind all the great leaders of the world. Therefore, they must be politically empowered. The writing is on the wall the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. OUR WOMEN have a great part to play in the progress of our country, as the mental and physical contact of women with life is much more lasting and comprehensive than that of men.For nothing was it said, The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. In the apron pull out of women is hidden the revolutionary energy, which can establish paradise on this earth. Woman is the magnificent creation of god, a multi faceted personality with the power of benevolence, adjustability, integrity and tolerance. She is brother of man, gifted with equal mental faculty, a protector and provider, the embodiment of love and affection. The role given to women in a society is a measuring rod and true index of its civilisation and cultural attainment.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Comparison of Essays by James Baldwin and Eric Foner
The Identity American position What makes you an individual and an American? The idea of what qualifies a person as an American is very vague. Eric Foner, in his article Who is an American? describes the idea of what qualifies a person as an American has changed over the years. There erst was a time where the except people who were American citizen were white males that later became that all people living in the United States had the qualification of becoming a citizen. There are several factors, including some(prenominal) underlying and overt, that affect idea who qualifies as a citizen.Overt factors such as if you are here legally or if you have your citizenship certificate to more underlying factors like what you look like or if you can speak English. James Baldwin in his essay If Black English Isnt a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is explains how the English he and his people speak is what qualifies them as individuals. Going on to say that, with out the language that they use to communicate with each separate their survival would not have been possible.Both Eric Foner and James Baldwin talk slightly individuality and identity operator in their articles and arguing that the identity of a person is what gives the person their freedom and liberty. Eric Foner states Americans debates about the bases of our national identity reflect a larger contradiction in the Western traditions itself. For if the West, as we are often reminded, created the idea of liberty as a universal human right, West also invented the concept of black market and ascribed to it predictive powers about human behavior (Foner 141).Foner implies America, as a whole, is a diverse country the thought of each of all American belonging to a single, included group, is somewhat illogical. All American have divers(prenominal) need and wants, different goals and ambitions, and cant all enjoy the same liberty because of their race. Baldwin agrees with that saying, The brutal truth is that the bulk of the white people in America never had any interest in educating black people, except as this could serve white purposes. Baldwin 3) Baldwin gives a specific example of how a race oppressed another race and how the race alone was a factor of why there wasnt equality in the freedom received by the people. The identity that Baldwin shows here is of a young black child who has lived to tough times in life. The only charge he will be fitting to obtain the same freedom as a white child is through the education, that the black child can only receive from white adults, who only want to use the black child for their own benefit.Even with the freedom the child was promised through the education he would still be a slave to soul or something else. Foner and Baldwin also agree on the fact that African American always excluded from the citizens of the eras. Foner stating, Slavery helped to shape the identity, the sense of self, of all Americans, giving nationhood a mighty exclusiona ry dimension (Foner 142). Slaves never had the same treatments as the owners. They were always the left out party who didnt get the same liberty, equality, and democracy which are the main ideologies that a person needs to be an American (142).If all you need to be an American and enjoy the same liberty and freedom as all other people was to believe in liberty, equality, and democracy slavery could never have lasted as long as it did (Baldwin 2). The fact that slavery lasted as long as it did show that the freedom one person get is not the same amount as someone else. Foner and Baldwin do not specifically talk about the rights of people and how unfairly they are shared in their article, but both do have an underlying implication of the rights of people.Baldwin, for the majority of his article, talks about the way language is spoken by the Blacks and then in the end states that an uneducated country with so many impurities cannot teach anything to its people. Foner, unlike Baldwin, t alks about identity and correlates it with the idea of freedom and equality. In his conclusion stating the just like our identities are changing our belief of freedom and equality will always change. For Baldwin language had the intension of freedom and equality while Foner used identity to connote the same thing.Both articles were written in the late 1900s, and the political and social struggle mentioned in both the articles still exists the changed asked by both authors still needs to be implanted. Baldwin, James. If Black English Isnt a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is? Readings for Analytical Writing. Third ed. capital of Massachusetts Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. Foner, Eric. Who Is an American? Readings for Analytical Writing. Third ed. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2011.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Eastenders. How does your chosen text attract its audience? Essay
Soap operas attract its audiences in m whatever divers(prenominal) ways and use a lot of tactics to keep their viewing going up. Audiences ar so important to media because without them, there would be no media. So this is why many different types of media use specialist ways to keep their audiences engaged to help media progress. One of the exclusives that has being focused on is Eastenders. Eastenders Is a soap that is shown quatern times a week on bbc1. It is based in Londons east end. It included a wide swan of characters and storylines.One of the soaps intentions is to deal with contr everyplacesial mixer issues and Eastenders likes to see itself and as pursuing documentary echtism. It does not have a naturalistic mode and can shift from melodramatic or to sitcom. Eastenders uses a lot of realism within its story lines so that the audience can relate back to the story lines. But it is misleading to see Eastenders as representing real life as it does include unrealistic thi ngs i.e. characters coming back to life from death. This piece will look at the different way Eastenders attracts it audience on a regular basis.Eastenders doesnt have just one target audience it has a mass audience which means any gender, race , age, righteousness and class can watch it as it has many diverse characters with in the soap and different types of target story lines. These story lines can be seen as some audiences maybe relate to the story line and others can be educated by them.Audiences can identify with Eastenders characters in a self soma as they include many different image groups much(prenominal) as Goths, suited characters, casual etcIt also includes different ages and storylines to go along with these ages groups like get-go school, going to university, retiring so audience that match these storylines can relate to this.Different classes are also used as characters, from coterie A (upper class) to grade E ( lowest class) as within the soap its has doctors, lawyers etc and among that it has unemployed people, students. So it isnt specifically for one class grade.Families are used as hale as usually in soap operas they have 3 or 4 families and in Eastenders most of the characters are part of a family and the family live on the square. Families are a good way to attract as they seem relatively real life as the storylines include arguments, death, wills, new borns, disjoin etc.. and can relate to these storylines and/or help them come to terms with there own family issues.Different classes are also used as characters, from grade A (upper classes) to grade E ( lowest class) as with in the soap its has doctors, lawyers etc And among that it has unemployed people, students. So it isnt specifically for one class grade.Many cultures and nationalist are included within the characters so it isnt just aimed at one certain group of people.The codes and conventions of Eastenders is very important and it keeps the audiences hocked. It is a serial ised drama that is on four times a week and runs week-in, week-out, all year round. It ingests continuous narratives dealing with domestic themes and personal or family relationships and will have Three, four or heretofore five storylines and they will progress during any one episode, with the action switching between them. As one narrative is resolved, another completely different one with different characters will already be underway..Eastenders also has a well-known theme tune and intro sequence which rarely changes throughout the history of the soap which over the years audiences become much familiar with ( it has been rumoured that pets are even familiar with it).There is a limit to the number of characters available at any one time on screen but this allows the soap to focus on a smaller number of characters which then allows more time to be spent on each character, so that the audience knows them better and the storylines can be more detailed and involved, as well as being more numerous over time.The plots are open-ended and usually has a multiplicity of which interlinked in an episode ( metanarrative). The storylines in these cases run parallel. But episode will undoubtedly end with a cliff-hanger, which is a tense and suspenseful, un concluded piece of dialogue or action when But with the ending, it will come to some kind of finis as well as a cliff-hanger such as Billys dead which concludes that the character is dead but still raises up questions of why, when, where etc...The perspective of Eastenders is set around a small, central area Trafalgar square. And somehow the characters are all connected through either, relationships, arguments or history such as Phill Mitchell used to bully Ian Beal as school over 20 years ago and now you still see his subliminal control over Ian.Eastenders often have special episodes for events in the real world such as Christmas or the Millennium and even just an round up to a storyline such as who killed Archie (( an hour long special)). Such episodes are often referred to as soap bubbles.Eastenders and largely British soaps most often feature common, ordinary, working class characters, in contrast to American soaps, which tend to deal with richer, flashier, more fantasy-inspired characters, reflecting the preferences of their respective target audiences.As Eastenders has such a broad range of characters, it has a broad range of representations.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Based god
Dear college admissions, Affirmative action really helps minorities and under privileged Americans. It helps them pay for college and bump the right training they need for success later on in life, which will help the, later on in life to get wear Jobs. Hand in hand itll help out our economy in the long run. I can understand that some people would say that it wouldnt be beneficial for the people that arent from minority backgrounds and that ffirmative action is discrimination.People may say that its discrimination because the people registering students are looking if theyre for ethnicity to see if they need help paying for school. only if in my opinion you money only comes in one color, and thats green. If I could change some things about affirmative action it would be that the applicants wouldnt have to be of color or ethnicity, they would Just have to meet the income requirements.We would check their parents annual income and see the best fit amount of money for their situation . When someone applies it shouldnt tell us the race of the applicant, it should Just state the income, parents in the household, and the other basic information. Race shouldnt influence others opinions.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Human Resources Management and Job Design Essay
This has been the problem with also several blue chip companies. Are there other issues which leads to commitment and loyalty to stay on in companies? The organizations could not afford to lose key individuals for some matters related to job dissatisfaction and discon ecstasytment. In such a scenario Organizational Behavior becomes a very crucial tool in shaping employee morale. Job Design becomes all the to a greater extent important and is an avenue that could lead to overall job contentment.It could be made more enriching and appealing to the employees by incorporating suitable forgiving Resource and Behavioral concepts. The objective of this paper is to identify some of the state of the art and tested techniques in humans Resources Management that could make the job more enriching and interesting to the employees. It aims at Quality of Work Life where the emphasis is given to issues like Quality, Time, Commitment, Work Culture and affable Responsibility. WE have to act to Rea lize Our Needs.Access to technology helps in marching forward but people have to be told to contribute to amaze to their wide potential, utilize resources improve relationships and acquire knowledge. Duplication of efforts to gain increased productivity, continuous quality improvement and progress could be avoided. Sharing the resources between nations stomach do this. Importance should be given to self-sufficiency and efficiency, stimulating original thinking resulting in effectives of the system. Introduction Emphasis of Industrial engine room with respect toHuman Resource Management and Job Design are Ergonomics, Human Factors, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Operations Research and Management. Experimental work in the field of Biomechanics, Human factors, Computer coordinated Manufacture, Process Control, Graphics, and Computation methods are done. Ergonomics and Human Factors includes biomechanics, man-machine systems, prevention of musculo-skeletal disorders, other ind ustrial hygiene issues, and ergonomics and human factors issues in a aviation, space systems and rehabilitation.Manufacturing Systems Engineering includes computer-integrated manufacturing the planning, design, and control of manufacturing systems Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing and the application of robotics, vision systems, and artificial intelligence in manufacturing. Operations Research includes deterministic and stochastic optimization multi-criteria ending making expert systems and artificial neural networks modeling and analysis of system reliability Total Quality Management and the modeling, management, and simulation of manufacturing and service systems. Objective remove of Human Resource Management to increase the awareness of the real power, to direct, to make decisions, to develop ethical systems, to enhance the lives of self & others and to understand that the systems should be made flourishing with active participation of all working partners. Process This can be achieved through the development of conceptual skills, entrepreneur skills, leadership skills, managerial skills, technical skills and communicational skills.Focusing on effective leadership, efficient management process, productive motivation, economic manufacturing and service, required training requirement and of skills for excellence. By viewing the situation in the fork over perspective, by formulation of changing alternatives and by choosing the best change alternative. It can be dealt easily with separately and every aspect of life with power, freedom and full self-expression.Areas of life are health, well-being, leisure, fun, relationships, career, family, plans for future, retirement, quality of life, living situation, home, religion, spirituality, finances, income, sex, self-confidence communication and enrollment. Ability to listen and be present, to take unreasonable actions, overcome fear of failure, and live an mental disturbance free life and think positivel y always with sense of joy & fulfillment and with unimpeachable integrity.Awareness of the real power is being present to what is hazard now and being able to deal with full energy & commitment without any doubt or ambiguity in the mind in each and every aspect of our life. Organize To be organized keep things in the same place every time. Ask every one to do the same. germinate them when required and place them back as soon as the work is over in the same order, plan in advance what all necessarily to be done now, after 1hour, after 6 hours, after 10 hours, today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this month, next month, this year, next year, next five years and next ten years.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Child Care Introduction to Children
Unit 1 E1 statutory heavenss that argon fully funded but it depends on the boroughs. One example is school nurseries. In this setting professionals train to make life in the setting liveliness threadb atomic number 18ized a family atmosphere for chel arn to recover comfort adequate to(p). Professionals in similar manner financial aid nipperren to develop with cargonfully chosen fleckivities to do with the 6 ticking areas, these are language and literacy, originative development, sensible development, personal social and emotional development, agniseledge and fancying of the world and mathematical development.They beget to abet boorren develop at their pace and doesnt rush boththing because they get it on every kidskin is individual in their own itinerary. The nurseries in some(prenominal) case support kidskinren feel safe and get in the environment and dedicate them a sanguine balanced lifestyle much(prenominal) has brawny meals, 5 a day and run cl ose to out the garden areas. The clannish vault of heaven is full costing to parents, they use up to pay the cost for their barbarianren, it isnt paid for them. One example of this is preschools.The care they offer is just that little bit to a greater extent thus statutory this is because the sector makes the clawren feel like the school is as well their home and that the professionals are family. Professionals in the sector departing constantly observe the baby birdren for safety. Education in this sector is organised daily, this includes inventive analyzeing, letter and round doing, singing and story time to boost federal agency and their run acrossing. Education is too provided in a musical mode of treating the tike as an individual to image they develop at their own speed.This sector result to a fault treat special impoverishments churlren equal and presentation no discrimination. automatic a sm tot on the wholey consort is donated for them to start up thither business one example is churl lines and m separate and toddler groups. free lead provides athletic supporter, support, and education to clawren. On nspcc. org. uk is extrapolate this is doing by 1) Focusing on areas which leave make the biggest difference 2) prioritise the pincerren at risk 3) Learn what throws the best for them 4) Create leverage for change. When the sector finds rude(a) shipway to dish pip-squeakren they get out test it out to chink ow it goes and if it craps accordingly they entrust read on with the newly idea. They educate the minorren by the things they offer and do to them to forget round certain things in their life and to develop them to move on and stay strong. E2 statutory sector supports children and their families by doing things that forget foster their children to develop and grow, they fit around parents timet qualifieds and admirer them to go to the highest degree their daily life knowing on that point child i s in soundly monitored care. The statutory sector protects children and go a shipway their families a sense of relief.It alike helpers parents with educating the child in their background and helps them rede much of the culture, similarly helps the families get cheeseparing education for their child with the cost cosmos mostly funded for them so its free. The clannish sector supports families and their children by giving them a safe restore aim and fashioning the child feel at home. It helps families go about their schedules and devour a feel of relief that their child is outlet to be happy where they are, it supports them in a way of helping a child become better at their strengths, and it includes everything of import in the Childs life.Voluntary pass water supports children in helping them scale think of open surpassings in their life, and to become aware of people who have experienced similar dismission on and to help them have a better life in the future, and gives them closure. It supports the parents by cosmosness free of cost. E3 Childrens biteuate 2004 The act was around in 1989 but after a lot of going on it was updated to Childrens act 2004, it political platformned to improve how social services worked and how people would treat the children in their care.To help the children they contrive to bring multiple agencies together to protect innocent children and stop the abuse that maybe going on. The 1989 act was poor, it make it easier for abusers to get away with what they did or gets a low sentence, this is because agencies didnt come together and pack on information. The children get better response for what has overtakeed and their compulsions are more pointed on, the act decides what is best for the child to make them safer as it is one of their rights. The act allows children and their families to come together a lot more in qualification them a lot afer then what they would have felt before. On surrey. gov. u k website it says The locomote aims to improve impelling local operative to safeguard and promote childrens wellbeing. The act has a lot of endeavor in making a Childs upbeat noticed and master(prenominal) and aim to do the following * clasp the child healthy * going the child safe * Help the child have fun and sleep together life more and achieve things they thought they couldnt. The children act 1989 was poor the new act 2004 was promoted in slipway such(prenominal) as teaming a lot more agencies together to work on preventing a child safe and having rights to what they deserve.The act shows people that children have rights to an education, healthy lifestyle and to be a child and extol their life without any threat. Education Act 2002 This act came around in 2002, on the europarchive. org website it say that It is a substantial and Coperni dismiss valet de chambre of legislation intended to raise regulations, promote innovation in schools and reform education law. This would help children get a better and healthier education by their life and make their lifestyle normal and challenging to become what they are testamenting to become.The act helps children to curb for a greater and more flexibility in certain areas of the national curriculum. This helps children become involved with different people because it joins schools together as a team to work together on the eudaemonia of the children. humanity Rights Act 1998 This act came around in 1998 and aimed to help children have major rights in their life to give their lifestyle northward and a lot more easy going when it comes to the way families are. The rights support children in a way of safety and a healthy life some examples of human rights that are basal(prenominal) to a childs life are 1. reedom from torture and degrading treatment 2. the right to lever for private and family life 3. the right not to be discriminated against in honor of these rights and freedoms 4. the right to an education If any of this rights are breached you have the right to an trenchant solution in law even if the breach was by with(p) by a police officer you still have the right to go to law. E4 Every child Matters This provides every child no matter their background or circumstances the support they leave behind occupy.Every child necessityfully to be healthy which includes growing and their development as well as their emotional and material well being, the environment admits to be a safe manoeuver for them to be fit to develop, other(prenominal) principle is for the children to enjoy and achieve through their learning and be up to(p) to achieve economic well-being through their life. These are crucial to be in your placement for the children to develop as the first 3 years are critical. This go forth help childrens life become healthy and have northward to. Welfare of children is paramount (children act 1989) A childs welfare is paramount.The idea is that when de cisions are make the deprivations and interests of the children must come first this means they engage to be recognized as an individual. This pull up s bugger offs model children in becoming aware of rules and the way their daily life bequeath carry on. The coquette determines what pass on be best for the childs upbringing and decides this by these points legislation. gov. uk it states the ascertain equal wishes and feelings of the child refer (considered in the light of his age and clearing). Cache Statement of cherishs The look ons in this are shipway of putting the child first.To do this you pass oning never use physical punishment towards a child, deference the parent or those in a parenting role, respect the staff in the child care manufacture and those involved, respect values and spiritual beliefs of the child and their family, honour the confidentiality of the child and their family. If these are not respected and through right then these could be life thre atening to a child and those involved with the child. This go away figure out children in building their respect by showing youre respecting others they provide copy. E5The importance of valuing and respecting children get out show them that you as a member of staff or a practitioner lead not label them or label them for who they are or how they look and do certain things. It will help them image that everyone is individual and different but that doesnt mean to treat them any different. If you show the children respect it shows a sense of care for them and will boost their authority. Respecting and valuing will help the child understand more on what they are doing and will help them in life, to support this on community. rg it states creating environmentsthat foster creativity, innovation, discovery, inquiry,questioning and problem solving. This is how settings help children increase and how it shows we respect what they need to learn and discover. it will show they are just as alpha as anyone else in the establishment which will make them not as shy. Their self esteem will rise if you verbalise to them like an adult and say more positive things, as well saying their constitute correctly and praising them on the good shows that you value them as an individual and that learning their cite likewise will show their essential to.C The practitioner should listen to a child views and their opinions because it will help them with their confidence on showing that they place have a conversation about anything and show they have a voice to. If their confidence rises then they will pass away better with others and make new friends and be able to let loose about their daily life everyday a lot more and be able to say if something is wrong and if they need help. Listening to a child shows their principal(prenominal) just like everyone else and that you value them as a person.A more confident child will tend to work harder in what they do to achieve and develop a lot more as well. The more a child is listened to the more open minded they will become and more outspoken. This will make it easier for them to become understood and will allow practitioners to identify their wants and ineluctably. Its a way of involving a child in decision making and showing them thither are not really any wrong answer and they can learn from their mis analyses. withal to show you have time to try and understand what they are saying, to support what I have express Tassoni et al (2007 scallywag 13) a child might need you to listen carefully so that you can understand what he or she is trying to say. too from listening to children a practitioner will gain their respect for you . A A child centred approach means to identify a childs abilities and weaknesss and work around that with activities that they could handle, it in addition means to make the environment to the standard of their needs and to cater what they may need. Everything is based around th e child.On growingplaces. org. uk they state It allows freedom for children to think, experience, explore, question and search for answers. Tassoni et al (2007 summon 234) says You will need to ensure that childrens interests are continuously reflected in what they do this is a way of ensuring the child is interested in learning and activities. The advantages of a child centred approach are that the children all gain something important to do with their life it helps families and practitioners notice their strengths and weaknesses as an individual so it is easier to help them tension on certain things.Another advantage is their needs are forever catered for. They have a home like atmosphere in the environment for example corporation and sinks to postponement their hygiene up as well as in that respect are potties and nappies, changing rooms for those children who will need them. Their dietary is focused on and professionals will work around it. Another way of making a child centred approach is for azoic year practitioners to pass by this will help an individual child extend their knowledge or thinking, model ideas, prompt questions, advert development, support the acquisition on specific skills.The disadvantages of a child centred approach is that it could make it hard for a child to go into something different like a principal(a) school as they have not been prepared for that big leap in their life, it similarly makes it hard to slightly explain to a child that they cant do something they ask as in past experience the child has always got what they have needed due to the child centred approach. I believe that the child centred approach is a good thing because it helps a child have a healthy lifestyle and helps them notice what they are going to gain and their strengths in the environment.Also that it helps them live their life as a child before rushing into something strange, the routine of their life is kept the same in some places as it is at h ome. E6 Confidentiality This is an important skill because it shows that you are keeping private information about a child or a childs household inside the nursery and not outside. This is an important skill to need in the work place with children because children will say a lot and if they say something about what may of happened to them for example abuse then it is the rules of being in a childcare establishment that you tell nobody if you ont keep it confidential and it may not be true you could hurt someone and lose your right to work in that place. This will help support your work with children because it shows you are a trustworthy person and that you have knowledge of the rules and regulations of the workplace. It will make professionals trust you. To support what I have state in Tassoni 2007 page 11 it states some of this information will be confidential information and must not be assignd.Communication This is an important skill because you need to be confident enough to b e able to talk to parents and other staff members about the children and things that will be needed to do around the work area. This will help support you operative with children because you need to be able to communicate properly with the children because you will need to talk to them at different levels and know how to talk to children from babies to 11 year olds, also the be able to communicate with the other staff members to discuss planning activities or if the child is hurt you will need to communicate with the staff member and communicate in a team.Observation skills This is important because youll need it to observe activities that are going on and the way children are behaving if it is appropriate or not. This will help your support with working with children because it shows that you know how to do things when working in that establishment for the future, it will help you set up activities or learn a childs need. It shows that you can obtain children as an individual a nd thats what you will need to do. Having this will also show that you are good at learning new things by observing how other staff members do things. E7Time worry This would be important to support your training because being able to show up on time for a placement and to take in coursework thats due in shows youre determined to do well and give a good impression. creation able to keep on time also shows that youre well unionized when it comes to deadlines or dates you need to be in and that youre taking things sincerely. Managing time is not a tricky thing to do and being able to be on time for everything shows dedication. If youre on time or betimes for placements it could lead to a permanent offer or a good review of your time on that point.The children are less developed in time management then you and will take what you do in to mind on time-management-success. com it states Punctuality is a big issue in terms of time management for kids who have a less developed sense o f time. Giving Presentations This helps support your training because it helps you take away what youve learnt and seen and put it up for everyone else to see your understanding. creation able to give a presentation also shows confidence and your understanding of the subject as well.It makes things easier for tutors to see how much you have developed and if you do need any help at all or if there are any errors. Note winning This helps support your training because it helps you go over anything you may not understand, note taking shows that youre serious about learning things about what to do and what not to do in a placement. Also it helps you do units and give you ideas on what to write. Note taking in a placement will help you understand the difference in other childcare areas and it may lead to questions that you would like to ask to improve your knowledge. BConfidentiality It is important to understand this boundary because working in a nursery or day-care centred even a pri mary school you will hear stories from the children or over here parents and staff talking about private things. The information you may hear is private and you must understand you cannot talk to anyone outside of the placement as someone who knows that family could over hear and this would affect them. A good test to know if a part of information is confidential is to think about whether its common knowledge or if you only know it because of the position of you are in inside the nursery (Tassoni et al 2007).Understanding this will stop you hurting others or gossiping about other people behind their back. Health and safety This is important to understand as a boundary also because you will need to know the childs health issues if there are any or whether the child is safe where they are in the environment. You will need to understand what you should do if you see a gate or door open, this could be an easy way for unwished visitors in the environment. On the premises you should as a member of staff what to do if a chivvy alarm goes off so you know what to do with the children when something like that does happen.If you dont understand your limits when it comes to healthy and safety with children then you could be making a lot of mistakes and this could upset a lot of people. Also understand the limits of what a practitioner can do such as changing nappies and taking children to the mass you may not be able to do this yet as youre a learner. Managing A child behavior Practitioners may come across children with anger problems or any other deportment problems which could be medical or non medical. When dealing with this you need to know what your limit is on how to handle them.You will need to go to a member of staff or manager and ask questions on what to do if a child has got a behaviour problem and what your limits are in dealing with this. You will also need to learn your boundaries because you could over excite a child and distract them when they must b e focussing on an activity. Understanding your limit and boundaries is important on the well-being of the child. D1 There are three primary(prenominal) types of people you as a practitioner should brinytain a relationship with are 1) Parents ) Professionals The Parents The reason it is important to have an appropriate relationship with a parent is because you will need to talk to the parent about how their child is developing, what they have ate. What they have been doing throughout the day and if there have been any problems. You will see and need to speak to the parent occasionally on behalf of the child. The parent will need to trust you with their child and feel comfortable so they can get on with their life knowing their child is in safe hands.Other Professionals It is important to maintain an appropriate relationship with other professionals as you will be working alongside them for a long time. You will be working as a team and you will need to have a relationship to feel c omfortable in putting your views across and inquire question on if youre confused or not. If the relationship between you and the other professional is tangled then the children (who are your main priorities) will pick up on this atmosphere and feel on the alert and upset.If the child senses a positive feeling between a practitioner and professional then they will feel a sense of safety and calmness and comfort to know that nothing is going to happen and everyone will be fine. D2 Multi-agency team functions by bringing together practitioners from different sectors and professions. On cwdcouncil. org. uk they quote at bottom the workforce they provide integrated support to children and theirfamilies, for example a team around the child (TAC). The multi agency also has several professionals coming together as a team.Many benefits are in this type of agency such as support and advice on parents that need it. It helps families with young children by placing them in a onsite nursery until there finished with classes such as parenting. Multi agency is an effective way to support the children that have extra needs and help with improvement on their development. The way they make sure they meet the child and families needs is by communicating well with each other and by understanding their roles and responsibilities within the agency.As a practitioner you will need to learn what other professionals are involved in your setting and how this might affect your work. few of the characteristics of a multi agency are cooperation/collaboration, knowledge, common goals and effective communication. This will all help you when working in a multi agency because it will help you with what you need to find out and understand more on what the parent or child will need when in an environment such as help on certain subjects, dietary and religion.It helps other professionals in an environment also to share knowledge of a family together so professionals do not ask the family th e same questions over they are well unionised and serious about their roles on making life easier for families and children. E8 Bibliography companionship childcare growing places what is meant by child centred approach online http//www. growingplaces. org. uk/reggio. htm (13/10/2011) Children Act 1989- Welfare of the children http//www. legislation. gov. uk/ukpga/1989/41/section/1 (15/12/2011) Children Services community Management. We Value Children. ttp//www. cscommunity. org. au/index. php? id=45 (15/12/2011) Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP. Our approach to what we do http//www. nspcc. org. uk/what-we-do/about-the-nspcc/our-approach/our-approach_ wda72244. hypertext markup language (12/10/2011) Multi-agency working An effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs http//www. cwdcouncil. org. uk/multiagencyworking (14/10/2011) Tassoni P, Beth, K. Bulman, K & Eldridge, H. (2007) roll up Level 3 Child Care And Education 4th Edition Heinemann E ngland. THE CHILDREN ACT 2004 OVERVIEW Background online ttp//www. surreycc. gov. uk/sccwebsite/sccwspublications. nsf/f2d920e015d1183d80256c670041a50b/5e17effdd34f9726802572f30055617d/$ burden/CYPP%20Childrens%20Act%20Briefing%20v2. pdf accessed (11/10/2011) The National Archives-Main provisions of the Education Act 2002 online http//collections. europarchive. org/tna/20091115062646/teachernet. gov. uk/educationoverview/educationact/summary/ (13/10/2011) Time Management Success. why is time management important. http//www. time-management-success. com/why-is-time-management-important. hypertext mark-up language (15/12/2011)Child Care Introduction to ChildrenUnit 1 E1 Statutory sectors that are fully funded but it depends on the boroughs. One example is school nurseries. In this setting professionals aim to make life in the setting feel like a family atmosphere for children to feel comfortable. Professionals also help children to develop with carefully chosen activities to do wit h the 6 learning areas, these are language and literacy, creative development, physical development, personal social and emotional development, knowledge and understanding of the world and mathematical development.They aim to help children develop at their pace and doesnt rush anything because they know every child is individual in their own way. The nurseries also help children feel safe and secure in the environment and give them a healthy balanced lifestyle such has healthy meals, 5 a day and run around out the garden areas. The private sector is full costing to parents, they have to pay the cost for their children, it isnt paid for them. One example of this is preschools.The care they offer is just that little bit more then statutory this is because the sector makes the children feel like the school is also their home and that the professionals are family. Professionals in the sector will constantly observe the children for safety. Education in this sector is organised daily, th is includes creative learning, letter and numeral work, singing and story time to boost confidence and their understanding. Education is also provided in a way of treating the child as an individual to show they develop at their own speed.This sector will also treat special needs children equal and show no discrimination. Voluntary a small relent is donated for them to start up there business one example is child lines and mother and toddler groups. Voluntary provides help, support, and education to children. On nspcc. org. uk is say this is doing by 1) Focusing on areas which will make the biggest difference 2) grade the children at risk 3) Learn what works the best for them 4) Create leverage for change. When the sector finds new ways to help children they will test it out to see ow it goes and if it works then they will carry on with the new idea. They educate the children by the things they say and do to them to forget about certain things in their life and to develop them to move on and stay strong. E2 Statutory sector supports children and their families by doing things that will help their children to develop and grow, they fit around parents timetables and help them to go about their daily life knowing there child is in good monitored care. The statutory sector protects children and gives their families a sense of relief.It also helps parents with educating the child in their background and helps them understand more of the culture, also helps the families get good education for their child with the cost being mostly funded for them so its free. The private sector supports families and their children by giving them a safe secure place and making the child feel at home. It helps families go about their schedules and have a feel of relief that their child is going to be happy where they are, it supports them in a way of helping a child become better at their strengths, and it includes everything important in the Childs life.Voluntary work supports chi ldren in helping them shoot down serious happenings in their life, and to become aware of people who have experienced similar going on and to help them have a better life in the future, and gives them closure. It supports the parents by being free of cost. E3 Childrens Act 2004 The act was around in 1989 but after a lot of going on it was updated to Childrens act 2004, it planned to improve how social services worked and how people would treat the children in their care.To help the children they plan to bring multiple agencies together to protect innocent children and stop the abuse that maybe going on. The 1989 act was poor, it made it easier for abusers to get away with what they did or gets a low sentence, this is because agencies didnt come together and share information. The children get better response for what has happened and their needs are more focused on, the court decides what is best for the child to make them safer as it is one of their rights. The act allows children and their families to come together a lot more in making them a lot afer then what they would have felt before. On surrey. gov. uk website it says The Act aims to improve effective local working to safeguard and promote childrens wellbeing. The act has a lot of use in making a Childs well-being noticed and important and aim to do the following * Keep the child healthy * Keeping the child safe * Help the child have fun and enjoy life more and achieve things they thought they couldnt. The children act 1989 was poor the new act 2004 was promoted in ways such as teaming a lot more agencies together to work on keeping a child safe and having rights to what they deserve.The act shows people that children have rights to an education, healthy lifestyle and to be a child and enjoy their life without any threat. Education Act 2002 This act came around in 2002, on the europarchive. org website it say that It is a substantial and important piece of legislation intended to raise standards, pro mote innovation in schools and reform education law. This would help children get a better and healthier education through their life and make their lifestyle normal and challenging to become what they are willing to become.The act helps children to exchange for a greater and more flexibility in certain areas of the national curriculum. This helps children become involved with other people because it joins schools together as a team to work together on the well-being of the children. human Rights Act 1998 This act came around in 1998 and aimed to help children have major rights in their life to give their lifestyle normality and a lot more easy going when it comes to the way families are. The rights support children in a way of safety and a healthy life some examples of human rights that are important to a childs life are 1. reedom from torture and degrading treatment 2. the right to respect for private and family life 3. the right not to be discriminated against in respect of the se rights and freedoms 4. the right to an education If any of this rights are breached you have the right to an effective solution in law even if the breach was do by a police officer you still have the right to go to law. E4 Every child Matters This provides every child no matter their background or circumstances the support they will need.Every child needs to be healthy which includes growing and their development as well as their emotional and physical well being, the environment needs to be a safe place for them to be able to develop, another principle is for the children to enjoy and achieve through their learning and be able to achieve economic well-being through their life. These are crucial to be in your placement for the children to develop as the first 3 years are critical. This will help childrens life become healthy and have normality to. Welfare of children is paramount (children act 1989) A childs welfare is paramount.The idea is that when decisions are made the needs and interests of the children must come first this means they need to be recognized as an individual. This will shape children in becoming aware of routines and the way their daily life will carry on. The court determines what will be best for the childs upbringing and decides this by these points legislation. gov. uk it states the ascertainable wishes and feelings of the child implicated (considered in the light of his age and understanding). Cache Statement of values The values in this are ways of putting the child first.To do this you will never use physical punishment towards a child, respect the parent or those in a parenting role, respect the staff in the child care labor and those involved, respect values and spiritual beliefs of the child and their family, honour the confidentiality of the child and their family. If these are not respected and do right then these could be life threatening to a child and those involved with the child. This will shape children in building their respect by showing youre respecting others they will copy. E5The importance of valuing and respecting children will show them that you as a member of staff or a practitioner will not value them or label them for who they are or how they look and do certain things. It will help them understand that everyone is individual and different but that doesnt mean to treat them any different. If you show the children respect it shows a sense of care for them and will boost their confidence. Respecting and valuing will help the child understand more on what they are doing and will help them in life, to support this on community. rg it states creating environmentsthat foster creativity, innovation, discovery, inquiry,questioning and problem solving. This is how settings help children increase and how it shows we respect what they need to learn and discover. it will show they are just as important as anyone else in the establishment which will make them not as shy. Their self esteem will rise if you talk to them like an adult and say more positive things, also saying their name correctly and praising them on the good shows that you value them as an individual and that learning their name also will show their important to.C The practitioner should listen to a child views and their opinions because it will help them with their confidence on showing that they can have a conversation about anything and show they have a voice to. If their confidence rises then they will communicate better with others and make new friends and be able to talk about their daily life routine a lot more and be able to say if something is wrong and if they need help. Listening to a child shows their important just like everyone else and that you value them as a person.A more confident child will tend to work harder in what they do to achieve and develop a lot more as well. The more a child is listened to the more open minded they will become and more outspoken. This will make it easier for the m to become understood and will allow practitioners to identify their wants and needs. Its a way of involving a child in decision making and showing them there are not really any wrong answer and they can learn from their mistakes.Also to show you have time to try and understand what they are saying, to support what I have said Tassoni et al (2007 page 13) a child might need you to listen carefully so that you can understand what he or she is trying to say. Also from listening to children a practitioner will gain their respect for you . A A child centred approach means to identify a childs abilities and weaknesss and work around that with activities that they could handle, it also means to make the environment to the standard of their needs and to cater what they may need. Everything is based around the child.On growingplaces. org. uk they state It allows freedom for children to think, experience, explore, question and search for answers. Tassoni et al (2007 page 234) says You will need to ensure that childrens interests are always reflected in what they do this is a way of ensuring the child is interested in learning and activities. The advantages of a child centred approach are that the children all gain something important to do with their life it helps families and practitioners notice their strengths and weaknesses as an individual so it is easier to help them focus on certain things.Another advantage is their needs are always catered for. They have a home like atmosphere in the environment for example toilet and sinks to keep their hygiene up also there are potties and nappies, changing rooms for those children who will need them. Their dietary is focused on and professionals will work around it. Another way of making a child centred approach is for early year practitioners to communicate this will help an individual child extend their knowledge or thinking, model ideas, prompt questions, nurture development, support the acquisition on specific skills.T he disadvantages of a child centred approach is that it could make it hard for a child to go into something different like a primary school as they have not been prepared for that big leap in their life, it also makes it hard to slightly explain to a child that they cant do something they ask as in past experience the child has always got what they have needed due to the child centred approach. I believe that the child centred approach is a good thing because it helps a child have a healthy lifestyle and helps them notice what they are going to gain and their strengths in the environment.Also that it helps them live their life as a child before rushing into something strange, the routine of their life is kept the same in some places as it is at home. E6 Confidentiality This is an important skill because it shows that you are keeping private information about a child or a childs household inside the nursery and not outside. This is an important skill to need in the work place with ch ildren because children will say a lot and if they say something about what may of happened to them for example abuse then it is the rules of being in a childcare establishment that you tell nobody if you ont keep it confidential and it may not be true you could hurt someone and lose your right to work in that place. This will help support your work with children because it shows you are a trustworthy person and that you have knowledge of the rules and regulations of the workplace. It will make professionals trust you. To support what I have said in Tassoni 2007 page 11 it states some of this information will be confidential information and must not be shared.Communication This is an important skill because you need to be confident enough to be able to talk to parents and other staff members about the children and things that will be needed to do around the work area. This will help support you working with children because you need to be able to communicate properly with the childr en because you will need to talk to them at different levels and know how to talk to children from babies to 11 year olds, also the be able to communicate with the other staff members to discuss planning activities or if the child is hurt you will need to communicate with the staff member and communicate in a team.Observation skills This is important because youll need it to observe activities that are going on and the way children are behaving if it is appropriate or not. This will help your support with working with children because it shows that you know how to do things when working in that establishment for the future, it will help you set up activities or learn a childs need. It shows that you can see children as an individual and thats what you will need to do. Having this will also show that you are good at learning new things by observing how other staff members do things. E7Time management This would be important to support your training because being able to show up on ti me for a placement and to take in coursework thats due in shows youre determined to do well and give a good impression. Being able to keep on time also shows that youre well organized when it comes to deadlines or dates you need to be in and that youre taking things seriously. Managing time is not a tricky thing to do and being able to be on time for everything shows dedication. If youre on time or early for placements it could lead to a permanent offer or a good review of your time there.The children are less developed in time management then you and will take what you do in to mind on time-management-success. com it states Punctuality is a big issue in terms of time management for kids who have a less developed sense of time. Giving Presentations This helps support your training because it helps you take away what youve learnt and seen and put it up for everyone else to see your understanding. Being able to give a presentation also shows confidence and your understanding of the su bject as well.It makes things easier for tutors to see how much you have developed and if you do need any help at all or if there are any errors. Note winning This helps support your training because it helps you go over anything you may not understand, note taking shows that youre serious about learning things about what to do and what not to do in a placement. Also it helps you do units and give you ideas on what to write. Note taking in a placement will help you understand the difference in other childcare areas and it may lead to questions that you would like to ask to improve your knowledge. BConfidentiality It is important to understand this boundary because working in a nursery or day-care centred even a primary school you will hear stories from the children or over here parents and staff talking about private things. The information you may hear is private and you must understand you cannot talk to anyone outside of the placement as someone who knows that family could over hear and this would affect them. A good test to know if a piece of information is confidential is to think about whether its common knowledge or if you only know it because of the position of you are in inside the nursery (Tassoni et al 2007).Understanding this will stop you hurting others or gossiping about other people behind their back. Health and safety This is important to understand as a boundary also because you will need to know the childs health issues if there are any or whether the child is safe where they are in the environment. You will need to understand what you should do if you see a gate or door open, this could be an easy way for cast-off(prenominal) visitors in the environment. On the premises you should as a member of staff what to do if a end alarm goes off so you know what to do with the children when something like that does happen.If you dont understand your limits when it comes to healthy and safety with children then you could be making a lot of mistakes and this could upset a lot of people. Also understand the limits of what a practitioner can do such as changing nappies and taking children to the toilet you may not be able to do this yet as youre a learner. Managing A child behaviour Practitioners may come across children with anger problems or any other behaviour problems which could be medical or non medical. When dealing with this you need to know what your limit is on how to handle them.You will need to go to a member of staff or manager and ask questions on what to do if a child has got a behaviour problem and what your limits are in dealing with this. You will also need to learn your boundaries because you could over excite a child and distract them when they must be guidance on an activity. Understanding your limit and boundaries is important on the well-being of the child. D1 There are three main types of people you as a practitioner should maintain a relationship with are 1) Parents ) Professionals The Parents The reason it is important to have an appropriate relationship with a parent is because you will need to talk to the parent about how their child is developing, what they have ate. What they have been doing throughout the day and if there have been any problems. You will see and need to speak to the parent occasionally on behalf of the child. The parent will need to trust you with their child and feel comfortable so they can get on with their life knowing their child is in safe hands.Other Professionals It is important to maintain an appropriate relationship with other professionals as you will be working alongside them for a long time. You will be working as a team and you will need to have a relationship to feel comfortable in putting your views across and communicate question on if youre confused or not. If the relationship between you and the other professional is mingled then the children (who are your main priorities) will pick up on this atmosphere and feel mistrustful and upset.If the child senses a positive feeling between a practitioner and professional then they will feel a sense of safety and calmness and comfort to know that nothing is going to happen and everyone will be fine. D2 Multi-agency team functions by bringing together practitioners from different sectors and professions. On cwdcouncil. org. uk they quote within the workforce they provide integrated support to children and theirfamilies, for example a team around the child (TAC). The multi agency also has several professionals coming together as a team.Many benefits are in this type of agency such as support and advice on parents that need it. It helps families with young children by placing them in a onsite nursery until there finished with classes such as parenting. Multi agency is an effective way to support the children that have extra needs and help with improvement on their development. The way they make sure they meet the child and families needs is by communicating well with each other and by understanding their roles and responsibilities within the agency.As a practitioner you will need to learn what other professionals are involved in your setting and how this might affect your work. many of the characteristics of a multi agency are cooperation/collaboration, knowledge, common goals and effective communication. This will all help you when working in a multi agency because it will help you with what you need to find out and understand more on what the parent or child will need when in an environment such as help on certain subjects, dietary and religion.It helps other professionals in an environment also to share knowledge of a family together so professionals do not ask the family the same questions over they are well organized and serious about their roles on making life easier for families and children. E8 Bibliography Community childcare growing places what is meant by child centred approach online http//www. growingplaces. org. uk/reggio. htm (13/10/2011) Children Act 1989- Welfare of the children http//www. legislation. gov. uk/ukpga/1989/41/section/1 (15/12/2011) Children Services Community Management. We Value Children. ttp//www. cscommunity. org. au/index. php? id=45 (15/12/2011) Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP. Our approach to what we do http//www. nspcc. org. uk/what-we-do/about-the-nspcc/our-approach/our-approach_ wda72244. html (12/10/2011) Multi-agency working An effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs http//www. cwdcouncil. org. uk/multiagencyworking (14/10/2011) Tassoni P, Beth, K. Bulman, K & Eldridge, H. (2007) compile Level 3 Child Care And Education 4th Edition Heinemann England. THE CHILDREN ACT 2004 OVERVIEW Background online ttp//www. surreycc. gov. uk/sccwebsite/sccwspublications. nsf/f2d920e015d1183d80256c670041a50b/5e17effdd34f9726802572f30055617d/$ level/CYPP%20Childrens%20Act%20Briefing%20v2. pdf accessed (11/10/2011) The National Archives-Main provisions of the Educa tion Act 2002 online http//collections. europarchive. org/tna/20091115062646/teachernet. gov. uk/educationoverview/educationact/summary/ (13/10/2011) Time Management Success. why is time management important. http//www. time-management-success. com/why-is-time-management-important. html (15/12/2011)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Life and Literature of F Scott Fitzgerald
ABOUT THE originator The Life and Literature of F. Scott Fitzgerald By J inauspiciousian Thompson May 16, 2012. side of meat newspaper, The Guardian, formerly asked Jonathan Franzen, the Pulitzer Prize nominated author of The Corrections, to contribute what he believed were the sterling(prenominal) rules to abide by for aim fiction writers. His response was Fiction that isnt an authors soulfulnessal adventure into the frightening or the unfathomed isnt worth write for whatsoeverthing but m oney (Franzen). The novels of Francis Scott Fitzgerald suggest that he would agree wholeheartedly with Franzen.In his Notebooks, Fitzgerald wrote, There never was a unattackable biography of a good novelist. There couldnt be. Hes too many hoi polloi if hes any good (Fitzgerald 61). Fictionalizing emotions and back offgrounds are an unparalleled resource to writers, and any(prenominal) of the greatest stories in belles-lettres return grown from the personal lives of novelists. Dickens David Copperfield, Hemingways A Farewell To Arms, and Kerouacs On the Road are famed illustrations of autofiction techniques, featuring a protagonist that has been modeled after(prenominal) the author, and a central plotline that mirrors the events of their lives.A soused examination of the known facts of Scott Fitzgeralds life is enough to establish that there is a profound kindred between his personal dispositions and the subject matter of his novels. It is also fair to conclude that he was deeply implicated with class, wealth, and their effect on the corruption of The the Statesn Dream. The novels and short stories of Scott Fitzgerald are documents that illustrate the hazy and glamorous fill in Age, and had Fitzgeralds own life been any less hazy and glamorous, some of Americas greatest literature may non have come to pass. THE LIFE OF SCOTT FITZGERALDFrancis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born September 24th, 1896 in St Paul, Minnesota, the only son to middle class parents, E dward and Mary Fitzgerald. His parents instilled him with a fear of failure, and an obsession with wealth that would shop at his lifes ambitions. At an early historic period, he proved himself an imaginative and talented writer, and despite some academic struggles, he was accepted to Princeton in 1913. Intent on follo pass ong his familys advice, Fitzgerald dedicated himself to the inquisition of social and intellectual attainments, the path he believed would lead him to fame and fortune.He joined any extracurricular activity that he believed would increase his social standing on campus, but the beginning of WWI put an end to any mathematical fruition of his efforts. He left Princeton for the army in 1917, and was stationed at Camp Sheridan in Montgomery, Alabama, where he began plow on a novella called The Romantic egocentric. It was also there that he met the woman who would change the melt down of his life forever. Her name was Zelda Sayre, the amberen girl, and in her, Fit zgerald met his match in both ambition and extravagance.They had a whirlwind romance, but in the summer of 1919, Zelda grew tired of waiting for his success, and ended their relationship. Devastated by her rejection, he moved back to St. Paul, more determined than ever to become rich enough to win Zelda back. He rewrote The Romantic Egotist and in a letter to his publisher wrote, I have so many things dependent on its successincluding of air a girl (Bryer and Barks 149). In 1920 This Side of Paradise was published. The novel was an overnight unity with postwar youth, and two weeks later Fitzgerald and Zelda were married.They became the icons of success and youth, the first it couple if there ever was one, but the libertine beginning of their relationship never quite faded away. He and Zelda lived far outside their means, and Fitzgerald continually sink into debt. Zeldas impulsiveness, once interpreted as charming, had become erratic, and emotionally draining for Fitzgerald and hi s writing suffered. While sustainment in Europe, Zelda overdosed on sleeping pills, and flung herself down a flight of stairs in a desirous fit. Fitzgerald had Zelda institutionalized, and she was diagnosed with schizophrenia.Fitzgeralds dream of his muse had become a nightmare, and he worked through his emotions the way he ever had, through writing, and Tender is the Night was the result. Fitzgerald died of a heart attack in 1940, while writing his final novel, The Last Tycoon. Zelda died not long after, locked in a room awaiting treatment as the sanitarium round fire. They are buried together, with a shared headstone that quotes the final words of Fitzgeralds masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past (172). FITZGERALD AND THE JAZZ AGEPerhaps the most vivid and poetic character of any Fitzgerald novel is The Jazz Age itself. The historical backdrop of the glamorous world of Flappers and speakeasies thats envis ioned when one thinks of the Roaring Twenties, make the perfect canvas for Fitzgerald to place his characters, who share Fitzgeralds own conflicted feelings on Jazz Age morals. The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise both center on the theme of have a go at it warped by status seeking. They can be read as harsh criticisms of 1920s America, and its profligacy during an era defined by material excess.With the end of WWI the American economy soared and brought about an era, from 1920-1931, which was tag by unprecedented national wealth and prosperity. The rise of the stock market and the shock of the war left America with a generation that compensated for the chaos by creating a society centered on materialism. throng began to spend and consume like never in the first place. The conservatism and modest values of Victorian society that marked the previous generation were too suffocating for the youth who grew up fast during the Great Crusade. A person from any accent now had th e opportunity to earn a fortune, especially if they were helping to supply the imply for bootleg liquor, such as Jay Gatsby was. But this giddiness was short lived, and after the stock market crash, those that had enjoyed the speedy succession from penniless to millionaire as a bootlegger, quickly lost everything as the economy crumbled. Even before the stock market crash, Fitzgerald portrayed the decay of the Jazz Age as the self-consuming society of excess that couldnt possibly be sustained through its greed and cynicism. Fitzgerald always idolized the luxurious lifestyle of the rich.As the Fitzgeralds fame rose in the early 1920s, he found himself slowly being seduced by the opulence of his newfound life. But despite the excitement of his new life, Fitzgerald struggled with the mixed feelings of hypocrisy associated with falling in love with a girl who was everything hed ever dreamed of, but who led him toward the materialism he had once despised. Fitzgerald developed his charac ters as representations of these inner conflicts. Arthur Mizener, Fitzgeralds most noted biographer, wrote that Fitzgeralds work so abruptly defined the Jazz Age because Fitzgerald nfused both sides of himself into what Mizener called the middle-western Trimalchio and the spoiled priest (297). The symbol of the green light on Daisy Buchanans dock in The Great Gatsby represents Fitzgeralds hope for the future, but also the awareness that it may never be realized. Writing The Great Gatsby allowed Fitzgerald to confront his feelings on the superficiality of his world and its inhabitants. Even the prenomen The Great Gatsby is a reflection on the Jazz Age as a masterful illusion. THE AUTHOR AND THE HERO The heart of any study on Scott Fitzgerald is of course his work.However, Fitzgerald wrote only about himself and the people and places with which he was familiar, therefore his life and his work are inextricably bound together. There were four or v Zeldas and at least eight Scotts, as James Thurber once put it in his book Credos and Curios, so that their living room was forever tense with the presence of a dozen desperate personalities, even when they were completely in it. Some of these Fitzgeralds were characters out of a play or a novel, which made the lives of the multiple twain always theatrical, sometimes unreal, and often badly overacted (63).In fact, reading This Side of Paradise is like reading a biography of Fitzgerald. A young man from the Midwest serves in the army, falls in love with a rich socialite, and they break up, leading him to search for success by any means available. Jay Gatsby and Amory Blaine, the young great protagonists of The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise, pursue and glorify wealth to win the affections of the woman they love, much like Fitzgerald himself did to win Zelda Sayre.Gatsby and Blaine are perpetually romantic adolescents whose lives are based on the mistaken idea that enough property and fame can keep the love and beauty of the past crystallized forever. The romanticism of Gatsby and Blaine, which at first rises supra the frivolity Fitzgerald associated with Jazz Age society, eventually disintegrates to unveil the corruption wealth causes. The Great Gatsbys narrator, incision Carraway, is a young man from the Midwest with an Ivy League education, exactly like Fitzgerald.Nicks background makes him an ideal narrator because he is able to see past Gatsbys superficialities to the man underneath. Fitzgerald uses Nick to stock his opinion that an ideal based on a materialistic foundation is a self-defeating and at last destructive goal. Then lastly, theres the girl. The object of all-consuming affection. Fitzgeralds muse for his female protagonist was of course his wife, Zelda. In fact, she was more than just a muse. After sharing her personal diaries with Fitzgerald, he used exact quotes to write the character of Rosalind Connage in This Side of Paradise.He wrote, all criticism of Rosalind ends in her beauty (Bryer and Barks 201) and told Zelda the heroine does resemble you in more ways than four (230). Like Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, Zelda never took to motherhood and was never oddly domestic. According to Fitzgeralds Notebooks, the famous line from The Great Gatsby, I hope shell be a drawthats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful small-minded fool (Fitzgerald 22), is based on what Zelda said after her daughter, Scottie, was born. The most accurate portrayal of Zelda is most credibly in Tender is the Night, Fitzgeralds last completed novel.This is a story of a man of to the highest degree limitless potential who makes the fatal decision to marry a beautiful but mentally ill woman, and who ultimately sinks into despair and alcoholism when their doomed marriage fails. He wrote it about their time in Europe, and the muzzy Generation community of writers, a term coined by Fitzgeralds close friend Ernest Hemmingway to describe those who came of age during World War 1, including Gertrude Stein, T. S Eliot and Waldo Peirce. In the novel, he chronicled the decline of Zeldas mental health, and his discovery that she would never return to the way she was.The Zelda in this novel not was the glorified beauty of This Side of Paradise or The Great Gatsby, and she a wrote a semi-autobiographical account of her own as a form of revenge against Fitzgerald after their marriage dissolved. After she was committed, Fitzgerald wrote in his Notebook, In an odd way, perhaps incredible to you, she was always my child (it was not reciprocal as it often is in marriages) I was her great reality, often the only liaison broker who could make the world tangible to her (478). SO WE BEAT ON (Fitzgerald, 172)The beginning of The Great Gatsby is prefaced by a poem written by a fictional character from This Side of Paradise. It reads, Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you (6) If the words of Jonathan Franzen are true, then it can be assumed that Fitzgeralds greatest adventure into the unknown was his relationship with Zelda. Their relationship became the basis of his lifes work, which made him one of the greatest storytellers American literature has known to date.
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