Monday, September 30, 2019
Patch Adam
He also tried to use his humor to help heal the pain and suffering. Patch Adams tried to grant their wishes while they were on their death bed, He tried to make them forget about the negative things. He wants them to make the best of It while it lasts. There are a lot of bad customer services from the nurses and Patch Adams in the hospital. For example, one of the nurses refused to enter room 305 because the patient was mean. That shows neglecting a patient. Patch Adams also showed some bad customer service.Not acting professional in a work place. He goofed around a lot only to make his patients happy, and they were very grateful of his humor. Also the director who was walking the class around was shouting out the patient's diagnoses out loud, that wasn't good customer service. The front desk lady didn't want to attend a patient's mom until she filled out all of paper work. She should have attended her first because it was an emergency. Patch Adams did a lot of illegally things that took place in the hospital and in school.The director as showing the third year class around and was telling his students about the patient's diagnoses. That is the patients' confidential business and it should have not been discussed. Patch Adams also communicated with the patients and he was only in his first year of medical school. The nurses were also discussing the patient's diagnosis with Patch Adam who is a student. It is not to be discussed with a student. When Patch Adam went into the school and took his own file was illegal. If I had the chance to work for Patch Adams I will love to.He went a very long way to get where he Is at now. I admire him for all his hard work. He tried his best to brighten patient's lives even if he knew they did not have much to live. I am sure that his doctor clinic will be a lovely place to work. I think the movie was a very touching movie. Patch Adam fought for what he wanted. He didn't give up, nor let other people judgments get to him. I lear n a lot about customer service, and how to be professional and make patients smile. Patch Adam By lessened Patch Adams real name is Hunter Adams.A man who was in the same mental institution Patch Adams was in had given him the nickname. He named him Patch Adams because he patched up his cup because it was leaking. The understanding bed. He tried to make them forget about the negative things. He wants them to make the best of it while it lasts. There are a lot of bad customer services from the nurses he is at now. I admire him for all his hard work. He tried his best to brighten patient's Adam fought for what he wanted. He didn't give up, nor let other people Judgments
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Human Essay
I find it is amazing how human is the only being ( by means of being able to be observed by common senses ) as the only independent object by which is not subjected , or bounded to , any limiting factors (except by the factor of capability of human itself ). If we are to study , why human are able to think independently , we go to the brain. Now, when you study the brain and view it from a philosophy spectrum, you will see that the brain is simply a bunch of chemicals ( in fact, everything is chemicals ) that collaborates together and form a very sophisticated and complicated active mechanism of maneuvering and solving variables of countless many ( think of it like this , you mix in a mixture of chemicals ( such as H(2)O,CO(2) and all kinds of other chemical component of the brain) , and find that the mixed chemicals are capable of thinking! ). As quoted from Oliver Sachs from the TED Talk ( forgive me if I’m mistaken),†Information in the form of energy , streams in simultaneously through all of our sensory systems , and then it explodes into this collaborative collage ( the collage here are used to signified the greatness of our brain , being each of the brain cell ability to think )†. Now , our brain has two very opposing parts , the passive and the active group. This two groups are very different in a manner such that it can even contradicts itself , although it being in a single organ in our body which is weird. That is the power of decision. We make decision in our daily life and in fact , every things make decision , even in the atomic level ( the attracting and discharge of electron itself by atoms is decision). But what makes us different from other things are that we are able to make decision even beyond the passive limitation ). For example , when you are running you will eventually gets tired. When you are tired , your passive group of brain make decisions to increase heartbeat and increase breathing process rate , and provide your active group of brain a decision to stop running (since running is an active process). You have now 2 options, firstly you agreed with the passive brain to stop running and get a rest. Secondly , you could countinue running and eventually dies. Now here’s the thing , the main objective of living thing is to , survive and dying is not a very good choice if you want to survive , but you , as a living thing , an independant living things has actually broke the very purpose of being a living thing (the fact that very aim of living things is to survive also intrigues me , how can a bunch of collaborative chemicals wants to live , to survive ). Unlike plants for example , they are subjected to boundaries or laws. For example , when they require sunlight and water , it will grow shoot and root respectively. They are unable to overcome this limitation of â€Å"thinking†because they are not independant , unlike we human. More amazingly, with this power of decision we are able to compute a very complicated mathemical problems , mechanical problems , and overcome flaws. Although that was a very bad example of decision but the point here is that we have the power to actually do something beyond the horizon and boundaries of passiveness. We human has this miracelous gift of being able to think actively. With this capability , we can do something good, or something bad. And it is for us to decide. Is it with this capability , that divide humans into levels of intelectuality and quality, it is this capability that can shape a single human capable of transforming and nourishing the whole entity of universe and when ignored , the most simpleton of blockhead, bonehead, dumbass, dunce, dunderhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull kind of human.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Descartes’ Philosophy Essay
Rene Descartes is one of the most distinct rationalists of the modern period who boldly claim that knowledge can be achieved through reason. He suggested that in the pursuit of knowledge one should be able to distinguish that which is true and that which is not true. This opens the idea towards his criticisms against experience as a source of knowledge. Experience, as Descartes puts it, cannot be trusted to produce genuine knowledge because experience can deceive a person (Heyward & Jones). It is a fact that experience comes from the external environment derived by the sensory organs (e.g. eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue). These sensory organs are deceptive in such a way that it can generate ideas that are not really existing or happening. Because of this fallibility of experience, Descartes argues that it cannot arrive at true knowledge. In effect, Descartes suggests that in order to obtain genuine knowledge, one should suspend his judgment on things that he or she perceives unless those things are proven to be certain and indubitable. With this method he called his pursuit of knowledge as the Methodic Doubt (Heyward & Jones). Discourse on Method In his Discourse on Method, he gives four laws which guide the person from pursuing the genuine knowledge (Heyward & Jones). The first law states that one should not admit anything as true that is not clearly and lucidly comprehended by reason. As he claims, truthfulness of an idea is based on it’s the clarity which is examined by reason. Reason tells which ideas are clear and generated by distinct intuitions. Having this law, he proceeds to the second and third laws. The second law suggests that because the mind can absorb complex ideas, these complex ideas should be able to transform to simple ideas that can be intuitively analyzed by reason. This emphasizes that simple ideas are the only ideas that reason can recognize such that complex ideas should be breakdown to simpler ideas in order for the reason to understand it clearly and distinctly. While the second law appears to be the analysis of the ideas, the third law is the synthesis of the ideas which attempts to figure out the connection and relationship among different ideas that are presented in the mind. This synthesis enables the mind to sort out ideas, and abstract them to arrive at conclusions, generalizations and judgments. The fourth and the final law suggests that the use of induction and deduction assures the achievement of knowledge since the ideas derived through induction and deduction are clearly and distinctly recognized by reason (being represented in simple ideas). Method of Doubt The discussion on the laws given above is essential in discussing Descartes’ Method of Doubt. As emphasized by the laws, ideas in order to serve as knowledge should be strongly recognized by reason in a sense that the reason cannot deny them at all. Hence, his Method of Doubt functions so as to arrive at certainty – that which cannot be doubted or denied by reason (Heyward & Jones). His method is different from the method used by the skeptics in such a way that the latter suspends their judgments only for the sake of doubt while the former suspends judgment for the achievement of certitude. As mentioned earlier, one should come up with a starting point which can be clearly recognized by reason and that which cannot be doubted. Descartes arrives at a conclusion that the thing that cannot be doubted by reason is the fact that one cannot doubt his existence. This is for the reason that if one is on the stage of doubting, it is certainly that he is thinking, and that thinking implies that there is something or someone who or which does the act of thinking. Hence, the thinking-thing exists. And that thinking-thing is, as Descartes put sit, â€Å"I.†Therefore, that which cannot be doubted is the fact that a thinking-thing exists (I think therefore I am [existing]) (Heyward & Jones). On God’s Existence As Descartes recognizes that one can be deceived by experience, such implies that there is true and false belief. This false beliefs which come into the mind as ideas are not caused by God for Descartes. For him, God is the most perfect entity that which cannot be doubted and that which cannot cause doubt. Hence, God is that which is certain and that which causes certainty that is why he cannot inflict deception (Still). The existence of simple, clear, and distinct ideas is the manifestation of the existence of the most perfect being that which is absolute and certain that is God. Therefore, God exists (He causes the most clear and distinct simple ideas which make up the certainty of things and ideas). Furthermore, Descartes advocates the idea that there are innate ideas. These innate ideas are not cause by the thinking-thing which is first established by him as that which cannot be doubted anymore. And those ideas have objective reality which is not influenced and caused by the thinking-thing; it appears then that there is actually another thing that certainly exists which caused the ideas absorbed by the thinking thing. And this thing that which exists prior to my existence is something which is absolute and the most certain of all certain things and ideas. As Descartes puts it, it is God. Another way of proving God’s existence is the idea of perfect and less perfect. As the thinking-thing is obligated to doubt so as to arrive at genuine knowledge, it implies that he is exposed to deception caused by the fallibility of the experience. And since the thinking-thing cannot discern all things with certainty it follows then that his power is limited. But the concept of perfection implies certain and absolute attributes (Still). As the thinking-thing recognizes the concept of perfection and his being an inferior and thus imperfect being, he concludes that there is something which is superior and that which is perfect, certain and absolute – that is God. Evaluation of Descartes Arguments on Knowledge Descartes is correct in saying that the mind can only and intuitively recognize simple ideas that are represented in the mind with perfect clarity and distinctiveness. He is also correct in saying that our sense perception can be deceived (e.g. optic illusions, the bending of the pen when submerged in water, etc.). And finally, he has a good point in saying that the foundation or the most fundamental thing or idea that is indubitable or cannot be doubted is the fact that the thinking-thing exists which does the doubting. However, his account on the existence of God and the innate ideas that he advocates are questionable in a way that they leave controversy and uncertainty. He equated the thing that causes the simple, clear and distinct ideas to God as well as the bearer of the attribute of being perfect. Being perfect, God is not caused by anything other than himself. But the mind is in fact the creator of such entity. If God is perfect how can be that he is not visible or perceptible to us? It is not enough to say that we are imperfect that is why we cannot perceive him. How can it happen that something which is perfect does not have a corporeal body, which the imperfect entities have? As a perfect being he should possess all the qualities that even the mere imperfect entities have. Works Cited Heyward, Jeremy and Jones, Gerald. Meditations: Rene Descartes. Hodder Murray, 2005. Still, James. â€Å"Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument.†30 November 2005. Internet Infidels. 08 November 2007
Friday, September 27, 2019
FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF AC High Voltages UNDERGROUND CABLES AND SOLUTIONS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES - Research Paper Example I also looked at the formation of water trees in the plastic insulation and how both mechanical and chemical forces trigger them. Besides, charges can also lead to the formation of water trees. After a thorough analysis of fault detection techniques, I settled on two of them. They first one is the magnetic amorphous magneto†resistive concentric†neutral probing. The next method is the radio frequency test†point injection. The magnetic technique can detect a fault from an average distance of 90 feet. Underground cables have been in use for a long time in power distribution networks due to the advantages associated with underground connections. These cables are friendly to the environment, are not interrupted by adverse weather conditions, are less expensive for shorter distances and have got low maintenance costs. The disadvantages of these cables are that they are more expensive than overhead lines, have low power transferring capacity, are likely to get permanently damaged and fault location in underground cables is also difficult. Faults in underground cables are divided into two general groups that are permanent and incipient faults. Incipient faults develop from aging of insulation material that can be caused by chemical pollution, electrical overstress, severe environmental conditions and mechanical factors. Incipient faults gradually turn into permanent faults. Fault location is important in ensuring that distribution networks remain reliable as the restoration will be quick, so that power outage time is reduced. The cost of repair will also be low if a fault is located and corrected promptly. This research majorly studies how faults can be diagnosed in AC high voltage underground cables and the possible solution techniques for the faults. Some objectives must be achieved to realize this goal. The first objective is to establish the distinction between underground
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Rhetorical analysis of Alicias Keys song If I Ain't Got You Essay
Rhetorical analysis of Alicias Keys song If I Ain't Got You - Essay Example The researcher states that the lyrics of a song are almost told in complete sentences and they are told in figures of speeches to better narrate what the artist wanted to tell in the song. The first paragraph meant that people are now getting materialistic and vain that they only live for fortune, fame, power, game and physical things. The artist had been there and realized that these are empty endeavors because what matter is how beautiful the person is inside. This means that the artist only wanted the person that she loves because it is all that really matters in this world. The diamond rings are only symbolic of the superficiality that the song already detest that it really meant nothing. Alicia Keys only meant beauty as a vain basis for love when she wrote about the fountain that promises forever young. The roses and the silver platter are only a way to impress her but it is meaningless when it cannot be shared with the person she loves. The music video is the visual narrati ve of the song. In the opening scene of the video, there were men carrying a big piano which seems to have been bought by Alicia Keys fiancà © (while alternating with her playing the piano). The choice of piano and not other material things is symbolic that what matters most are what is inside which in this case, music and love as represented by the piano. Of course, she was delighted when she saw it and they kissed manifesting their love for each other. It can be observed that the apartment was empty except for the piano which figuratively explains that material things were not that important as told in the lyrics. Scenes displaying money and diamonds in a drawer were shown later inside a regular clothing drawer against the background â€Å"so full of superficial†. The succeeding scenes showed alternate of Alicia Keys singing and the lovers expressing their love for each other and how happy they are being together. It also showed the struggle of couples in the scene in the kitchen where they eventually argued with the man leaving.
Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Change Management - Essay Example The numerous competitors in battery manufacturing industry and market have forced the company to invest in innovation, learn from experience and share information, plan and implement changes, and respond to the external environment. The company has invested in innovation to improve its productivity, efficiency, market share, and competitiveness. The managers and the R&D department promote innovative environment to enhance employee motivation, autonomy, creativity, and to build stronger teams. The company has been committed to fostering clarity in understanding of roles, strategic partnerships, organizational restructuring, investment in human resources, and increased responsibilities to enrich the organizational culture of innovation. By empowering employees to engage in innovative processes, PPS believes this will provide them (employees) with a sense of autonomy thereby boosting job satisfaction. The company’s HR department can also work closely with R&D department to offer training and tools that enhance employee efficiency in an effort to promote a culture of internal innovation and efficiency. Red vs. Blue Ocean Strategy will particularly help PPS create uncontested markets (blue oceans) for its new products and services. In contrast, competitors are often aware of the competitive rules of the game in red oceans, a highly contested market space However, PPS has been experiencing difficulties with achieving goals and purpose of innovation. For instance, the handling of electric batteries in gear rooms, dedicated electric battery rooms, isolated sites, and facts and figures centers have proved to be a major obstacle to internal innovation. The battery handling equipment has been around for several years, and its efficiency for the job has declined drastically. At some point, PPS lacked safer handling methods due to limited number of trained and qualified personnel for battery work. Apart from the current cell handling techniques at the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Improve your life by facing the mirror Research Paper
Improve your life by facing the mirror - Research Paper Example Ideally, these fields aim at informing the targeted audience on various topics including cultural issues, politics, and business, as well as entertaining the intended audience. Apart from performing those functions, these fields intend to provide the forum for public criticism by the public in a bid to address various issues and grievances that the public have. These fields use various media such as film, newspapers, radio, magazine, social media, and television to achieve their goals (Vivian, 2005). One of the fundamental elements of achieving the intended goal by communicators is objectivity and focusing on both the internal and external factors. However, over the years, communicators have been focusing on the victim mentality which has taken hold in their culture (Morin, 2011). This is a reflection of the reality in the society where people have found it easier to blame others for their unhappy situations and existence. This prevailing situation among people and communicators in p articular is uncalled for (Brook, 2001). It is important that the people and specifically the communicators should focus on themselves through an introspective approach because the situation in society happens because of the actions and perceptions of personal individuals (Diamond, 2010). Individual’s life and that of the society at large can be improved by people facing the mirror and having a more self-awareness understanding. Improved self-awareness and subsequent self-improvement can be achieved effectively through a self-awareness training program (Goukens, et al., 2009). It is true that people tend to find it easier to blame others for their unhappy existence, and to generally look at external factors instead of focusing from within when analyzing and communicating difficult situations (Ratliffe et al, 2002). In particular, communicators have the tendency of considering themselves as the victims of certain circumstances. The culture of victim mentality is deeply entrenc hed in them, just like in other people. This mentality makes them to have the tendency of blaming uncontrollable or external factors, rather than focusing on controllable or internal factors for their unhappy existence or for the things that go wrong. Blaming uncontrollable or external factors put one in a mindset that there is nothing that one can do to control their life (McKittrick, 2010). As a result of victim mentality, people tend to lack objectivity because what they see and report is what they have created through their beliefs and thoughts. Consequently, the victim mentality makes people to make the mistake of looking for uncontrollable or external factors to fix their unhappy situations and bad moods (Zahavi, 1999). Instead of focusing within, they gain the tendency of trying to change virtually everything around them so as to feel better. However, focusing on external factors ultimately makes them to realize that they will still feel the same and nothing changes significa ntly. However, a closer look at the relationship between external factors and happiness shows that out of the many external factors that one is blaming only a few are the actual cause of people’s unhappy situation (Goukens et al, 2009). Actually, the other factors that one is blaming for their unhappy situations are innocent as the cause of such situations are internal. If one has
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing Plan of Divine Chocolate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing Plan of Divine Chocolate - Essay Example The researcher states that with Fair Trade, Divine Chocolate ensures that farmers always receive a better deal for their contributions and that money invested for social good eventually supported entrepreneurs, farmers, and co-operatives to access more capital for business.This Fair Trade will create a positive zeal among customers impacting their buying behavior and driving Divine’s profitability. Divine will go for strategic marketing mix with the focus on integrated marketing communication, competitive pricing, social media marketing, penetration pricing, segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy. The company expects that all these marketing strategies will help the company achieve higher marketing synergy reflected in performance and profitability, leading to 60 percent changes in the total turnover and relative gross profit at the end of the first year. In the UK, the chocolate confectionery market has been witnessing steady growth of 5% and the trend is expected t o continue till 2016. The UK chocolate market has reached nearly  £4,000 billion in 2011, which was a 21 percent increase over a five year period. Based on Mintel’s findings, it is reported that UK chocolate market is expected to reach to  £5,059 billion in the worst case or  £5,531 billion in a best case. The market trend is outlined above. With a view to grab the better slice of this emerging marketing opportunities, Divine Chocolate has strategized on its way of marketing chocolates by focusing on Fair Trade and ethical business. Founded in 1993 with the birth of Kuapa Kokoo which was a pioneering cooperative organization initiated by cocoa farmers in Ghana, Divine promised its customers to bring a delicious Fairtrade chocolate alternative. The marketing plan of Divine involves strict compliance with UK’s food and drug administration guidelines and EU’s Cocoa and Chocolate Products Regulations of 1993. The operations will have complied with other regula tions, or amendments to previous regulations related to food safety, chocolate or confectionary contents, ethical requirements etc that are prevailing in the UK.
Monday, September 23, 2019
English Literature Theme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
English Literature Theme - Essay Example Moreover, his personal circumstances did not afford him university terms. Consequently, most of what he had learned he had had to teach himself. However, it was through his education, both formal and informal, that he was able to rise in life. From being taken out of school because his father could not pay for it, to being courted to take trips across the pond to conduct lectures, speeches and readings, his was a case of remarkable social elevation through letters. Possibly for this reason, education is often found in Dickens’s writings, as he was a firm believer in the ability of proper education to improve lives and â€Å"as a way to avoid social catastrophe†(Schlicke, 1999: 442). In his novel Our Mutual Friend, one can clearly see this association between Dickens and education through the characters of Charley and Lizzie Hexam as they each are profoundly affected by their experience or inexperience with ‘proper’ education. In his portrayal of education in Our Mutual Friend, Dickens describes a prevalent example of a school of his times, to which the poorer classes of society were obliged to send their children. This can be seen in the scathing words he utilises in Chapter 1 â€Å"Of an Educational Character†in Book the Second : The school at which young Charley Hexam had first learned from a book – the streets being, for pupils of his degree, the great Preparatory Establishment in which very much that is never unlearned is learned without and before book – was a miserable loft in an unsavoury yard. Its atmosphere was oppressive and disagreeable; it was crowded, noisy, and confusing; half the pupils dropped asleep, or fell into a state of waking stupefaction; the other half kept them in either condition by maintaining a monotonous droning noise, as if they were performing, out of time and tune, on a ruder sort of bagpipe. The teachers, animated solely by good intentions, had no
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Coraline Essy Essay Example for Free
Coraline Essy Essay In response to the school boards request for student feedback, I am writing to express my opinion about which should be used to teach about the Fantasy genre, Coraline the book or Coraline the movie. In my opinion, I believe that Coraline the movie should be used in schools to teach the Fantasy genre. This is because the sounds, animations, and new characters all show more elements and examples of the Fantasy genre than in the book. By the time you finish reading this, you will surely end up being persuaded that Coraline the movie has more elements and examples of Fantasy than in the book. The first detail that makes Coraline the movie have more elements of Fantasy is animation. The animations in the movie were cartoon people, which means the characters dont necessarily have to do things real people can do. Another element of animation that makes the movie more fantastical is that you can see exactly what the character is doing but in the book it is Just your imagination. Also, in the movie, special effects can be added to make the scenes look more fantastical. Overall, the animations from the movie show more elements of fantasy than in the book. Secondly, the new and different characters in the movie make Coraline the movie have more elements of fantasy than the book. In the movie, the other mother turns the other dad into a pumpkin instead of a blob. This is more fantastical because pumpkins are plants and the fact that a pumpkin is alive and speaks is very fantastical. The second example of new and different characters is Wybie Lovat. He is a new character that is in the movie but not the book. He adds more fantasy because he finds a doll that looks Just like Coraline and gives it to her. The new and different haracters is the second detail that makes Coraline the movie have more elements of Fantasy. The third detail that makes Coraline the movie have more elements of Fantasy is sound. The sound from the movie can let you hear the characters tone of voice while speaking which lets you know if what they are saying sounds fantastical. The second thing is that you can hear background sounds and noise. This adds to Fantasy because it lets you hear strange sounds in the background that make it more fantastical. The third thing is that in the movie you can hear how loud the character is speaking. This can let you know how the character feels which adds on to the fantastical elements. I have now expressed my opinion on which to use to teach the Fantasy genre. Coraline the movie has many elements and examples of Fantasy. Coraline the movie should be used in schools to teach the Fantasy genre because the sounds, animations, and new or different characters all show more elements and examples of the Fantasy genre than in the book. Now that you have taken a look at many examples and elements of Fantasy in the movie, I hope that you consider using Coraline the movie to teach Fantasy in schools.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Methods And Importance Of Note Making
Methods And Importance Of Note Making This book contains different note making methods which can be used during the academic period. Author has put forward five main note making methods as; Split-page format, Diagram/Pattern format, Mind map, Outline Format and Question and Prompt format aiming on FEST program. Author has discussed the importance, the advantages and disadvantages of each note making method. After having a main idea on each note making method author has experiment each method with FEST subjects. At the end author finalize that; Split page Format Communication Study Skills Diagram/Pattern Format Computer Technology Mind map Physics Outline Format Mathematics Question Prompt Format Ethics , as the most effective note making method for each subject. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The Importance of Note-Making During FEST program we meet many modules. With regarding to its own behavior we have to follow learning techniques to remember all the important points. As we cannot hold them all in our mind, we will have to use a record to gather all the information. To record something we have to improve our listening skills. As we record something we will have to pay our attention for our work. That record can help us to recall and understand the lesion in a later time and saves our time. So it is very important to make effective notes. During lectures, lecturer presents more information than shows in slides. Sometimes they give useful tips for assignments and for exams. So it is very important to write down hints. When we are in a classroom or in a lecture hall, we must concentrate our mind on the lesion to grab all the information and to comprehend the lesion. That kind of a concentration is built by making notes. So Note-making is very important as it involves us in the learning process. And whenever we read something we have to write down important points as we cannot hold them on mind. Making notes allows us to reduce the information in to manageable size. When we are studying for exams a lot of material has to be covered. The key points should be extracted from lecture notes and text books. It is an aid to exam revision. Making notes helps to think and understand the subject. The history of Note-Making goes far about 1979. Tony Buzan was the person who invented the concept of Mind Mapping. With using images and patterns he developed the main idea up to a successful invention. So now it has become most popular among most of the academic students. Types of Note-Making Methods Note-Making mainly involves with selecting, analyzing, summarizing and organizing information. Although there were many Note-Making methods with different strategies, we only consider five methods that suits for FEST program in this research. 1.2.1. Split-page Format. ( A narrative Note-Making method) In Split-Page Format method the page should be divided in to two columns and in one column there will be standard notes and in the other, the summery. This method can be used to write down lecture notes. 1.2.2. Diagram/Pattern Format. (A visual Note-Making method) In Diagram/Pattern method the information is presented with using a diagram. The main topic and the related ideas should be linked together as it implies a complete meaning. This is a kind of visual learning technique. 1.2.3. Mind Map. (A visual Note-Making method) In this method the information and important points are presented through a map which contains images. With linking one another, the information can be elaborated according to our own creativity. 1.2.4. Outline Format. (A narrative Note-Making method) In this format the information is presented as an outline with using titles, sub titles that are numbered according a procedure. 1.2.5. Question and Prompt Format. (A narrative Note-Making method) The main points of a lesion can be highlighted across a series of questions and with relevant answers. When taking lecture notes it should be more accurate and consisted. With improving the habit to use SQ3R technique it allows us to take most important points on lectures. After reorganizing them it reveal the way to review and revise the note. A note-Making method is only one category that comes under study skills. But up to now we can see more methods that can follow to achieve improvement in study. So we can follow any of them to reach the target. With the technological development the Note-Making method has stepped in to computer /notebook. So now it has changed its name as Electronic Note-making method. Most of the students use word processors because it is easy to forward. Objectives and Scope of Study Acquire the skills to make effective notes using various methods. Modules: Communication Study Skills Computer technology Physics Mathematics Engineering Ethics Note Format: Split-Page format Diagram/Pattern format Mind map Outline format Question Prompt format Through the research I have investigated different Note-Making methods. Five main Note-Making methods have taken to be concerned. The investigation covers the advantages, disadvantages and the feasibility of each method. And each Note-Making method is experimented with FEST modules. Module have been chosen concerning on its behavior and the relevance with the method as below; Split-Page format : Communication and Study Skills 2 Diagram/Pattern Format : Computer Technology 3 Mind-map : Physics 4 Outline Format : Mathematics 5 Question and Prompt Format : Ethics Acquire the skills in technical writing. Understand the requirements for a dissertation. Identify the main sections of a dissertation. Achieve proficiency in using soft tools to aid technical writing. Present critical and argumentative views. Learn to write, abstract and draw conclusions. Overview of Study Chapter 1 : 1.1 Importance of Note-Making. 1.2 Types of Note-Making methods. 1.3 Objectives and Scope of Study. 1.4 Overview of Study. Chapter 2 : 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Implementation of Different Note Formats in Various Fest Subjects. 2.2.1 Split-Page Format. 2.2.2 Diagram/Pattern Format. 2.2.3 Mind-Map. 2.2.4 Outline Format. 2.2.5 Question and Prompt Format. 2.3 Discussions and Conclusions. Chapter 3 : 3.1 Study Contributions 3.2 Recommendations for Future Developments in Note-Making Methods. REFERENCES. CHAPTER 2 EFFECTIVE NOTE-MAKING METHODS FOR FEST PROGRAM 2.1 Introduction In the lectures we have to take a much struggle to catch all the important points and to understand with them. So it is very important to get prepared before the lectures with referring to past lectures and with the things to be taught. After deciding the Note method according to frame work we will be able to have a good Note which concludes all main points. When writing down the main points abbreviations, phrases and images can be helpful to manage the time. This chapter concludes five main Note-making methods and their adoption in FEST modules. When selecting the appropriate Note-Making method, the behavior of each subject had to be considered. Communication and Study Skills is based on both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. Methods like Split-Page, Outline and Question-Prompt can be used to make CSS notes. But Split-Page format becomes most suitable as it carries standard notes and summery. Computer technology holds theory as well as practical. In most theory parts it concludes title, sub titles definitions and examples. CT notes can be summarized with a unique pattern like a diagram. So Diagram Format is the most suitable method which complies with CT notes. If we talk about Physics, it is a combination of theory, practical and calculations. Mind map can be used to emphasize the formulas, definitions and the key ideas in an illustrative manner. As Mathematics carry formulas, definitions and calculations, Outline Format can be used to make notes on theories as well as calculations. Ethics is mainly based on theory. So through Question and Prompt Format all the notes can be factorized. We should have a sense to select the most suitable method in various occasions. 2.2 Implementation of Different Note Formats in Various Fest Subjects The information and data needed, When making notes we copy the main points on lectures as well as text books. And we will have to refer web sources, journals, reports and articles to gain extra knowledge. The questions that rise during lectures and our own ideas hold an importance. All the types of data should be presented through a simple note. The data collection strategy, When making a note we have to follow a data collection strategy. First of all we will have to make a specific objective and a clear definition on the data collection. Second thing is the data collecting mode. It can be quantitative or qualitative. In quantitative data collection strategy it is easy to read and transfer. But in qualitative data collection strategy it needs a long time to differentiate and find out. Otherwise the data mode can be evaluated after deciding it as simple, complex or difficult. The conditions applied in notes, Note-Making is not an easy task as it appears. It needs skills to result a better product. We should find materials that are not too difficult or complex. In this case well organized material can help to reduce time. We have a good note after selecting, analyzing, summarizing and organizing those materials. 2.2.1 Split-Page Format The easiest method to take down notes is Split-Page Format method. In this method the page should be divided in to two parts. The left side must have a width of 2.5 inches and the right side must have 6 inches. The right side is to note down the lecture notes and the important points. And the left is to write the key words and the summery of the notes. But in some books it is said that page should be divide in to three sections and in the left side it is for own comments and questions, the next part is for write down standard notes and the last part is for the summery. So we can use either way to make a good note. Advantages : This method is mainly composed to make lecture notes. And it produces a well organized note. When revising the note, the summery and highlighted points make it much easier. As we note down the questions that comes through the lesion, when recalling the lesion we can make much attention for those problems. Disadvantages : This kind of a note is not visually attracted. We will have to write down all the main points in the right side, so it takes much time. Feasibility : The main points, questions and summery is overviewed together. Speed reading techniques; Basic steps lead for an effective reading. SQ3R, SQ4R, SQ5R S Survey Q Question 5R Read, Recite, Reduce, Reflect, Review SPEED READING TECHNIQUES; SQ3R -1.a useful technology for absorbing written information. 2.It helps to create a good mental framework of a subject helps to set study goals. S Survey Q Question 3R Read, Recite, Review SQ4R method, S Survey Q Question 4R Read, Recite, Relate, Review SQ5R method, S Survey Q Question 5R Read , Respond, Record, Recite, Review FIGURE 2.1 : Examples of Communication and Study Skills Note using Split-Page Format. 2.2.2 Diagram/Pattern Format This method is more visual than the Split-Page format method. According to this method the information can be displayed through a pattern as diagram. The main topic is to be written at the top of the page. After that the related ideas should be added. The main topic and the sub topics/ideas should be connected each other as it arouses a complete sense. Advantages : Very easy to use and it doesnt take much time to draw diagrams. It is much attractive and therefore it makes very convenient when recalling. Through diagram format it is easy to remember the information. Disadvantages : When using Diagram format method we will have to limit the points. Therefore some key points can be neglected. The main idea is not viewable, only the important points are viewable. It is not easy to extent when information is lot. It is difficult to state complicated ideas through such a short format. Feasibility : Through this method the main idea can be presented as a flow of key points. Computer Network Definition Purpose (4) Network classification (6) Network archi Scale Wireless Tech Wired tech Connection method Network topology Terrestrial microwave Wireless Lan Blue Tooth Communication satellite Lan Wan Man Pan VPN CAN Active Working Client Server Peer to Peer Twisted Pair Coaxial Cable Fiber Optics Ethernet Wireless Lan GHn Bus Star Ring Mesh FIGURE 2.2 : Examples of Computer Technology Note using Diagram Format. 2.2.3 Mindmap Mind mapping method is bit difficult than other methods as it needs critical thinking. It is a composition of both images and words which present a lot of information through creativity. This method differs with other traditional methods as it is based on many skills such like, thinking planning, organizing and concerning. The topic/heading should be displayed at the middle of the page. The key ideas and the concepts are the next to be noted. The topics and sub topics can be highlighted with using many shapes. But all the concepts are to be added in a short format. Symbols and images can be added as the suitability. The concepts and their topics should be linked with free lines or arrows. To make it more attractive we can follow many colors as accordance. Advantages : It is easy to learn and apply and helps to reveal inner abilities as creativity. It provides a summery in a illustrative way. And it is easy to extend and add more points. Disadvantages : Only the person who have made it can understand, others cant. It is hard to express much complex concepts through Mind mapping. This method cannot be used to take instant notes. Feasibility : Make the subject more illustrative and comprehensive with its nature. 2.2.4 Outline Format When we are taking usual notes, the Outline Format is mostly used. Actually this method is based on organizing information with using a numbering system. It should be started with an initial topic written as no.1. After that the sub topics should be displayed as 1.1,1.2,1.3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The descriptions that are under those sub topics can be numbered as a),b),c)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦When we choose another topic it should be displayed as no.2.The relationship is shown by the order of the numbers.Otherwise the topics can be started at the margin and then the subtopics can be indented. Advantages : It is easy to learn and easy to use. This method can be used to take notes in the classroom. There will not be any information loss as it is well organized. It is very easy to understand as it is more descriptive. Disadvantages : It doesnt include a summery and the important ideas hidden among the details. So this is not a good method to recall before exams. 1.Transformation 1.1. Translation a. Vertical shift (y=f(x)+k), a.1 Vertical shift up; (k > 0) a.2 Vertical shift down;(k b. Horizontal shift (y= f(x-h)), b.1 Horizontal shift to the right; (h > 0) b.2 Horizontal shift to the left; (h 1.2. Compression and Stretch a. Vertical Stretch and Compression; (y = a.f(x)) a.1 Vertical Stretch;(a>1) a.2 Vertical Compression;(0 b. Horizontal Stretch and Compression; (y = f(a.x) b.1 Horizontal Stretch;(0 b.2 Horizontal Compression;(a>1) Feasibility : Most of the subjects are accordance with the Outline Format. FIGURE 2.4 : Examples of Mathematics Note using Outline Format. 2.2.5 Question and Prompt Format This method is more likely with Split-page method. But the difference being that, in QP method the questions that are based on study objectives will be displayed in the left side. And in the right side there should be the answer for that question. When we make questions we will have to go through all the lesions and to catch main points. This kind of a procedure makes the subject more understandable. Advantages : When we are going through text books or study guides, it is very important to note down the question arouses and their answers in order to use them near exams. The things that are more concern able are highlighted, so it is very important. Disadvantages : There is no summery, Only the important points are highlighted. Therefore whenever we want something in detail we will have to refer back to the text books. There are no any visual aids, so it doesnt make any pleasant feeling when seeing notes. Feasibility : This format has the ability to enhance the main points in a Question prompt way. Moral principles governing the rights and wrongs of human conduct. The principles that are accepted by individuals or social groups. Self-Interest, Tribalism, civil society It is the field of applied ethics which sets standards for engineering obligations to the public, their clients and the profession. Goal-moral autonomy, underlying skills and proficiencies. Moral principles, utilitarianism, justice model, human rights model Engineering Ethics; 1.What are ethics? 2.Why study ethics? 3.What are engineering ethics? 4.What are the Objectives of studying engineering ethics? 5.What are the ethical decision models? FIGURE 2.5 : Example of Engineering Ethics Notes using Question and Prompt Format. 2.3 Discussion and Conclusions Although there were many Note-making methods all of them are based on summarizing, organizing, analyzing and selecting important factors. We meet different modules, when we go through FEST program. With regarding to the feasibility of each Note-making method, we have to select most comparable format to use with subjects. When we are making ordinary notes in the class room, Outline Format is the most suitable one to use. When we are taking lecture notes Split-Page Format becomes most suitable as it consist of details as well as summery. Diagram/Pattern Format and Mind-mapping method can be considered as visual methods. Although Diagram Format method is easy to use and learn than the Mind-Mapping method, there occur problems in expanding data area in Diagram method. Mind-Mapping method is more famous among the present generation as it vast many abilities. As the first thing, it is to choose the most suitable Note-making method for the subject. It helps to remember more information that can be used in a later time. And also it makes much easier to recall the subject. CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN NOTE-MAKING METHODS 3.1 Study Contributions Through this research I was able to discover different Note-Making methods which suits for FEST modules. By then I could acquire the skills to make effective notes. Additionally I was introduced to technical writing criteria. It helped me to recognize the main qualities and behavior of a technical writing system. More overly this report made me aware on the requirements of a dissertation and its main sections. Most of the knowledge has to be caught from web sources. And that thing taught me, how I can contribute soft tools for such a research. Mainly I could accomplish most of the objectives as I was expected. 3.2 Recommendations for Future Development in Note-making Methods For future development in Note-Making, we can use more abbreviations and short hands for a better time management. We can improve this skill by involving with official shorthand language more time. As a memory aid mnemonics can be added to our notes. With highlighting, annotating and underlining key points, we will be able to notice most important factors. Dating and numbering pages will also be helpful when organizing the lesions. Making notes on our own words helps to comprehend the lesion. There should be a space for critical comments as well as blank spaces. So I think that sort of thing can make a change in Note-making methods in near future.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Last Night Of Ballyhoo - Production Critique Essay -- essays resea
This paper is a critique of a production of The Last Night of Ballyhoo, a play written by Alfred Uhry, which was performed and produced by the Ball State University Theatre. Gilbert L. Bloom directed the production and was very successful with producing a truly entertaining, comedic play with an important message about the personal dilemmas that we as individuals with different beliefs and values must encounter in our daily lives. All elements of the production were wonderfully implemented making The Last Night of Ballyhoo quite a success. The performers were perfect for the roles in which they were cast. For example, Lala’s (Erin Rae Lengkeek) character is supposed to be a romantic dreamer and very childlike. The actress who portrayed Lala did an excellent job even her voice and attitude were quite appropriate for the role. Likewise, the actress who played Sunny (Jennie L. Keller) also did a fabulous job of portraying her character. Sunny’s character had a more mature attitude and therefore presented herself in a more adult manner then her cousin Lala. Her physical features also differed from Lala’s; Sunny was tall, broad and had an assertive voice. Lala on the other hand was shorter, looked to have had a bit of baby fat left on her frame and had a childish voice. The other characters also were well cast for their roles, for example Peachy (Matthew Hickman) was described to the audience a s having bright red hair and was portrayed though his telephone conversation with Lala as having a joking, wisecracking attitude. And sure enough when Peachy made his first appearance all these characteristics could be seen. Lala, Sunny and Peachy are just a few of the characters that were cast in the play. Be assured, however, that all the others were also suitably cast for their roles in the production. Thus, making the character selection only one of the key elements in the production’s success. When it came to the dialogue of the production and the understanding of it the performers again did an excellent job. Their gestures and vocal elements all aided in the production’s success and were all fittingly used by the characters. For example, when Lala was talking on the phone with Peachy she casually twirled the phone cord in her hand, leaned against the banister and childishly flirted with Peachy. When it came to sound quality all characters projected their voices... ... down the stairs, wearing her green Scarlet O’Hara dress and the theme from Gone with the Wind was playing the lighting on the set made it look as if she was in a dream like state. The lighting was also very effectively used to show the coming and going of cars on the set. The reflection of lights on the front door of the house were used resemble those of an automobile. Even the final scene had just enough absence of light that the shadows of the characters could be seen sitting around the dinner table and praying by candlelight. At the very end of the performance the candles were extinguished consuming the set in blackness in turn signifying the end of the production. My mother went and viewed the performance of The Last Night of Ballyhoo the night before I did. She acquainted me with the meaning of Ballyhoo and the plot of the play. She stated that the play was well done and I would enjoy it. I don’t believe I have seen I better play this year. It was wonderfully put together and very funny and I’m not just saying that because the director is my theatre instructor. I wish I hadn’t seen the play on the last night of the performance, because I would have loved to see it again.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Four methods to elevate your Facebook Ads with the 'Power Editor' Getting begun with Facebook Ads should be easy. Add a post to your Page's News Feed, select the "Boost Post" button and toss some money at your campaign. Or, if you want to advertise on the social network’s sidebar, simply upload your preferred written text and picture. Facebook even has a system tool that can manage positioning bids for you. Unfortunately, these easy installation or setup steps -- which many advertisers never shift beyond – hardly, provide easy facts of what's possible with Facebook Ads. For the best focusing and putting in bid choices, you need to start using the Power Editor plug-in. Here are four functions to check out once you've set up the plug-in in your account: 1. Focusing on Fan. According to analysis Company Webtrends, focusing fans only with Facebook ads can improve click-through by more than 700 %. There are the situations where you'd want to flourish your reach beyond present followers -- if, for example, you're trying to improve your variety of Web page "Likes." But in most situations, delivering posts to current fans that don't already see them due to the News Feed algorithms can generate some of the most powerful overall campaign outcomes. The only way to focus on your ads to existing visitors is through the Power Editor plug-in. Look for the choice under the "Audience" section of the Ad Creation Screen. Related: Facebook Is Making Life Simpler for Social Media Managers 2. Partner Categories. In April, Facebook released the "Partner Categories" feature depending on the data offered by the Datalogix, Epsilon, and Acxion data research organizations. Basically, these 500 categories signify multiple Facebook users that can be off... ...he Power Editor is its ability to make simpler most ad creation process. No matter what type of strategy you're operating, it's a wise decision to create several ad modifications in order to spilt test your results. Establishing up these variants using the self-serve ad tool or system can be extremely time-consuming, but the "Duplicate" button in the Power Editor’s Ad creation area makes strategy setup go much more efficiently. And while you're in there copying your ads and making the necessary changes to each edition for upcoming examining, take in the Saved Viewers you created. Mixed, these two feature tips can help you get your campaigns up and operating in the quickest period of time possible. Related: Facebook Gives Companies Free Access to Shutterstock Pictures for Ads. The author is an Entrepreneur contributor. The views indicated are those of the author. Essay -- Four methods to elevate your Facebook Ads with the 'Power Editor' Getting begun with Facebook Ads should be easy. Add a post to your Page's News Feed, select the "Boost Post" button and toss some money at your campaign. Or, if you want to advertise on the social network’s sidebar, simply upload your preferred written text and picture. Facebook even has a system tool that can manage positioning bids for you. Unfortunately, these easy installation or setup steps -- which many advertisers never shift beyond – hardly, provide easy facts of what's possible with Facebook Ads. For the best focusing and putting in bid choices, you need to start using the Power Editor plug-in. Here are four functions to check out once you've set up the plug-in in your account: 1. Focusing on Fan. According to analysis Company Webtrends, focusing fans only with Facebook ads can improve click-through by more than 700 %. There are the situations where you'd want to flourish your reach beyond present followers -- if, for example, you're trying to improve your variety of Web page "Likes." But in most situations, delivering posts to current fans that don't already see them due to the News Feed algorithms can generate some of the most powerful overall campaign outcomes. The only way to focus on your ads to existing visitors is through the Power Editor plug-in. Look for the choice under the "Audience" section of the Ad Creation Screen. Related: Facebook Is Making Life Simpler for Social Media Managers 2. Partner Categories. In April, Facebook released the "Partner Categories" feature depending on the data offered by the Datalogix, Epsilon, and Acxion data research organizations. Basically, these 500 categories signify multiple Facebook users that can be off... ...he Power Editor is its ability to make simpler most ad creation process. No matter what type of strategy you're operating, it's a wise decision to create several ad modifications in order to spilt test your results. Establishing up these variants using the self-serve ad tool or system can be extremely time-consuming, but the "Duplicate" button in the Power Editor’s Ad creation area makes strategy setup go much more efficiently. And while you're in there copying your ads and making the necessary changes to each edition for upcoming examining, take in the Saved Viewers you created. Mixed, these two feature tips can help you get your campaigns up and operating in the quickest period of time possible. Related: Facebook Gives Companies Free Access to Shutterstock Pictures for Ads. The author is an Entrepreneur contributor. The views indicated are those of the author.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dickinson and Her religion :: essays research papers fc
Dickinson and her Religion Emily Dickinson was one of the greatest woman poets. She left us with numerous works that show us her secluded world. Like other major artists of nineteenth-century American introspection such as Emerson, Thoreau, and Melville, Dickinson makes poetic use of her vacillations between doubt and faith. The style of her first efforts was fairly conventional, but after years of practice she began to give room for experiments. Often written in the meter of hymns, her poems dealt not only with issues of death, faith and immortality, but with nature, domesticity, and the power and limits of language.      Dickinson’s Christian education affected her profoundly, and her desire for a human intuitive faith motivates and enlivens her poetry. Yet what she has faith in tends to be left undefined because she assumes that it is unknowable. There are many unknown subjects in her poetry among them: Death and the afterlife, God, nature, artistic and poetic inspiration, one’s own mind, and other human beings.      Dickinson was educated in a traditionally Protestant, provincial community and in a religious conservative schools and churches in Amherst and South Hadley. This affected Dickinson as a poet of religious concern, stimulating her to opposition as well as reverence. The Calvinist God she was taught to worship was an arbitrary God of absolute power. She struggles prodigiously in her writing against such an image of God, but also invokes it normally.      Emily Dickinson’s imagination is dynamic partly because she thinks of her mental world as always in flux and prefers not to adhere for long to any preconceived religious of philosophical doctrine. At different times she advances opposed positions on such central questions as the goodness of God, the reality of heaven, or the presence of the divine in nature. As a child of her culture, the fixed positions of her local Calvinism are inscribed in her mind and heart, while at the same time she distrusts them and seeks an alternative faith that will be truer to her moral conceptions. Since she takes different positions on religious questions, it has proved hard for commentators to summarize her religious perspective.      At the start of her career she assembles her poems in fascicles and sets, thus giving them a separate existence as poems, while later she experiments increasingly with a style of letter writing in which the border between verse and prose tends to disappear, and she writes poetically wherever she wants to (Martin).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Employees in management Essay
Any employee can acquire or possess characteristics that may make him deserve a managerial level position. In addition to that, this is a part of the civil rights and so equality should also be upheld by giving everyone equal opportunities to a managerial level position. This paper intends to prove that indeed, â€Å"Yes, businesses should grant all employees the opportunity to move into management level positions†(Sugarman n. . ). Explaining the first reason further, any employee can learn to become a good â€Å"manager†provided that he or she perseveres, learns from all his or her past experiences, and possesses the qualities of a person that can hold and run a management level position successfully (Sugarman n. p. ). Examples include the following: there are employees who are dedicate and serve for a cause instead of just carrying out what the job asks them to; there are employees who gets inspired by advancement, the work itself, personal growth, and responsibility, instead of just recognition, achievement, affiliation, and power; there are employees who have the capacity to innovate instead of just administer; there are employees who can do the right things instead of just doing things right; there are employees who are brilliant and can develop instead of just maintain; there are employees who can keep and think of a longer-term perspective; there are employees who can challenge instead of just accept the status quo; there are employees who can keep their concern for those who belong to ranks lower than them; there are employees who can originate instead of just imitate; there are employees who can walk in someone else’s shoes instead of just listening to how their subordinates say thin gs (Sugarman n. p. ) In addition to that, for the sake of equality and to uphold the civil rights, yes everyone should be granted the chance to be promoted to management level positions. For instance, back then, women were not allowed to be in the top level position at least until the implementation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which gave the women entry to employment and good positions eventually as well (Lindsey 27). On a final note, â€Å"Businesses should grant all employees the opportunity to move into management level positions†(Sugarman n. p. ). This is because equality should always exist and because all employees have the capacity to hold and run a management level position.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Gender Role Effects in “The Yellow Wallpaper†Essay
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a feminist writer who wrote â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†in the 1890’s. During this time period the woman were expected to keep the house clean, care for their children, and listen to their husbands. The men were expected to work a job and be the head of a household. The story narrates a woman’s severe depression which she thinks is linked to the yellow wallpaper. Charlotte Gilman experienced depression in her life and it inspired her to write â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.†The short story is based on a woman, not given a name in the text, who is very dependent on her husband. The narrator plays a gender role that is degraded by her successful husband, who is a doctor, because she is a female. John ignores his wife’s accusations with the wallpaper and looks down on the fact that she cannot fulfill her duty as a woman, mother, or wife by treating and calling her childish names. Throughout the whole story the narrator is trying to tell her husband that she gets a weird vibe from the house and that the yellow wallpaper is driving her insane in the bedroom she stays in. The narrator states, â€Å"That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don’t care- there is something strange about the house- I can feel it†(677). John ignores this and it angers her. Critic Davison writes, â€Å"With regard to her case, the narrator confides, â€Å"John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him†(56). John tells her that she has a temporary nervous depression and a slight hysterical tendency. He says that she just needs rest, and she will be fine. She feels she cannot do anything about it because he is not only a doctor but her husband, so she just goes on with the days living in the mansion. As a female she is supposed to respect the man of the house and have little say so. Gilman writes, â€Å"My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing†(677). With two of her family members telling her this she feels like an unsuccessful woman. She feels as if John is turning her whole family against her and her emotions. John never listens to anything his wife has to say to him. This is an example of how women feel their opinion or voice never mattered in the 1890’s. The wife goes into great detail describing the wallpaper as if someone was really seeing it in their mind as they read the story. The paint and paper look as if a boy’s school had used it. It is stripped off- the paper- in great patches all around the head of my bed, about as far as I can reach, and in a great place on the other side of the room low down. I never saw a worse paper in my life. One of those sprawling, flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin. It is dull enough to confuse the eye in following, pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide- plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard-of contradictions. The color is repellent, almost revolting: a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. It is a dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly sulphur tint in others (678). This description of the wallpaper obviously shows that there is something wrong with her mentally. It also shows the reader how she really feels about it and how it is affecting her, making her go insane. The narrator states, â€Å"It is stripped off- the paper- in great patches all around the head of my bed†(678). This can imply how she feels about her husband and family. They are always telling her nothing is wrong and ignore any thoughts she may have. Maybe she is tired of getting stripped down in a negative way from them such as; being ignored, treated like a child, and being locked up in the bedroom. She states, â€Å"The paper is dull enough to confuse the eye†(678). This description could imply that no one sees the paper the way she does. John might not see the crawling women because he does not have to stare at it all day every day. The description shows the emotions and describes the way the wife really feels about her condition. She uses language such as constantly irritates and provokes study, the uncertain curves commit suicide, it plunges off at outrageous angles, and destroys themselves in unheard- of contradictions suggests that she has dark thoughts of suicide or death (678). The wife’s description of the wallpaper and room which it is in makes it seem like she lives the life of a prisoner unable to escape the yellow wallpaper. The criticism of Wang states, â€Å"The narrator lives a life like a prisoner who is being gazed and observed all the time†(53). The observers of the narrator are her husband and her nurse. This quote implies that she is literally locked up all day in one room suffering from more depression as the days move forward. Another way John puts his wife down as a female is calling her names and acting like she is a baby. John states, â€Å"What is it, little girl?†(682). It is significant that he would call her that because she is his wife and they have a little child together. Gilman writes, â€Å"Then he took me in his arms and called me a blessed little goose, and said he would go down to the cellar, if I wished, and have it whitewashed into the bargain†(679). He acts as if he is controlling of her being her father in a way instead of a husband. He read to her until she got tired and that is what a father would do for his child. The adjective little also adds power to the quote because it suggests that she has no say- so as if she was his child. These words John calls her makes her refer back to her childhood. She was frightened from her childhood and this could add more agitation to her mental sickness. This is ironic because Gilman writes, â€Å"It was a nursery first, and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge, for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls†(678). All these things imply that she is stuck in a childhood state that she cannot escape to be the wife and mother she wishes to be. The narrator is not mentally able to fulfill the duties a mother was expected to do in the 1890’s. She is unable to watch and take care of her child as a mother. The wife states, â€Å"It is fortunate Mary is so good with the baby†¦Such a dear baby!†(678). Mary is a housekeeper/nurse who watches her and takes care of her child. The narrator states, â€Å"And yet I cannot be with him, it makes me so nervous†(678). This makes her feel as if she failed her role as a female because she was not able to perform the most common trait known to a woman. She is also not able to clean, cook, and keep the house up as a woman is supposed to do. She has to get Mary to do all of this for her. This could be another reason that makes her think something is really wrong with her. She is John’s wife but the things he calls her implies that she is not completing the role of a wife; therefore John treats her like a child. â€Å"They Yellow Wallpaper†is a confusing story with a horror vibe to it. Being a female, the wife feels that she is unable to escape the name calling, the portrayal of a child, and her husband. Her biggest problem is not being able to get away from the wallpaper that causes her great depression. John claims there is nothing wrong with her throughout the whole story because she has no symptoms of any sickness. Her family members even tell her that nothing is wrong and she feels that she cannot do anything for herself. The Yellow Wallpaper is an object the narrator does not escape causing her to go insane, be depressed, and fail at the role of a female during the 1890’s. Charlotte Gilman definitely leaves the reader stumped in the interpretation of the story. Works Cited Davison, Carol M. â€Å"Haunted House/Haunted Heroine: Female Gothic Closets In ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’†Women’s Studies 33.1 (2004): 47-75. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. Gilman, Charlotte P. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.†Exploring Literature. Ed. Frank Madden. New York: Pearson, 2009. 676-87. Print. Wang, Lin-lin. â€Å"Freed Or Destroyed:–A Study On ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ From The Perspective Of Foucauldian Panopticism.†US-China Foreign Language 5.3 (2007): 52-57. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
To find the best insulating material by measuring how quickly water cools
Theory: My reason for choosing plastic and coconut as the best insulator is because company's use plastic when producing things to contain heat. An example of this is a kettle, which use's plastic to keep the heat in so that it does not escape. Plastic is also used on the handles of pot's and pans, which deal with a lot of heat when cooking. Coconut is also a good insulator because when you cut down a coconut from the palm tree there is a lot of liquid inside of it. This liquid is kept inside of with out having the liquid evaporating. When you combine the two together you get the best of both. You are also trapping air in between the two materials. There are also three ways heat can travel these as conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction: This is the process in which heat is transferred from molecule to molecule by vibrating into each other hence passing the energy. All materials allow energy to pass through them by conduction. The particles of a gas are spread out making them poor conductors of energy because they are so spread out. Convection: If a temperature difference arises within a liquid or a gas, then fluid motion will almost certainly occur. This transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another. Radiation: The process of transmitting waves or particles through space, or some medium; or such waves or particles themselves. Waves and particles have many characteristics in common; usually, however, the radiation is predominantly in one form or the other. Variables: In this investigation there are many variables. I will have to do many things to ensure this is a fair investigation. 1. I will change the water each time I complete a set of results and use the same source of water. 2. I will use the same copper mug for all experiments. 3. I will heat all water to 80C 4. I will work in the same conditions each time. 5. I will use the same amount of material each time 6. I will use a lid of tin foil each time. 7. The mug will have one layer of tin foil around it. 8. The mug will be kept away from anything that may speed up the time it takes to cool Safety precautions: To keep the experiment safe I shall * Wear goggles at all times due to the danger of hot water * Wear a thick overall, which can be removed if any hot water is spilled. * Wear gloves to protect hands from being burnt. Equipment 1 mug 1 kettle 1 thermometer 1 heat mat 1 water source 1 of each material (5 in total) 1 tin foil lid Method:In the experiment, I am going to test 5 different materials in order to discover which is the best at insulating heat. We are to test the materials by wrapping them around a mug, which I will fill with 200ml of hot water at 80c and take the temperature every minute for 10 minutes. This will enable me to see the temperature decline clearly. I will repeat this sequence 3 times for each material to make sure it is fair and take a table of averages at the end. I will be using a thermometer to record the temperature, which is accurate to O.5c. The thermometer will be placed through the tin foil lid. Preliminary Experiment: This is the first of the series in which I used only the mug with a layer of tin foil around it. I used no lid so I could see the effects of convection and then decide on whether to use a lid in the real experiments using materials. In this we tried to use 300ml of water but found it to be impractical so will use only 200ml for the final experiment. Trying to get water at any temperature higher than 80oc was a rush and mistakes can be made in a rush so we will use 80oc in the final experiment. We tried using a data logger with a heat probe and a thermometer. We discovered cooling was very quick in this way so we will use a lid in the final experiment. We found the data logger to be rather unreliable so will use the thermometer in the real experiment. Analysis. Graphs and tables on separate sheet. Conclusion: The graph shows a trend with all the materials I have tested in that they all show negative correlation. As time goes on (as temperatures are displayed on the graph for every minute), the temperature of the water decreases. The graph shows the steady decline of temperature with the continuance of time over the ten minute testing time. The poorer insulating materials have steeper declines. The better insulating materials have less steep/ flatter declines. There is a range between the temperatures of the water after the ten minute testing time of 4.5 oC between the best and worst insulating material. In the early stages of the graph, the points ( of temperatures vs. time ) are all fairly close together. With the further continuance of time, larger ranges of temperature occur on the graph as aspects such as conduction, convection and radiation play further part in the cooling process. It is these 3 factors which an insulating material must contend with to determine how good it is at insulating heat. Conduction is the most influential factor of this cooling investigation so the better insulating materials needed to be good at trapping air to insulate heat as air is a poor thermal conductor which explains why felt and coconut on plastic were better insulators than cotton for example because coconut on plastic and felt are both thick materials and made of matted fibres so were able to trap air and insulate the heat well. In theory, the wool should have been best at reducing conduction as it is very thick and matted but it has square gaps between each strand ofwool where it has been sown together allowing heat to pass through. The poor insulating materials (Nylon and cotton) are very thin so unable to trap air hence being poor thermal insulating materials. The graph reflects the influence of conduction as the materials best at reducing it cooled slowest. Convection occurs through the sides of the mug but mainly through the top of the mug. To prevent this I have used a tin foil lid. This makes it fajr for all tested materials as they all have convection reduced equally out of the top of the mug leaving the material to insulate the convection occurring through the sides. Radiation can be absorbed or reflected by opaque surfaces and dull rough surfaces absorb more heat. This is much like the properties of coconut on plastic which is why it was good at insulating radiation because its outer plastic could absorb radiation and the dull and rough inside coconut could also absorb heat. This is another reason why it performed best.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Critique Paper Writing Tips Essay
It is imperative to understand what a critique paper really is. When your teacher asks you to write a critique, they are asking you to analyze and evaluate, and not just summarize. A critique is rather an essay or article that criticizes literary or other work e.g. a movie. Make sure you are completely familiar with the book/movie/piece of art before critiquing it. A critique answers the few questions of how? why? and how well? A critique does not mean criticizing the work in a negative sense but rather interpreting it as you see it. It usually combines both positive and negative. †¢ The first step to take is to analyze the piece of work. Discuss the author’s main point of view and his purpose. See who is he performing for i.e. who is his audience. What arguments does the author use to support his main point and what evidence does he cite. Check for any underlying biases or assumptions in the work that the author produces. †¢ Next, you need to evaluate the author’s ideas.You need to see whether the argument he provides is logical, and the facts provided accurate. There might be jargon present in a book, so the author should have defined it and explained it or even in other works, important terms should be defined. You should check the authenticity of facts and sources cited and whether there is a sufficient amount of it. †¢ Lastly, you need to plan and write your critique. You should do this in standard essay form. In the first paragraph, you need to introduce the topic, state the thesis, make a plot summary, and give your readers a clue of what they are to expect. An introduction also includes the background of the piece of work that you are going to critique. For a book, write the name of the author and a bit of information about them that pertains to the argument. A movie introduction includes the director, the basic theme, and the names of the main actors. An art critique would include basic information on the painter and the work that you are going to examine, as well as basic features of this certain work such as its title, the art materials that have been used, and its location. In the second part of the critique i.e. the main body, start into the story. In this part, you will have to introduce the characters, setting, and give a lot of detail. Bring out the author’s important points and evaluate whether the evidence provided by the author supports his point of view. Break the thesis and different parts of the story into separate points and examine each point separately. A very important thing that will strengthen all your arguments is giving real examples from the piece of work you are using. Conclude the critique paper with really critiquing the piece of work i.e. the good and bad, and how it made you feel. Answer any questions you raised along the way and make the final statement about the piece of work.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Separation of Colored Molecules Based on their Molecular Lab Report
Separation of Colored Molecules Based on their Molecular - Lab Report Example Chromatography is the method used in separating and analyzing complex mixtures. The separation process consists of a moving phase and a stationary phase. The mixture that is to be isolated is in the moving phase and it is made to pass through the immobile phase. Gel filtration is a procedure by which molecules are removed from a mixture based on their molecular shape and size. In gel filtration chromatography, the stationary phase consists of beads that have pores which span a narrow range that determines the size of the macromolecules to be fractioned. Large molecules that are large to enter the pores of the beads are separated thus comes out of the column first. Examples of gels used in gel filtration are Dextran, Polyacrylamide, and Agarose. When the column of Sephadex gel particles are packed: the volume of the solvent in the beads makes the internal volume (Vi) and that outside makes the external volume (Ve). The volume of the polymer forms the gel matrix volume (Vg). Bed volume is given by: The elution volume of a molecular substance is the volume of solvent that is needed to move out of that substance. Its least amount is the void volume. Small molecules have higher volume available them than the void volume. Where Kd is the coefficient of distribution and molecules have Kd between 0 and 1.The gel filtration column is divided into proteins of known molecular weight and then the Kd of each protein is calculated. The graph of Kd against log10 molecular weight is plotted and this graph allows the molecular weight of the unknown protein to be read from it. The buffer on top of the column was allowed to drain up to the level of the gel until the meniscus just disappeared.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Evaluate research methodologies used in VoIP research Essay
Evaluate research methodologies used in VoIP research - Essay Example A thorough security analysis is done at every stage of the protocol for understanding the risks and ways to combat it. The third stage is the key derivation process in protocols like Mickey which is thoroughly analyzed and done. The article â€Å"Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction†is based on the various peer-to-peer protocols and thoroughly analysis of the model which is developed to measure the user satisfaction index. A detailed analysis of the communication and the various VoIP sessions that are responsible for making it happen. The Cox model is developed and analyzed for making the User satisfaction index interpretation quite strong with detailed analysis. Most of the data is from journals and web related material which makes it quite usable to use the information for analysis and design. The variety of suggestions would make sure that all the analysis is well supported and framed for getting the right decision for the paper and its objectives. Pervez & Kjell (2005) defines as: â€Å"we must ourselves collect the data that are relevant to our particular study and research problem.†The large academic text and journals which are required for making the right judgment for illustrating the theory and explanation of the various protocols are of good. The renowned nature of books and journals make sure that all the information is taken to its full extent. The research method used is quite susceptible to various faults as security is not discussed in detail and more emphasis is given to VoIP protocols for their illustration. The in-depth discussion on the various VoIP protocols would make sure that all the various aspects are touched upon and illustrated in detail. The detailed discussion of the various VoIP protocols is an advantage of the paper and make sure that all the various scenarios are taken care to its maximum in deriving the gross attitude for fetching the objectives of the paper. The various
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Explore how Ken Loach articulates social concerns in( Kes.) Assignment
Explore how Ken Loach articulates social concerns in( Kes.) - Assignment Example It is undoubtedly a momentous occasion for not just the British economy but for British politics, culture and social life as well. In many ways the old bastion of solidarity and nationalism was coming to an end. The coal mining communities that are portrayed in Kes were perhaps that of the last generation of miners. In a span of a decade the complexion of British industry would change from manufacturing-based to that of finance. The heart-beat of British economy in 1969 was industrial towns of North in which the film is set. In a matter of a few years, London would become the nerve-centre of British economy with its transformation into a global financial hub. A central social theme in Kes is that of alienation. It is about how an individual feels cut off from emotional or moral support even when he has relatives and social institutions to call upon. Billy Casper signifies that individual, whose troubled life is a metaphor for a whole generation of the British working class. The film is successful because Loach manages to invoke a strong representation of this collective pathos through the character of Casper. The author of the novel upon which the movie is based, Barry Hines, was instrumental toward this end, for his very visual style helped Loach. Together the two artists were able to project the powerful central image of Kasper’s Kestrel – â€Å"that lowest of the hawks – its an eagle for an emperor and a kestrel for a knave – is a wonderful image for the boy’s life and prospects. This central image not only helps hold the whole piece together but stays in people’s minds†. (Macnab, 1999) To boot it is socially relevant and resonant even today. For example, Loach never allows us to forget â€Å"the social and economic circumstances which underpin Billys existence. He lives on a rough estate and looks destined to end up working in the mines. Billys prospects wouldnt be any better today.†(Macnab,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Engineering business functions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Engineering business functions - Assignment Example For instance, the purchases Department are directly linked to the plant processing company. It is the purchases department that works towards ensuring that the raw materials are available for processing in the plant. The purchased parts of the automobiles are processed to form the end products that are sold. Again, where there is a delay in the purchases, the output will reduce. At the same time, when there is a problem with the finance department, there will be reduced efficiency in the purchasing department that will eventually be reflected in the output in the organization. However, efficiency in the finance department will also lead to efficiency in other operations given other factors are always kept constant. Additionally, the production process relies heavily on other important factors. For instance, for effective production, the mechanical processes involved must all be efficient. The required expertise must always be availed to monitor the whole task otherwise that will occu r some errors. Moreover, if the sales department does not effectively execute their duties, then there will be overstocking that will otherwise result in losses in the organization and reduce the rate of production. The necessity of developing standards is essential. The success of any business lies in achieving the standard that can suit both the customer’s specifications and that of the company. However, determining these specific standards remains the main problem that any firm can ever meet.
Are social problems socially constructed or biologically determined Essay
Are social problems socially constructed or biologically determined - Essay Example There are a number of social constructs that exist in the times of today and the same have been for our understanding for so long now that they have started to seem pretty much a part and parcel of our very existence. The aspects of femininity and masculinity are something which is easily bracketed under the social constructs heading and this has been case for quite a number of decades now, if not centuries. The related linkages are predominantly the root cause for these social constructs to arise in the first place. Social constructs within the domains of social problems are indeed the entities which have been institutionalized in a social hierarchical system and which have been invented or constructed by a number of different participants which are in essence part of those very systems. These social constructs are remnant of the society or the culture that we are talking about and the same exist because people have followed the related regimes for so long now that it has become a part of their system, their day to day thinking mindset and the impending approach which has come about due to the very same. These social constructs could also be in line with the different traditional rules which are being followed over a period of time and then there are the discussions related with the conventional thinking and analysis hierarchies. The aspect of social constructionism looks to suggest some ways within the understanding module of the social constructions where detection of the same aspects are als o judged and found out. The analysis forms an important ingredient of the very same subject. Social constructs are pretty different from the social realities that exist within a society or a culture since the latter focuses more on the real happenings and not what the whole ideology or the thinking mindset can and cannot be. What this brings to light is the fact that the social constructs look to narrow the basis for the developing
Monday, September 9, 2019
Justice & Institution Building in the UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Justice & Institution Building in the UAE - Essay Example First, Sheikh Zayed brought law and order without a police force through luring the effective tribesmen and the outlaw tribesmen to let them join the tribal chiefdom. Strategically, he then used the former fugitives to arrest the remaining bandits. His approach was allied to the western tradition of justice. His gesture or strategy in eradicating banditry emulated the western systems of community sensitization that involves groundsmen in eliminating crime. At least, a democratic process was incorporated in this initiative, a sign that the leader embraces some of the western techniques of the justice systems. Second, the leaders also bridged the tension between the western rule of law tradition and Islamic customs by embracing diplomatic ways of handling conflicts. In the past, before the leadership of the renewed leader, the sharia laws existed but favored the wealthy families. However, as the term of the leader commenced he revolutionized the approach and considered the poor households in terms of resource distribution. According to the leader, justice for all was a divine injunction and neither the Quran nor the Sharia laws were going to deter people from getting a fair share of the resources that they deserved. Sheikh Zayed also cooled the tension between the two diverse legislative models through holding a more liberal perception about the sharia laws. As opposed to Sunni, who adopted a more radical and irrational system of justice, he introduced goodwill, kindness, compassion and generosity when interpreting the Sharia. In addition, he advocated justice for all as a means of putting things in their right places and establishing a balance between obligation and rights. Furthermore, he ensured justice for all people irrespective of race, nationality, and religion. His perception in combination with the installation of a more formal justice
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Microsoft Windows operating system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Microsoft Windows operating system - Essay Example But in case of Microsoft operating the market is totally dominated by Microsoft. Based solely on market share, Microsoft appears to have a near-monopoly in operating systems for personal computers yet Microsoft priced the Windows OS very smartly and kept it at bare minimum and thus succeeded in capturing in the market. The law of demand tells us that as the price of a commodity falls, the quantity demanded increases and vice-versa. But the law is silent on the extent of increase in demand as a result of decrease in certain percentage of prices. That means the law of demand tells us only the direction of change, but not the rate which the change takes place. To know about the rate of change we should know the 'price elasticity of demand'. Elasticity of demand can be defined as the "degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price." It thus represents the rate of change in the quantity demanded due to a change in price. Now in case of Microsoft it can be said that, if we treat PCs as a single homogeneous commodity, then Microsoft's pricing of Windows was 'not' consistent with its status of a monopoly over personal computer (PC) operating systems. Therefore Microsoft started with such penetrative pricing that consumers had no option but to go for it. The company priced Windows as low as it can because of several types of substitution; For the fi
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Proposals for Ring-Fencing and Loss Absorbency Essay - 44
Proposals for Ring-Fencing and Loss Absorbency - Essay Example The Commission was given up to the end of September 2015, to report their findings to the Cabinet Committee on Banking Reform. The white paper discussed many elements such as ring-fencing, high net worth individuals, prohibited services, SMEs for the purposes of ring-fencing, financial product restrictions, geographical restrictions, exposure to financial institutions, intra-group relationships, ancillary activities, legal and operational links, governance, economic links, scope, PLAC, PLAC composition, leverage ratio, loss absorbency, ring-fence buffer, bail-in, the bail-in process and depositor preference (ICB 2011, p. 19). Keeping in line with two of the stated topics above, this paper will describe the proposals for (i) ring-fencing and (ii) loss absorbency put forward by the 2011 Report of the Independent Commission on Banking (â€Å"Vickers Report†). The paper will discuss whether these measures likely to succeed in ensuring financial stability and how are these proposal s being enacted into UK law. Ring-fencing or ringfencing is a situation in which a fraction of a firm’s assets or profits are financially split without essentially being considered as a separate entity (Freixas & Mayer 2011, p. 397). This might be for: Ring-fencing in asset protection is used by separating particular liabilities and assets into different organizations of a corporate group. At times, it is utilized to mitigate liquidation risk or to enhance corporate credit rating (Haldane & Alessandri 2009, p. 12). In the UK, ring fence profits stem from gains and income from oil rights oil or extraction activities in the UK plus its continental shelf and experience a higher rate from corporation tax (ICB 2011, p. 35). In the case of bonds or loans, ringfencing ensures that an investor has a link to a particular asset they possess.
Friday, September 6, 2019
The degree of operating leverage Essay Example for Free
The degree of operating leverage Essay 1. The degree of operating leverage is equal to the ____ change in ____ divided by the ____ change in ____. 2. In the linear breakeven model, the difference between selling price per unit and variable cost per unit is referred to as: 3). Break-even analysis usually assumes all of the following except: 4).The short-run cost function is: 5). In the short-run for a purely competitive market, a manufacturer will stop production when: 6). In the long-run, firms in a monopolistically competitive industry will 7). A search good is: 8). All of the following are true for both competition and monopolistic competition in the long run, except one of them. Which is it? 9). Regulatory agencies engage in all of the following activities except _______. 10). In the electric power industry, residential customers have relatively ____ demand for electricity compared with large industrial users. But contrary to price discrimination, large industrial users generally are charged ____ rates. 11). When the cross elasticity of demand between one product and all other products is low, one is generally referring to a(n) ____ situation. 13). In natural monopoly, AC continuously declines due to economies in distribution or in production, which tends to found in industries which face increasing returns to scale. If price were set equal to marginal cost, then: 14). A(n) ____ is characterized by a relatively small number of firms producing a product. 15). In the Cournot duopoly model, each of the two firms, in determining its profit-maximizing price-output level, assumes that the other firms ____ will not change. 16). The existence of a kinked demand curve under oligopoly conditions may result in 17). Conscious parallelism of action among oligopolistic firms is an example of ____. 18). A key to analyzing subgame perfect equilibrium strategy in sequential games is 19). Credible promises and hostage mechanisms can support a continuous stream of cooperative exchanges except when 20). In making promises that are not guaranteed by third parties and in imposing penalties that are not enforced by third parties, all of the following are credibility-enhancing mechanisms except 21). In a game, a dominated strategy is one where: The segmenting of customers into several small groups such as household, institutional, commercial, and industrial users, and establishing a different rate schedule for each group is known as: 22) The following are possible examples of price discrimination, EXCEPT: 23). The optimal mark-up is: m = -1/ (E+1). When the mark-up on cookware equals 50%, then demand elasticity (E) for cookware is: 24). To maximize profits, a monopolist that engages in price discrimination must allocate output in such a way as to make identical the ____ in all markets. 25). Non-redeployable durable assets that are dependent upon unique complementary and perfectly redeployable assets to achieve substantial value-added will typically be organized as 26). When retail bicycle dealers advertise and perform warranty repairs but do not deliver the personal selling message that Schwinn has designed as part of the marketing plan but cannot observe at less than prohibitive cost, the manufacturer has encountered a problem of ____. 27). When manufacturers and distributors establish credible commitments to one another, they often employ 28). Reliant assets are always all of the following except: 29). The sentiment for increased deregulation in the late 1970s and early 1980s has been felt most significantly in the price regulation of 30). The antitrust laws regulate all of the following business decisions except ____. 31). The ____ is equal to the some of the squares of the market shares of all the firms in an industry. 32). The lower the barriers to entry and exit, the more nearly a market structure fits the ____ market model. 33). The ____ depicts the risk-return relationship in the market for all securities: 34). Any current outlay that is expected to yield a flow of benefits beyond one year in the future is: 35). In order to help assure that all relevant factors will be considered, the capital-expenditure selection process should include the following steps except: 36). Which of the following would not be classified as a capital expenditure for decision-making purposes?
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