Saturday, December 28, 2019
Adoption of Ifrs in Bulgaria - 1197 Words
Introduction of IFRS for small and medium companies in Bulgaria In this essay we discuss the development and adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the Republic of Bulgaria. Most of the characteristics and features apply not only to this country, but also to most developing economies in Europe. The IFRS are a set of standards which imply rules, methods and governance for reporting and interpreting financial data. The purpose of the IFRS is to develop a set of universal standards to be applied and comprehended worldwide, in order to achieve harmonization and standardization among reporting entities. Bulgaria was accepted as a member of the European†¦show more content†¦The new IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 are a major improvement, but their implementation would call for a significant change in the existing information systems. As a famous Bulgarian saying literally states - â€Å"change is a headache†. However, there definitely are crucial advantages of the IFRS. To begin with, on the whole the financial statements are of higher quality, more reliable, understandable, complete and objective. The use of IFRS implies a high degree of confidence in the provided information. Another thing is that there exists a comparison possibility of financial data between entities that have adopted the standards. Also users of financial statements that are not aware of the Bulgarian GAAP would safe time, effort and resources to interpret the information. This would enhance the communication and trust between Bulgarian and foreign companies and therefore boost international investments. Entrepreneurs seeking high returns in emerging economies would gladly consider Bulgarian markets as prospective targets. Moreover, large companies from the European Union planning to expand in developing economies of the new members w ill prefer to look at financial statements produced according to IFRS. When selecting a partner, merger or acquisition target they will consider safety, reliability etcetera, which are ensured by the new standards. These advantages will not only apply to foreign entities. Bulgarian companies will also benefit from the introduction ofShow MoreRelatedWhat are the disadvantages of moving toward a set of global standards and what barriers need to be overcome to achieve the goal of standardization1104 Words  | 5 Pagesopinion, there are many advantages that speak for IFRS and their further development and adoption worldwide. First of all, accepting an international set of accounting principles will dramatically decrease the costs for reconciling one company’s financial reports with another’s. Comparing financial statements nowadays is one of the biggest issues for many firms operating on the global market, as accountants across countries follow different rules. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Role of Women in Ancient Roman Society Essay - 1341 Words
Introduction: The role of women in ancient Rome is not easily categorized; in some ways they were treated better than women in ancient Greece, but in other matters they were only allowed a very modest degree of rights and privileges. One thing that does seem clear is that as the city-state of Rome evolved from its early days into a more complex society; women were not always limited to secondary roles. In some areas of Roman society, women were allowed more freedoms than in many other ancient civilizations. Research: This paper will explore the historical research that indicates what roles women were allowed to play in Rome, including the Ellis textbook for some of the basic facts. Additional research information comes from another†¦show more content†¦Early Years during the Roman Republic The role of women in ancient Rome started out initially to be a limited one, primarily which consisted of being at home with the family. Furthermore, the man was the head of the household, and his authority was not challenged by his wife; she was expected to take a secondary role. This original role for women is often the lasting image that people have. Under original Roman law women went from the authority of their fathers to the authority of their husbands, and a woman was required to have a male supervise her finances. However, by about the beginning of the 1st Century BC women began to achieve greater freedom. Therefore, general assumptions to one extreme or the other on the status of women in the ancient world of Rome are difficult, because theory and reality were often far apart. For example, whereas Greek men usually regarded their wives as unimportant, Roman men placed a high value on marriage, home and the family and this made a difference in the way society treated of women. The kind of woman most Roman men wanted was one that was a loving wife that respected her husband and always followed his orders. She was usually expected to stay at home, and did not have much of a role outside the walls of herShow MoreRelatedWomen Of The Roman Empire1022 Words  | 5 PagesIn the Roman Empire, and in most ancient societies, the role and status of woman has been obscured by the bias of ancient male writers. Just as women are viewed in ancient Greece, and Imperial China, women in the Roman Empire were viewed as inferior to men. In the Roman Empire it was believed that women should be under the control of a guardian, which controls the aspects of her life. This guardian could be her father, husband, or a male relative (Nystrom). Marriage in the Roman Empire was not romanticRead MoreRoman Women as Rational Human Beings Essay1131 Words  | 5 Pagessaid that women should only stay in the house and keep quiet. Others said they should be restricted of expanding their knowledge. Was this out of fear? Or was this because men did not view women as intelligent human beings? 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The popularity of wine and drunkenness in Ancient Rome is clearly portrayed throughout poetry, art, literature and even laws. Although wine was eventually available to all, it’s implications for women were severe. An important connection between Ancient Rome and wine that is rarelyRead MoreWomen During The Ancient World1445 Words  | 6 PagesIn the ancient world, women were generally discriminated and deemed inferior to men. As a result, women in various civilizations were expected to uphold sexist stereotypes, which limited their freedoms and abilities. Two such civilizations were Ancient Rome and Early Modern England. England during the 15th and 16th centuries supported the Anglican faith. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Managerial Economics & Environmental Performances-Free-Samples
Questions: 1.Given the estimated profits and probability values for the three projects are accurate, describe the approach you would use to determine the priority order of the three projects. How does the initial capital cost influence your recommendation about the priority order of the projects? 2.Are there other factors beyond those in the case that you believe would be useful to know prior to making a decision on which projects would be better in the long run? 3.Given the estimated profit levels and associated probabilities in the three projects described in the data set, determine the expected profit for each. Continue the analysis for determining the prioritization of the projects using the approach you described earlier. 4.Provide an appropriate narrative of your results, including an explanation of why you believe which one or more of the projects is likely to support the long term viability of ECCO A/S and its future in the market. Answers: 1.The initial cost of the project is around 50 million. It provides the outline of the project and guidelines of the market price of the initial cost associated with the capital. The profit of the three sectors of the production plan, marketing program and distribution program all are based on the initial capital cost (Achim Borlea, 2014). The profits are also determinate on the base of the capital cost. It works as the benchmark on evaluating the projects (Masiukiewicz Dec, 2013). The guideline which has been provided in the excel format are the profits on the following years, the probability of the returns. The first step is to calculate the actual return based on the profitability of the given years on every program or project. Then we can etermine the actual return on that year. Then we can implement the application of the Net present value method to determine the actual return on the capital (Joller, 2015). We also ought to analysis which year the returns are the best on that certain series. Then we need to compare all the three projects or the program and find out which are the best combination of all times. Then we can suggest the management based on those calculations (Petty, 2015). At last we have to analysis the demand of the product in the market, the current market share of the product and the cost associate with every unit of production. The provided data is useful to determine the micro analysis part of the investment. There are also many more factors to determine the analysis of he investment. Those are micro analysis of the investment such as the technology which they are going to implement, the tax structure of the particular area that they are going to operate, current market scenario of the product and many more (Darpizio, 2015). Another fact is also that the market is based on the projected sales of a certain period of the time. If there is an increase or decrease of the certain product or industry then how they are going to effect in the sales. In the marketing strategy there it is not mentioned that which tools that they are going to implement and finally what are the distribution tools that they are going to project as per the supply chain management (Subacchi et al., 2015) . 3.For New Production Plan - New Production Plan Profits in Millions Probability Probable Profit -40 0.05 -2 45 0.15 6.75 65 0.3 19.5 90 0.25 22.5 102 0.25 25.5 Well from the above statement it shows that the highest probability of the profit 0.25 which lies between 90 and 102. Therefore it can be stated that the profit lies between 90 and 102. The average of the profit is 96, which lies closely to 90. Therefore assuming the circumstances of the organisation if the statement has taken the 90, then the profit lies in the 25.5 %. We can easily state that the organisation is going to have a profit at least 22.5 millions on the average of the respective years. The investment which is 50 million dollars, then the return on capital would be around 2 years on the life span of the investment. New Marketing Profits in Millions Probability Probable Profit 10 0.1 1 33 0.1 3.3 55 0.15 8.25 80 0.3 24 95 0.35 33.25 Well form the above statement shows that highest profits lies between 80 and 95 profits in millions. The probabilities of these profits are 0.3 and 0.35 which are the highest in that segment (Khalili-Damghani Sadi-Nezhad, 2013). It is determined that the profit would be between 80 and 95 millions. Based on the average of both are around 88, which is close to 95. Then we state that the return on the profit would be around 30 million dollars. The investment which is 35 million pounds would be payback within 1.5 years easily. New Distribution Programme Profits in Millions Probability Probable Profit -20 0.075 -1.5 25 0.15 3.75 55 0.2 11 75 0.225 16.875 55 0.35 19.25 The investment in the distribution program is around 22 million pounds. The probability of 75 million profit which lies 0.225, states that the probable profit is around 16.875 and in the 55 million profits which is having a probability of 0.35 is the probable profit of 19.25 million dollars. Therefore we can state that 18.0575 is the profit on the average. As the investment suggested the return on capital would be 1.21 years approximately. On the conclusion we can state that the probability of the including on the overall aspect of the production plan would be around (90- 102). In the case of marketing scenario it lies in (80 95) and finally the distribution program it lies in (55-75). On the overall we can state that the organisation if going to invest in the three aspects the return on capital would be around 1.5 to 2 years respectively. 4.Well in the long run the scenario may differ from the current one. It may include on the overall basis of the probability. The occurrence may happen on the basis of the long term effect. In the production, marketing and distribution we have to look after all the above all average on the profits and probability (Chong Tuckett, 2014). In that scenario we have to take the management overall average of both the probability and profits. In the first production plant analysis we can state that the total profit is around 262 million and probable profit is around 72.25 million dollars. Therefore the average is 14.45. If we take the average then the return on the investment would be 3.46 years on the investment which would be lower compare to the current one. In the case of new marketing the return on the capital would be around 3.91 years which is again a long term from the current one. Therefore if we take probability of the overall investment in the case of the distribution program then the return on capital would be again 3.85 years. So, if we look the investment from the long term point of view we could state that the return on capital would be around on the average of 4 years. Therefore it is certain that the return on the overall 107 million dollars investment would take approx 4 years in the long run. Reference List Achim, M. V., Borlea, S. N. (2014). Environmental performancesway to boost up financial performances of companies. Environmental engineering and management journal, 13(4), 991-1005. Chong, K., Tuckett, D. (2014). Constructing conviction through action and narrative: how money managers manage uncertainty and the consequence for financial market functioning. Socio-Economic Review, 13(2), 309-330. Darpizio, C., Levato, F., Zito, D., de Montgolfier, J. (2015). Luxury goods worldwide market study. Bain Company. Joller, M. (2015). Ecco Sko A/S. Khalili-Damghani, K., Sadi-Nezhad, S. (2013). A hybrid fuzzy multiple criteria group decision making approach for sustainable project selection. Applied Soft Computing, 13(1), 339-352. Masiukiewicz, P., Dec, P. (2013). Dysfunctions and risks of big financial institutions. Business Systems Economics, 3(2), 196-207. Petty, J. W., Titman, S., Keown, A. J., Martin, P., Martin, J. D., Burrow, M. (2015). Financial management: Principles and applications. Pearson Higher Education AU. Subacchi, P., Pickford, S., House, C. Options for restoring growth in Europe.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Balance Between Reality And Im Essay Research free essay sample
Balance Between Reality And Im Essay, Research Paper A Balance Between Reality And Imagination Ursula LeGuin wrote Why Are Americans Afraid of Dragons? because she wanted to direct out a message. She wants people to utilize their imaginativenesss without traveling excessively far in a universe of phantasy. LeGuin besides feels that worlds should be taking a mature, humane, swearing attack to the truth. Of all the short narratives read in the ENG OAO category, LeGuin would appreciate By the Waterss of Babylon the most. LeGuin would truly wish the message that Willa Cather has portrayed in Paul s Case. This narrative shows the reader that there is a certain degree of imaginativeness, which one must non transcend. LeGuin calls this the subject of the imaginativeness ( 327 ) . Cather sends us this message by holding Paul leap in forepart of a train to perpetrate self-destruction at the terminal of the narrative. All of his jobs were constructing up and he tried to avoid them, but they all came back to him and he was overwhelmed. LeGuin would wish Paul s character at the beginning of the narrative because he allowed his head to prosecute in free drama, such as when he sat down before a bluish Rico and lost himself ( 144 ) . Subsequently on in the narrative he got carried away with his imaginativeness and he repressed world. This is what LeGuin would non wish about Paul. LeGuin would non like anything about the narrative Arrangement in black and white by Dorothy Parker. The adult female in this narrative is racist towards coloured people and she acts as if she is making nil incorrect. She really thinks she is making some improbably nice when she calls a black individual Mister. Oh, delay boulder clay I tell Burton I called him Mister! ( 270 ) , she tells the host. The thing that LeGuin would non wish about this narrative is that the adult female is being inhumane by non sing coloured people equal. Unlike some of the other narratives, the chief character in this narrative does non acquire any type of penalty for her errors ( being racially bias ) , and because of this, the message in this narrative is non efficaciously revealed. The Door in the Wall by Herbert George Wells besides contains facets that would non be to LeGuin s liking, but the things she would wish about it overcome these. Wallace, the chief character in this narrative, is the hardworking, over-thirty American male ( 326 ) . His profit-mindedness causes him to quash his imaginativeness. Wallace sees a door several times in the narrative, which he believes opens to a fantasy universe. Because of his work ethic, he decides that his come ining the door would non be right because it is wholly unrelated to his calling. At the terminal of the narrative, Wallace is found on the other side of the door dead. Wallace s character would be disliked by LeGuin, nevertheless, she would wish the narrative because it proves her theory that the rejection of fiction comes with seve rhenium negative effects. This narrative conveys the message that even seting off or quashing one s imaginativeness temporarily can be a hapless pick because no 1 knows when life will stop. In The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, the terminal of one s life can be determined merely by a random drawing. Every twelvemonth the town has a traditional event where one individual is selected at random to be killed by being hit with stones, which are thrown by the remainder of the townsfolk. This is the narrative that Ursula LeGuin would detest the most due to the detestably inhumane characters. LeGuin believes in a mature, humane, swearing attack to the truth. The characters in The Lottery do nil near this. No 1 in the town even knows how the tradition came approximately ; they merely ignorantly follow it. Old Man Warner says angrily, There s ever been a lottery ( 256 ) . This shows that the lone ground everyone participates in the event is because it has ever been about. They are merely following the footfalls of those before them. Children learn from illustrations set from their seniors, and this is made known in the narrative by the undermentioned quotation mark: The kids had rocks already, and person gave small Dave Hutchinson a few pebbles. ( 258 ) The narrative ends without penalizing the inhumane characters and this makes it hard for the reader to obtain the message that Shirley Jackson is directing out. There is no misinterpretation in the message that Stephen Vincent Benet wanted to picture when he wrote By the Waterss of Babylon. In the first portion of immature John s journey, he, every bit good as the reader, think that the victims of the Great Burning were Gods. In this frame of head, the reader wonders what could hold happened to do this obliteration. Subsequently on in the journey, when it is realized that the Supreme beings were in fact human existences, the reader is struck with the dismaying idea of this same state of affairs go oning to our society. The reader is assured that the Supreme beings were really worlds when John, boy of John says I knew so that they had been work forces, neither Gods nor devils. ( 249 ) LeGuin would hold a important sum of grasp for this narrative. It gives the reader a flooring warning of what our current society will come to if we do non smarten up. Benet is learning the reader that unless all worlds act civilized, that is, taking for a mature, humane, swearing attack to the truth, so the result will be entire devastation. The austere impact of this narrative gets the reader believing about holding a more humanist attitude towards life. After deep analysis of all the short narratives read, it can be concluded that Ursula LeGuin would prefer Stephen Vincent Benet s By the Waterss of Babylon above all others. This narrative has shown that Benet s positions towards life are really similar to those of LeGuin, and because of this LeGuin would greatly appreciate this narrative.
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