Wednesday, January 29, 2020
A Proposal to Research the Liquid Remains After Resomation Essay Example for Free
A Proposal to Research the Liquid Remains After Resomation Essay Resomation is an alternative to cremation that helps the funeral industry and cuts down mercury emissions. The new technique of disposing a corpse is still not welcomed into potential clients mind frame do to the lack of information on the left over liquid once resomation is completed. I propose more research to be done on the liquid left behind and that the data collected to be shared with the general public. The research will be conducted within two years and six months with the result being a press release of our findings. I am asking for 1,388,800 dollars to fund this research and two years and six months to complete the project. With our findings clientele will be more aware of resomation and the components of the liquid that remains after completion. Introduction Cremation accounts for 34.34 percent of all corpse disposal in the United States in 2006 and is expected to rise to 58.85 percent by 2025 (CANA, 2008). Unfortunately, in the process of cremation, there are considerable amounts of mercury emissions into the atmosphere. Approximately 320 pounds of mercury is released by U.S. crematoriums each year (Reindl, 2008). Because of the high levels of mercury dispersed by U.S. crematoriums it is necessary for more research to be done on resomation as an alternative to cremation. This document is proposing more research to be done on resomation’s environmental aspects after the resomation process. This proposal will include the following information. The background on cremation, mercury and resomation will be covered, followed by my qualifications and project description. Background Since the 1870’s cremation has been a means of disposing a human body in the United States. However, cremation only accounted for 5 percent of all dispositions until 1972 when the market started to gain popularity (Davis and Mates, Page 102). As stated in the introduction, in 2006 cremation accounted for 34.34 percent of all dispositions and is expected to increase to 58.85 percent by 2025 (CANA, 2008). With the interest in cremation growing, so is the concern of mercury emissions due to the dental fillings of the deceased during cremation. The dental work has been accounting for approximately 320 pounds of mercury into the atmosphere. The amount of mercury emitted is estimated to rise even higher as more families are choosing cremation (Reindle, 2008). There are many questions regarding how to handle the mercury situation respectfully, safely and environmentally. Resomation is a new technique being used in 6 states in the U.S.(ABC News, 2011). The new process is beneficial to the funeral industry because of its fuel efficiency (Resomation LTD). This new technique can help the funeral industry make more profit along with reducing mercury emissions, that is if potential consumers choose resomation. Resomation still sets potential consumers ill at ease. The potential clientele are still hesitant to use the new method of disposition because of the liquids leftover after the process is finished (NYTimes). Some fear that the liquids are harmful for the environment because there have been few studies on the topic. The problem is potential clientele are reluctant to use resomation for fear that the liquid could be detrimental to the environment and to themselves (TIME). Research needs to be done so that there is more information for the general public about resomation. With this information available potential consumers will choose resomation over cremation. Qualifications I am a junior in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at Oregon state University, majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences with a minor in Biology. I have taken several classes related to chemical compounds, environmental studies and the human body. These courses will aid me in gathering research along with other scientists on my team. Leadership and organization are traits I posses and have shown in my previous work experiences. In my experience as a funeral directors assistant I was able to converse with families about the reasons they decided to not choose resomation. From my conversations with them I found that the overall concern was due to the liquefying process. Because of this experience in my life I feel like I can understand the concern of the general public. Project Description The purpose of this proposal is to conduct research revolving around the remaining liquid after the resomation process is completed. The results found in the research will give us information on whether the remaining liquid is environmentally safe or unsafe. Objectives In our research I will achieve the following goals: * Determine the exact chemical makeup of the remaining liquid left after resomation has taken place. * Determine if the liquid is environmentally safe. * Complete a press release on the findings. Methodology My plan for achieving the goals discussed in the previous section is by testing the liquid of donated human corpses after resomation has taken place. We plan on using 150 donated corpses to conduct the research study. Once the bodies have been resomated we will collect five samples of the liquid remains to be tested later on in the study. Testing the liquid will be done by using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. Mass spectrometry is a technique used for separating and identifying molecules based on mass. This technique will help determine the molecules in the liquid and will be able to identify if any of the deceased DNA is present (Genetics, 2003). Nuclear magnetic resonance is used to determine the structure of new natural and synthetic compounds, the purity of send compounds and its chemical reaction with the other compounds in the solution (Medical Discoveries, 1997). These two tools are able to determine chemical structures so that an accurate description of the liquids makeup can be found. With these instruments at hand we can determine the chemical compounds of the liquid down to its basic chemical elements. Once we have the chemical make-up of the liquid, we will begin to start looking at their reactions to the environment and if it is harmful. When it is determined that the material contained in the liquid is harmful or not harmful, we will begin work on a journal article that states our findings. After the journal article is finished we will create a press release so that our findings can be made known to the media. To respect the families of those who donated their bodies, we wish to return the ashes to them. This will not be a great cost to the project for it is just sending the remains to their family’s homes. Evaluation Tracking the experiments progress will be done by having the scientists and graduate students participating in the study keep journals of their progress each day. This way of tracking will help determine if we are moving at a slower or faster pace than what we are scheduled. Check points throughout the study will also be a way to evaluate our progress. An example of a check point would be to have all the samples of the remaining liquid collected by October of 2012. These check points will help the study stay on track and also give us small goals to achieve throughout the process. Determining if the project is successful or unsuccessful relies on if we can determine the chemicals present in the liquid. The success is not necessarily determined by if the liquids are environmentally safe. Whether our findings say it safe or unsafe we will be learning more about resomation which is a success because little is known about the process. Schedule The set schedule for the entire project is two years and six months, starting January of 2012. I will need seven months to find a location for the project to take place and for the equipment to be installed. Also within those seven months I intend to employ six graduate students and three scientists to work alongside me. After the completion of the seven months we will begin on the process of disposing of the donated bodies and taking samples of the remaining liquid. The course of disposing of the 150 human bodies will be given three months for completion, October of 2012. After all the samples are collected we will begin on using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance to determine the chemical compounds of the liquid. This part of the study must be completed by March of 2013. Once the data is collect from the samples we will need two months to determine if the compounds are environmentally friendly, May 2013. By the June of 2013 we will begin work on a journal article and have it completed by July of 2014. After the article is finished we will have a press release on our findings. The press release should be completed by August of 2014 and sent into the public. Budget The budget for this project is broken down as follows. * 400,000 dollars for a resomation chamber (Resomation Ltd.) * 68,800 dollars for a mass spectrometer (Labx) * 20,000 dollars for a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (Labx) * 800,000 dollars for employment of workers * 150,000 dollars for facility coverage for two years and six months * 100,000 for lab equipment I need 1,388,800 dollars to complete this project. I will need 538,800 dollars immediately to begin purchasing the equipment and securing a location. The rest of the 850,000 can be given in increments throughout the course of the project. Conclusion More research needs to be done on resomation so that more information is available to potential clientele. With this research I plan to determine the exact chemical makeup of the remaining liquid left after resomation has taken place and its environmental risks. After the project is complete, a press release will be created to inform the general public of our findings. With this association’s involvement in our research we can increase the use of resomation by the potential clientele. Resomation will financially benefit the funeral industry overtime more so than cremation (Rindle, 2008). The process of resomation is more cost effective for the funeral industry than cremation because it uses fewer resources, such as fuel. Not only does resomation help this association, but it also helps cut down on mercury emissions caused by cremation. With your financing of my project, potential clientele will begin to choose resomation over cremation. This new process will be benefitting both the National Funeral Directors Association and the environment. Works Cited Aquamation, a Form of Cremation: Better for the Environment? TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews Web. 02 Dec. 2011.,8599,2022206,00.html. About CANA. Cremation Association of North America (CANA). Cremation Association of North America, 2000. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. Davies, Douglas James., and Lewis H. Mates. CANA. Encyclopedia of Cremation. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005. Print. Klotz, Irene. Resomation Green Alternative to Cremation or Burial After Funeral, to Be Offered in Florida ABC News. Daily News, Breaking News and Video Broadcasts ABC News. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. Konigsberg, Ruth Davis. Resomation The New York Times Breaking News, World News Multimedia. 13 Dec. 2009. Web. 02 Dec. 2 011. NMR Systems, New and Used NMR Spectrometers For Sale. LabX New and Used Laboratory Equipment For Sale, Auctions, Wanted. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. Reindl, John. Summary of References on Mercury Emissions from Crematoria. Tech. 2008. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. Robinson, Richard. Mass Spectrometry. Genetics. 2003. 2 Dec. 2011 The Resomation Process. Resomation Home. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. X-ray Crystallography. Medical Discoveries. 1997. 2 Dec. 2011 Bibliography About CANA. Cremation Association of North America (CANA). Cremation Association of North America, 2000. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. Age Data. Census Bureau Home Page. 2010. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. Ashes to Ashes: Comparative Law regarding Survivors Disputes concerning Cremation and Cremated Remains. Oregon State University Libraries. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. Aquamation, a Form of Cremation: Better for the Environment? TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews Web. 02 Dec. 2011.,8599,2022206,00.html. Davies, Douglas James., and Lewis H. Mates. CANA. Encyclopedia of Cremation. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005. Print. Exit Strategies; Green Funerals. The Economist (US) 18 Sept. 2010. Print. Klotz, Irene. Resomation Green Alterna tive to Cremation or Burial After Funeral, to Be Offered in Florida ABC News. Daily News, Breaking News and Video Broadcasts ABC News. Web. 02 Dec. 2011.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction One of the most common ways for a firm to operate or finances its assets is capital structure. Capital structures refer as a combination of equity, debt and hybrid securities that used in the firm operation. In a perfect market, transaction or bankruptcy cost, inefficient information and taxes will not exist. Therefore, Modigliani and Miller created a theory of capital structure in a perfect market. The use of capital structure is important as it affect the firm profitability. Financial decision of a business organization becomes one of the important decisions that normally will represent by capital structure. Musiega, et al. (2013) claimed that choosing an appropriate capital structure will benefit the firm as it help a firm to adapt with various challenging and competitive business world thereby become more profitability. According to Zeitun and Tian (2007), managers who are able to identify the optimal capital structure will help the companies to increase the firm revenue or profitability and reduce the firm’s cost of finance. Nutshell, capital structure of a firm can influence a firm profitability; a firm health determined by a firm capital structure. By analyzing the choice of firm’s capital structure, financial behavior of a firm can be explained by the pecking order theory and the trade off theory (Ana, Dragan & Monica, 2012). Both of this theory provides a different relationship between the capital structure and profitability. Based on the study of Zabri (2012), the pecking order theory provide a negative impact of profitability on leverage while the trade-off theory provide a positive relationship between the capital structure and profitability. There are some of the findings... ...o investigate the relationship between the capital structure and profitability of firm. In order to have clearer and accurate evidence on the relationship between the capital structure and profitability, 24 of public listed companies in Sarawak Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE), Malaysia are chosen to test it. All the financial statement for 24 companies will record accurate and correctly in order to create an accurate test or relationship. The introduction of the research proposal will be discussed in chapter 1. In chapter 2, literature review will be discussed on various views of previous researches which relate to our topic. Research methodology and the data collection will be present in chapter 3 while chapter 4 will discuss about the result and discussion on the result. A conclusion and policy implication will be discussed in the final chapter of this study.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Competitive Advantage and Objectives Analysis Essay
Competitive advantage and objectives analysis go hand in hand in determining how marketers will determine product positioning. The main goal of a marketer is to create the image of the company or the product brand. Then the job becomes establishing or positioning the same image or brand into the target market. Positioning is putting the concept into the minds of the prospective consumer. It is important for a marketer to understand the different types of analysis and know how to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each type of analysis. In the following paper a comparison of this analysis will be introduced and explained. Different Types of Analysis Used Product Positioning Product positioning analysis is an important step in the marketing plan. Product positioning is when marketers design and image and value so that consumers in the target market understand how the product is important to them. The goal of marketers is to develop the image so it appeals to consumers and builds the competitive advantage. Product positioning is like the tactical factor or analysis that is part of the overall marketing strategy. It is important when developing the positioning strategy that each part of the mix is incorporated including price, how the product will be distributed, what type of advertising will be used, and most important how well will after – sell customer service be generated. Level Two Heading Replace the level two heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be in bold font. Read more about APA headings on the APA Style Blog. Conclusion The closing paragraph is designed to bring the reader to your way of thinking if you are writing a persuasive essay, to understand relationships if you are writing a comparison/contrast essay, or simply to value the information you provide in an informational essay. The closing paragraph summarizes the key points from the supporting paragraphs without introducing any new information. References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Reference and Citation Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry. The reference page always begins on the top of the next page after the conclusion.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Summer People, By Shirley Jackson And Smoke Ghost By...
QUESTION 3 The assertion that all works by weird fiction authors are simply â€Å"ridiculous flights of fancy wholly detached from ‘real world’ issues and problems†is completely false. I could choose almost any example from our readings and pick out some sort of â€Å"real world†issue or important thing that I have learned from them. For the sake of time, however, I will focus on â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, â€Å"The Summer People†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"Smoke Ghost†by Fritz Leiber. Each of these stories has succeeded in broadening my horizons and has taught me something important about the world in which we live. Weird fiction stories cover a wide range of important issues including sexism, the social structure of tourist towns and the disparity of the working class. In the introduction to the book Weird Fiction by S. T. Joshi, different aspects of the weird tale are examined. Joshi states that â⠂¬Å"the weird tale†¦did not (and perhaps does not now) exist as a genre but as the consequence of a world view†(1). This quote refers to the fact that weird literature stems from a desire to display a certain view of the world to readers, not just take them on a flight of detached fancy. Another point that Joshi makes about weird literature, is seen through a quote on the last page of his introduction, â€Å"In every case we shall see that each writers entire output is a philosophical unity, changing as the author’s conception of the world changesâ€
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